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Thread: Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood

  1. #101
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    I guess aside from all the technical stuff, this new adaptation is going to do absolutely nothing about my main gripes: How inconsistent the alchemy powers are and how script driven is Ed's battle performance. Actually the homunculi were the biggest annoyance to me, but it's tied to Ed's erratic behavior. Furthermore, I didn't remember Ed is one of these "I won't kill the criminal even if that means the villain will butcher the whole town in the mean time"... Figures.

  2. #102
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    what's wrong with Mustang's VA? I havn't watched the first FMA but in my opinion his voice is fitting, just like the others.

    He seems to be the cool loyal type who is good in analysing stuff and so on, but when he goes into action he is very hot-tempered. His VA is doing a good job, just like the others.

    and if I read Kraco's comment then I must say, it must be a good thing I haven't watched the first FMA... because were exactly is Ed's battle preformance script driven and how and where are the alchemy powers inconsistent in this ep?

    some examples?
    Last edited by KrayZ33; Mon, 04-06-2009 at 11:18 AM.

  3. #103
    The Fallen Abdula's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by KrayZ33
    but when he goes into action he is very hot-tempered.
    Yeah that is why I said he was acting out of character, because he isn't.
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  4. #104
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by KrayZ33
    and if I read Kraco's comment then I must say, it must be a good thing I haven't watched the first FMA... because were exactly is Ed's battle preformance script driven and how and where are the alchemy powers inconsistent in this ep?
    If I have understood correctly Ed's supposed to be some sort of a prodigy but all he did in this episode were cheap tricks and get his ass kicked, whereas this ice dude was levelling city blocks like nothing.

    Obviously I won't be giving other examples since the show has just started. Kind of hard to give any...

  5. #105
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Abdula
    Yeah that is why I said he was acting out of character, because he isn't.
    well... and is it the VA's fault? he was screaming when he said "don't underestimate my flames"

    and during their first encounter on the rooftops he was just talking to Isaac normally.

    If I have understood correctly Ed's supposed to be some sort of a prodigy but all he did in this episode were cheap tricks and get his ass kicked, whereas this ice dude was levelling city blocks like nothing.
    uhm... it took him like 5 seconds to defeat Isaac after it was revealed that Ed is the Fullmetal Alchemist.

    also, during the second fight Isaac was obviously empowered with this stone-thingy (red lightning instead of blue lightning when casting alchemy spells)

    and is Ed really alot better than everyone else? from what I got in this first episode he is famous because he can control elements and cast alchemy without the circles , thus he is able to control not only fire or ice like the others, but many different things... from what I could see, every alchemist has a different "transmutation-circle" drawn on their hands or armor etc.

    and to be honest.. isn't it a good thing that there are other strong alchemist out there? It would have been very boring if Ed's just going to solve every case in 3 seconds :/.
    Last edited by KrayZ33; Mon, 04-06-2009 at 12:08 PM.

  6. #106
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by KrayZ33
    uhm... it took him like 5 seconds to defeat Isaac after it was revealed that Ed is the Fullmetal Alchemist.
    Führer defeated Isaac, not Ed. In fact Ed only made an amateur mistake by thinking he got the man defeated when in fact he hadn't.

    and to be honest.. isn't it a good thing that there are other strong alchemist out there? It would have been very boring if Ed's just going to solve every case in 3 seconds :/.
    Sure, it's a most excellent thing. Especially when there's some reason why there are tougher guys and girls out there. If they just happen to look tough because the plot forces the main character to do stupid things or not to do what would need to be done, then it's all in vain.

  7. #107
    The Fallen Abdula's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by KrayZ33
    well... and is it the VA's fault? he was screaming when he said "don't underestimate my flames"

    and during their first encounter on the rooftops he was just talking to Isaac normally.
    What? When did I imply that Mustang acting out of character had anything to do with his VA?
    Dreaming impossible dreams.
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  8. #108
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    Well I was talking about the VA and how he managed to characterize Mustang with his voice.
    Or more exactly, that his voice is very fitting for the Mustang shown in this anime (and I thought you meant that the *VA* is making him look out of character.)

    And that's also why I don't understand why or how the voices ruin this anime for you and the others. (especially since the 2 main characters have the same VA)

    Führer defeated Isaac, not Ed
    during their first encounter, Ed defeated him too... and when he was about to get imprisoned he escaped.. so basically it's not his fault that Isaac escaped (the case was over for him ^^)
    the only difference here is that Führer defeated (an exhausted) Isaac by killing him
    Last edited by KrayZ33; Mon, 04-06-2009 at 12:56 PM.

  9. #109
    I aim to misbehave Penner's Avatar
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    hmmm...Shinsen or Eclipse?

    From previous experience they are both good but could someone who knows japanese/the manga tell me wich of the 2 have the most 'accurate' translations? :P

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  10. #110
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Ok, i never read the manga nor watched the first anime-adaption. im totally new to this series.

    That said, i like it overall, it feels as if there´s potential for a great, adventurous shounen-series.

