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Thread: Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood

  1. #881
    Quote Originally Posted by Buffalobiian View Post
    Al might have gained the knowledge from the Truth, but skill seems to be another matter.

    As proof of this, his transmuted legs look pretty shitty.
    Well I'm not sure about that, felt more like they made them look like that to emphasis the fact that he transmuted a new pair of legs. Kinda like how Kimblee explained that there will be traces of a alchemy being used after they use it, think he mentioned it when he was hunting after Scar. Same as how Ed found the underground passage, because you'd normally think the government can cover up a wall better than that, but if transmuting something always leaves some kind of trace it makes sense.

    Quote Originally Posted by Buffalobiian View Post
    I have to say the same thing to Ed too. The best thing to do against dumb, immortal masses are to trap them. You've got them in the same room as you, so how about some cages/rooms/pits or whatever. Beats doing something that obviously isn't working.
    I'm not sure if this is correct now but doesn't overusing alchemy tire out the user? At least in the first show when they showed a guy transmuting that tower, he could barely stand afterwards. Then again we've never seen Ed get tired or anyone else but if it applies to them as well then he might be saving energy to fight the bigger guys. But other than that I do agree that he should use his alchemy more.

    Quote Originally Posted by Dark Dragon
    I can't remember an instance in this series where they are able to change element. I might be mistaken so if someone can find it, feel free to point it out.
    Didn't Ed transmutate coal into gold when he tricked Yoki? Not sure if that counts though. And a spear seemingly made out of metal from the ground when he did the practical alchemy test. Other than that I can't really think of anything.
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  2. #882
    Quote Originally Posted by fireheart View Post
    Well I'm not sure about that, felt more like they made them look like that to emphasis the fact that he transmuted a new pair of legs. Kinda like how Kimblee explained that there will be traces of a alchemy being used after they use it, think he mentioned it when he was hunting after Scar. Same as how Ed found the underground passage, because you'd normally think the government can cover up a wall better than that, but if transmuting something always leaves some kind of trace it makes sense.

    I'm not sure if this is correct now but doesn't overusing alchemy tire out the user? At least in the first show when they showed a guy transmuting that tower, he could barely stand afterwards. Then again we've never seen Ed get tired or anyone else but if it applies to them as well then he might be saving energy to fight the bigger guys. But other than that I do agree that he should use his alchemy more.

    Didn't Ed transmutate coal into gold when he tricked Yoki? Not sure if that counts though. And a spear seemingly made out of metal from the ground when he did the practical alchemy test. Other than that I can't really think of anything.
    Yea but it turned back to coal, I always assumed that it was not really gold, just made to look like it.

    Anyway, yea cool eps., I hope that Al gets more out of that stone than just 2 new legs. He is about to fight 2vs1 and whats the point of getting new legs when all they have to do is grab him again with the shadow. BTW, about how many eps are left in this series? The first one ended at 52, so this seems like it is going to go on for a bit longer, but not too much longer.

  3. #883
    Quote Originally Posted by kaniskii View Post
    Yea but it turned back to coal, I always assumed that it was not really gold, just made to look like it.

    Anyway, yea cool eps., I hope that Al gets more out of that stone than just 2 new legs. He is about to fight 2vs1 and whats the point of getting new legs when all they have to do is grab him again with the shadow. BTW, about how many eps are left in this series? The first one ended at 52, so this seems like it is going to go on for a bit longer, but not too much longer.
    If it were just made to look like gold then it wouldn't turn back to coal now would it? I always figured he just transmuted it back to coal after the deal was done.

    Think someone said in one of the older FMA threads that it's going to be 62 episodes.
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  4. #884
    Alchemy is the rearranging of molecules. You take away or add some protons, and bam you have a different element. I see no reason why Al could not have changed the earth into metal if this entire show revolves around alchemy.

  5. #885
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Carnage View Post
    Alchemy is the rearranging of molecules. You take away or add some protons, and bam you have a different element. I see no reason why Al could not have changed the earth into metal if this entire show revolves around alchemy.
    In that case there's no reason why transmuting a person would require the gathering of exactly the same amounts of the various chemicals in the human body (sulphur, carbon... the list goes on). It's obvious that they could not just make every single element under the sun from whatever they could find.

