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Thread: Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood

  1. #461
    RIP SOUL'd OUT :( Marik's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Uberbaka
    I'm an anime only fma viewer and I'm loving the new storyline so much.

    I've never seen the first series or read the manga, so everything is new to me and I'm highly enjoying it.

  2. #462
    Join Date
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    This eps was amazing, I loved every bit of it.

    Who has a feeling Barry soul might have 'transferred' back to his body?

  3. #463
    i would say watch the first half of the original, then start with brotherhood. most likely it will feel like a reminder of the past episodes... by they way, anyone know how many charapters will brotherhood have?

  4. #464
    Personally as an original anime viewer I would say watch all of the first one, then watch the new one.

    As long as you keep an open mind to the split they are both (or atleast from what I've seen of brotherhood without reading the manga) excellent stories and I don't mind more content (even diverging) for the sake of seeing more of the characters/universe.
    Respect the joindate, not the postcount ;P

  5. #465
    I aim to misbehave Penner's Avatar
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    Man, that ep was like a gift from the god of awesome.

    "Always be yourself... unless you suck."

  6. #466
    Awesome user with default custom title NeoCybercoin's Avatar
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    Mustang>Ed any day now. That dude is badass. I've only seen the original anime but this is already way better. Action and story wise.

    So many incinerations in rapid succession. Almost feel sorry for Lust.
    I did laugh at the part where Mustang says how he understands why he fell for it.

  7. #467
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    I suppose that somewhere between the first series and this one that I had been wondering why everyone thought Mustang was so badass, and I guess the proof is in the pudding. The brutality of all the fighting in this episode was great. Nothing was as clean and full of finesse as Bradley's fight with Greed was.

    Al is better than Ed too.

    I liked how well the humorous parts were able to temporarily break the tension at key intervals, allowing the more dramatic parts in the white-lit room to really shine.

  8. #468
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco
    One of the best episodes so far if not the best.
    The best. Easily.

    The animation was pure eyecandy. Al looked kickass in this scene even while on the defensive.

    I've always wanted an Al x Winry pairing, even if the date was only for a little while, so this episode fulfilled a bit of that, even if the feeling was mutually romantic. Like Ryll said, the tension breaking was superb. I cracked up completely when Al's arm fell off.

    Quote Originally Posted by Besu
    Who has a feeling Barry soul might have 'transferred' back to his body?
    I got the feeling he's gone for good. From what we know, the soul leaves the transfixed item once you erase the mark, and we've got nothing to suggest it automatically goes into your original body if it's nearby, let alone an occupied body.

    If that was the case, you would have had to separate the body from the soul during extraction in Barry's case, and put him into the armour, since his body wasn't destroyed like Al's was.

    I really liked Barry, but I've got no complaints since he went the way he did. It wasn't a cheap "oh, side character not needed any more. Slice" ending. Whatever crazed soul in there was overcame by his body's sincere urge to get its soul back. It reflects the exact same feelings Ed and Al have had all along.

    It's only human.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  9. #469
    as great as this episode was, there were a whole bunch of scenes from the manga that got cut out that i was wish stayed in.We don't need the manga specifics in an anime thrread. Who knows, it might still happen later.
    Last edited by Kraco; Tue, 08-11-2009 at 12:43 AM.

  10. #470
    bloody hell. Burning himself to heal his wound?

    That is amazing if it can be done... or was it him trying to perform healing alchemy but fail terribly.

  11. #471
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by depthcharge
    bloody hell. Burning himself to heal his wound?

    That is amazing if it can be done... or was it him trying to perform healing alchemy but fail terribly.
    He stated that Healing Alchemy wasn't something he was good at. The quickest thing for him to do was to burn his wounds to seal the blood. I doubt failing at healing would cause a rebound burn. It would just fail. ie the wound would still be there.

    Human Transmutation rebound was another thing altogether.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  12. #472
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by depthcharge
    bloody hell. Burning himself to heal his wound?

    That is amazing if it can be done... or was it him trying to perform healing alchemy but fail terribly.
    There's nothing strange about that. Surely you have seen cauterization in plenty of movies before. He did nothing but stop the bleeding.

  13. #473
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    So much win.

    When Roy first ripped the stone out of Lust and she dusted I was thinking, "Man, the homonculus in this series are WAY easier to kill than in the first one." But it turned out not to be the case.

    And there's no way Barry is dead!

  14. #474
    The situation under which Barry died... lol... Al didnt even bother to pick his pieces up.

  15. #475
    was beginning to think that the old series was far better then the new and thinking of dropping this one, but wow this episode so good that there is no way I'm gonna drop it now

  16. #476
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Well, I still think that the parts of the story that are covered in both series, specifically the first 15 episodes or so of this one, are still way better in the old series. It's just much more fleshed out and less rushed.

    But now that we're into the new stuff, this series is completely awesome.

  17. #477
    I'm hesitant to think of the two series' as competing... I like them both as different stories.
    Respect the joindate, not the postcount ;P

  18. #478
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Fullmetal Alchemist: Ep 20

    [Eclipse] Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood - 20 - HD | SD

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  19. #479
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    A nice enough episode, even without huge battles.

    I hope Winry is falling for Ed.

  20. #480
    Awesome user with default custom title NeoCybercoin's Avatar
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    So basically what they dragged out of the "truth" with their Human Transmutation was the body of someone else? Most likely someone who attempted to do the same.

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