    What i totally didnt like, though, was how the episode kept switching from super serious to super light-hearted. I.e. the very beginning when that ice magician killed several soldiers, and when he met Edward they started joking.
    Then later the ice guy kept killing people by freezing them, and in the next scene Edward attempts some easy going fighting.
    Maybe thats just me, but they should decide which tone to use for this series, and personally i prefer it a bit more serious than too much goofing around,

    Also, WHY was Edward able to defeat the ice guy all of sudden, when he didnt have a chance before? "Oh, you saw the empy armor, now im 10 times stronger" ;-/

    Anyway, ill keep watching

  11. #111
    Awesome! Looks like its between Eclipse and Shinsen subs for me!

  12. #112
    Genin The1LittleMchale's Avatar
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    I think Shinsen is better... but that is personal preference... I just figured I would say it so that maybe I could sway digital and penner to my side of their choice.

    I am really excited about this series though... As soon as my friend texted me this morning I started rememberin the old series and how I got to see the movie at Otakon a few years ago... epic

  13. #113
    Lasers? Cookies? FTW!
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    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli
    What i totally didnt like, though, was how the episode kept switching from super serious to super light-hearted. I.e. the very beginning when that ice magician killed several soldiers, and when he met Edward they started joking.
    Then later the ice guy kept killing people by freezing them, and in the next scene Edward attempts some easy going fighting.
    Maybe thats just me, but they should decide which tone to use for this series, and personally i prefer it a bit more serious than too much goofing around,
    Yeah, I find the humour a bit strange because it's so extreme, especially when compared to the very dark themes of this show which they gave us a bit of a taste of in this first episode (war and death and human transmutation among other things). But then again, when I watched the first anime series, I was fairly new to anime in general and I'd never seen the humour style where they draw the characters all weirdly, so I found it really annoying. Now, I've seen a lot more anime, and it doesn't bother me as much.

  14. #114
    Pretty good opening ep to start.

    Having Alleluyah's VA for Kimbley just suits his character perfectly.

  15. #115
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by many people
    Shinsen or Eclipse?
    Based on their portfolio, Eclipse has better video quality, as well as very good subs. The general consensus is that Shinsen aren't quite up to par with them quality-wise.

    Speed: Shinsen - if they prioritise it enough. These guys are a big group who try to sub as many shows each season as they can. When they bite off more than they can chew, some shows get dropped, while others get released erratically.

    Eclipse is a much smaller group, and their release schedule has been very consistent, though not necessarily the fastest.

    Good episode, coming from one who hasn't seen any previous material. VAs were all pretty good, and nothing felt out of place, but of course things can only be out of place if you assigned a correct place for them to begin with (for those who know each character's personality from other FMA media).

    Alphonse was a biit annoying, if anything. Not so much girly, but more kid-like.

    It's probably the art style, but some shots of Mustang's and Winry's face seemed rather squashed and square....

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  16. #116
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buffalobiian
    Alphonse was a biit annoying, if anything. Not so much girly, but more kid-like.
    He's supposed to be like that. He's the younger brother, and the older brother Ed is only... what? 15 years old? It's just the intentional clash of the hulking armour and the little kid's voice.

  17. #117
    Agreed with Kit; the comic relief was a bit extreme, but still funny. I just assume it is like that because it's ep one. Haruhi also kind of had a comidic statement in it's first ep. The comic relief did work, though. It wasn't as effective as say, Druaga, but it did make me laugh. I think I prefer to be drawn into a darker and more serious mood in this type of anime. Of course some anime get too dark and moody like Eureka Seven and Blood+ D:

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  18. #118
    I personally quite like the roller coaster effect of what they've got going. At one point it's all light-hearted and then *BAM* they remind you what's really going on.

    It worked extremely well in the previous anime, and I hope they keep it up for this one. (Sorry if that's too much comparing)
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  19. #119
    Genin yallo's Avatar
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    First impression of Roy Mustang's VA --- the voice sounds a tad too gentle and refined. But I guess it's all a matter of getting used to it.

    What bothers me a bit more is the extreme swing between normal animation and those squiggly cartoon-ish looking drawings. Somehow I don't recall this "sudden comic relief" being so pronounced in the previous series. Wonder if that's how it is in the manga?

    Came away feeling somewhat overwhelmed by this first episode, it kinda felt like they were trying to squeeze and pack a lot of information into it by introducing so many characters at one shot. The fight sequences also felt lacking in substance, half suspect it might be because this first episode is not actually from the manga? Can anyone confirm this?

    Highlight of the episode --- debut of Armstrong and his pink twinkling stars! You gotta love those!

    Oh and why is there "Brotherhood" added to the series name, is this official? Don't recall seeing this anywhere in the title screen of the anime.
    Last edited by yallo; Tue, 04-07-2009 at 11:51 AM.

  20. #120
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Boy, I guess it's a good thing I'm not a VA fag otherwise I'd have hated this episode apparently.

    As someone who watched all of the first FMA series, I'm not exactly sure what I'm supposed to know, and not know now, because I don't know what parts of the first series I need to retcon out of my brain as filler in order to understand whats going on.

    It's all "Well, I know that character's secret, but maybe that secret was from the fillers and his actual secret is something completely different!"

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