    And the "rearranging of molecules" stops you from interfering at the subatomic level already, by definition.

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  6. #886
    Quote Originally Posted by Buffalobiian View Post
    In that case there's no reason why transmuting a person would require the gathering of exactly the same amounts of the various chemicals in the human body (sulphur, carbon... the list goes on). It's obvious that they could not just make every single element under the sun from whatever they could find.
    Why would you bother transmuting probably trillions of molecules into different elements
    to form complex cells, tissues, and organs, when you could prepare the exact amounts in advance?

    Quote Originally Posted by Buffalobiian View Post
    And the "rearranging of molecules" stops you from interfering at the subatomic level already, by definition.
    I'm sorry, I do not understand your point. What is to stop them from rearranging subatomic particles? They've done it before in the show....transmute gold...

  7. #887
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Carnage View Post
    Why would you bother transmuting probably trillions of molecules into different elements
    to form complex cells, tissues, and organs, when you could prepare the exact amounts in advance?
    In that case, you're saying it's a complexity issue. Then I haven't seen anybody bother to do anything so complex as to transmute one element into another.

    I'm sorry, I do not understand your point. What is to stop them from rearranging subatomic particles? They've done it before in the show....transmute gold...
    I was using the definition of "molecules", which in nature exists as either pure elements, a group of pure elements (02), or a group of them (H2O). If all they do is rearrange them, then they don't mess with subatomic particles.

    As for transmutating gold, you'll have to remind me of where that happened. I don't remember.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  8. #888
    Im guessing Wrath might turn good or at least help.. Mustang did save his wife and he seems to care about her a little bit..

  9. #889
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    My bet is he cares about her more than anything else in the world.

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  10. #890
    The Dark Dragon. Dark Dragon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buffalobiian View Post
    As for transmutating gold, you'll have to remind me of where that happened. I don't remember.
    That was the event with Ed tricking Yoki out of the mining town deed. It didn't appear in this series and was only reference in a flashback. The event is relevant to the manga storyline however.

  11. #891
    Well looking at the description that they used to show at the start alchemy is about understanding the structure of matter, breaking it down and rebuilding it. And looking at episode 43 when Olivier and that other guy talks about alchemy one of the rules are to not make gold, so looking at it that way it is indeed possible to create anything as long as you have the same amount of matter.

    Though it doesn't seem to be exactly consistent with most of the alchemy that's being shown. If it's like that Ed shouldn't have to touch the ground to create something since he should be able to restructure the air to whatever he needs.

    It could also be that each matter can only take certain routes and be reconstructed according to those routes a rough example would be inorganic matter won't be able to turn into organic matter. Another example from the first show in the exam where the a guy made paper and hydrogen from tree and water, that he had to use those matter to create paper and hydrogen. Which also explains why Ed mentioned that he's happy he kept the northern automail as it enabled him to mimic Greed, which seems like he wouldn't have been able to with his old one. It also emphasizes the understanding part, Ed didn't know what was in the northern automail so he couldn't use alchemy to destroy it, same goes for Scar. If all matter were the same and could be broken down and reconstructed to anything then it wouldn't matter what things are made of as the process would have been the same for the deconstruction.

    If we go with this then the philosophers stone bypasses 2 essential rules in alchemy, the amount of material needed as well as opening all routes which is why Al was able to make new legs. Well that's my guess anyway
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  12. #892
    Well, I think that when you try to break things down at the atomic level, things can go BOOM!

    For the series, you're only allowed to rearrange molecules. You can't turn Hydrogen to another element--any other element is heavier, so equivalent exchange would not work.

    As far as the gold thing, I think it's probably an oversight by the author.

  13. #893
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    I don't think the author really though about nuclear physics when designing her alchemy for the series. Both splitting heavier atoms (fission) and merging lighter (fusion) would indeed be quite troublesome for the alchemist and those around them due to radioactive and neutron radiation.

    However, if she simply ignored that aspect there's no reason why one couldn't build anything out of lighter atoms since you only need to take a bunch to get enough protons/neutrons/electrons for any heavier element. Although hydrogen would be troublesome since it lacks any neutrons unless you stick to the rare isotopes. However, water contains oxygen as well, which provides plenty of neutrons.

  14. #894
    I aim to misbehave Penner's Avatar
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    This show is an example of how all anime should be, it's just that awesome.

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  15. #895
    Moderator Emeritus masamuneehs's Avatar
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    a fountain pourin' like an avalanche, comin' down the mountain
    i certainly didn't like the OP. i was not crazy about any of the OPs at first listen, for any of them in this series, but this one i really don't like. the ED is tolerable, imho.

    the episode was ok, but a bit standard shounen. i do, however, love that Pride was fucking morse code messaging for help the whole time Al thought he was just "being childish", and that it was Kimblee who showed up to help his ass.

    and kudos to Al for realizing he has to use the help of others (even dead ones) to get the good shit done. puts a nice wrinkle on the standard "i may be the shounen lead, but i'll always consider myself just another joe".

    Humans are different from animals. We must die for a reason. Now is the time for us to regulate ourselves and reclaim our dignity. The one who holds endless potential and displays his strength and kindness to the world. Only mankind has God, a power that allows us to go above and beyond what we are now, a God that we call "possibility".

  16. #896
    RIP SOUL'd OUT :( Marik's Avatar
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    Fullmetal Alchemist: Ep 52

    [Eclipse] Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood - 52 - HD | SD

  17. #897
    Genin seanos's Avatar
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    Very nice episode - I thought this was the final episode, recall anidb mentioning only 52 episodes, nice to see they now say 63; was thinking it was getting a bit rushed...

    Loved Al fighting in this episode, fairly impressive scene.
    Actually, most of the fighting scenes in this episode very impressive, the Armstrongs proving very interesting (and humorous) as usual, with some nice show of power from both siblings.

  18. #898
    Photoshop Hero Alhuin's Avatar
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    This was the most badass episode to date, for me. Aside from the doll fighting on Ed's end (I think someone mentioned in another episode thread he should just make a giant pit or something for them to fall into... that sounded like an excellent idea). The battle between Al and Pride/Kimblee was amazing, and I didn't see Ed make any battle mistakes, except not paying attention to Kimblee when he finally caught Pride the second time. Marcoh's arrival, and then even Yoki's assistance was unexpected, but at least they're entrances were flashy. Never expected Kimblee to go down that easily. But his death, like Pride mentioned, fit his philosophy on life.

    Olivier and Armstrong double team was just as excellent. Him making the wounds and her attacking those wounds to actually inflict injury was great teamwork. Never expected Sloth to be the fastest homunculus, and he does have one hell of a powerful attack, but as they both figured out, he has no control over direction, or stopping until he hits something, so Armstrong was able to use that to his advantage very nicely. And I especially liked Olivier's provocation of the soldier's, demanding they think for themselves.

    I am greatly looking forward to each episode now. I can only assume the battles are going to become much greater than the 3(4) that took place in this episode.

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  19. #899
    Moderator Emeritus masamuneehs's Avatar
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    a fountain pourin' like an avalanche, comin' down the mountain
    loved the scenes with Pride/Kimblee vs Al and company (particularly the dialogue with Kimblee's "4th Option" and Pride's nasty send off)

    Oh Yoki, you finally did it =p

    Sloth being the fastest is Homunculi was a laugh in itself (not to mention the way he attacks, FAIL!), and I really liked how badass both Armstrongs were this episode, but it was also nice to see Envy using his powers more, and Al bringing out the Stone.

    the good guys are doing quite well right now. Lust is down, Greed basically fights with the good guy's now, Envy can't even take on Mei, Sloth isn't doing too well, Pride is a bit isolated (and you can add Gluttony and Kimblee to his cost) and, well, the last time we saw Wrath (outside of the spoilerific OP), he was way the fuck away from Central.

    on the good guys' side, the super team of Ed and Scar just got stronger with Roy joining up (and Hoenheim is down there,too) and Al is on the way with Marcoh and a Stone. Greedlin + Ninjas already destroy house whenever they show up, and it all seems to be going against that pessimistic OP

    "Brave humans are very easy to trick."

    Humans are different from animals. We must die for a reason. Now is the time for us to regulate ourselves and reclaim our dignity. The one who holds endless potential and displays his strength and kindness to the world. Only mankind has God, a power that allows us to go above and beyond what we are now, a God that we call "possibility".

  20. #900
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    So is the manga over now, and is this series going to end up covering all of it?

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