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Thread: Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood

  1. #821
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco
    It didn't seem like Al had any part in the bigger plans so getting caught will only cause some unpredictable difficulties later on, if anything. It would have been a different story if they had counted on him doing something. Although who knows how solid their plans are nearing the end. These initial phases were smart for sure but it's not like they really know their enemy inside out and could thus plan for everything.
    Al getting caught seems like it would be nessecary for the badguys end of the plan.

    I remember earlier in the series everyone was always calling the various protagonist alchemists "possible sacrifices". And then Father had his little map that showed he needed 5 of them at different points on his transmutation circle.

    Now it just so happens that the big event is coming, and all the main characters are spread out all over the country, where they can probably each be caught and taken to were Father needs them to be sacrificed.

    I think the good guys think they're manipulating the homonculus, but really its Father that's outmanuvering them.

    Also, Winry underboob....that is all.

  2. #822
    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu
    Two things are still hanging out there for me. Where is Lan Fan with her (hopefully) new arm, and how are they going to tie in the tattoo on Hawkeye's back with a major powerup for Mustang? They mentioned all those episodes that her mangled (post-Ishval) tattoo contains her father's secrets to the ultimate flame alchemy, and I'm hoping at some point they bring it back into the fold. It just isn't clear to me how Roy might figure it out through the scarring. Maybe he has just never seen it? The same goes from Lan Fan. She and her grandfather were going to get her automail and come back, and it has been quite a long time.
    I was under the impression that the secret fire alchemy *is* what Mustang already has. No one else has his alchemy.

  3. #823
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    Unofficial version with no tsunami warning + eclipses subs

    Already downloaded it. Its real.

  4. #824
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sam98034
    I was under the impression that the secret fire alchemy *is* what Mustang already has. No one else has his alchemy.
    Her father trained him, and seemed to be the only State Alchemist prior to Mustang who used fire. With his death, all fire alchemy remains with Mustang. They specifically mentioned that he had some major discovery which killed his motivation for further study, since he felt his life's work was complete. He tattooed that on Riza's back, and it was damaged when she was in Ishval.

    I wish I could remember the episode, but it was pretty early on.

  5. #825
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu
    Her father trained him, and seemed to be the only State Alchemist prior to Mustang who used fire. With his death, all fire alchemy remains with Mustang. They specifically mentioned that he had some major discovery which killed his motivation for further study, since he felt his life's work was complete. He tattooed that on Riza's back, and it was damaged when she was in Ishval.

    I wish I could remember the episode, but it was pretty early on.
    He also said something that al Alchemist lives to seek more knowledge/enlightenment or something, and since his work was complete, he didn't feel much regret in dying. He was rather sickly in bed.

    Mustang and him had some sort of quarrel that ended their master/relationship. I think it was to do with joining the military. His master then refused to teach him the ultimate fire alchemy.


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  6. #826
    RIP SOUL'd OUT :( Marik's Avatar
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    Official v2

    [Eclipse] Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood - 46 - HD | SD

    v2 with a clean raw.

  7. #827
    I aim to misbehave Penner's Avatar
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    Really great ep, and Ed really is getting bigger, i like his more mature look.

    We also got some under-boob from Winry, nice ^_^

    "Always be yourself... unless you suck."

  8. #828
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    I wonder if his getting taller has anything to do with using the lighter, frost-resistant automail for a few months. Granted, he still could have been growing regardless, but all previous scenes have indicated his orgininal automail weighs a ton.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  9. #829
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Fullmetal Alchemist: Ep 47

    Eclipse - Episode 47: SD | HD


    That is one KICK ASS automail. It's dripping with style.
    Last edited by Buffalobiian; Tue, 03-09-2010 at 07:30 AM.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  10. #830
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    I came. That was one kickass entry by Lan Fan. And that automail was badass.

    Also seem to be some insight to Prides powers. He can't use the shadow if there is no light to cast one. Also when he got that hit on GreedLin he actually bounced the shadow of the ground. Maybe it has some kind of mass and he can't actually change the "trajectory" of the shadows that easily. So instead he recoils the shadows to quickly change the path.

    And the chimeras shows of some coolness. They seem to have a really great team able to fight in any environment. Also nice that Lin and Greed seem to work more and more together.

  11. #831
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    This was a kickass episode for sure. One thing I'm wondering about is why Ed doesn't try to transmutate Pride's shadows. Ed's no Scar, that's true, but still he should try it when everything else fails. They can harm things so they should be made of something solid he could affect.

  12. #832
    Meanwhile: Heaven Weeps. Y's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco
    This was a kickass episode for sure. One thing I'm wondering about is why Ed doesn't try to transmutate Pride's shadows. Ed's no Scar, that's true, but still he should try it when everything else fails. They can harm things so they should be made of something solid he could affect.
    In order to transmute something, like Greed's armor, I think he has to know what it's made of first, even to decompose it. I doubt he knows what Pride's shadows are made of.

  13. #833
    Wow shits intense....... I wonder Who is dying next week..

  14. #834
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Heh, just when I was wondering whether she'd come back or not, she comes back in style. What's really impressive is how proficient she is with the arm in such a short time. Ed took a several months or maybe even a year. I guess Lan Fan was even more determined considering how much her honor and pride was hurt for failing to effectively protect Lin against Bradley and later being forced to leave his side. She must have gotten the arm and then rested only when she was too exhausted to stand while learning to use it.

    The rest of the episode was great too. Ed punching Hoenhiem right in the face. Ed was even a lot smarter than most who have faced off with Pride. He figured out the connection to shadows fairly quick. It doesn't hurt that Pride is under orders not to kill him, but he's certainly a bit better off than most so far.


    Grumman too. I shouldn't have thought of him as some innocent old man considering his military position, but I guess I'm a little naive then. Everyone in the Amestris army has ambition, no one is purely altruistic (except maybe Armstrong, which is why his sister kicked his ass so thoroughly).
    Last edited by Ryllharu; Tue, 03-09-2010 at 06:24 PM.

  15. #835
    Well in Ed's defense he had 2 automail he had to get used to and did it in 6months while the normal time required is a year I think and this happened when he was 11(?). Also did they ever say how long the timeskip is? Since don't know if they ever said what time of the year it was when Lan Fan left or when the timeskip started. But nonetheless nice entry of her, wonder how she found them.
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    When all the world turns away to leave you lonely

  16. #836
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu
    Heh, just when I was wondering whether she'd come back or not, she comes back in style. What's really impressive is how proficient she is with the arm in such a short time. Ed took a several months or maybe even a year. I guess Lan Fan was even more determined considering how much her honor and pride was hurt for failing to effectively protect Lin against Bradley and later being forced to leave his side. She must have gotten the arm and then rested only when she was too exhausted to stand while learning to use it.

    The rest of the episode was great too. Ed punching Hoenhiem right in the face. Ed was even a lot smarter than most who have faced off with Pride. He figured out the connection to shadows fairly quick. It doesn't hurt that Pride is under orders not to kill him, but he's certainly a bit better off than most so far.
    At first I was wonder what Ed did, since any transmutation at a distance was usually associated with Eastern Alchemy. Then after remember seeing the sparks travel across the ground I settled with that Ed busted up the ground in a continuous line all the way to the power poll. You'd need damn good accuracy to pull it off for sure, but I suppose that's plausible since I don't remember him learning Eastern.

    When we only saw the blur and blades, my thoughts were seriously:

    It's Al?!
    It's Hoenheim?!
    No.. It's Lan Fan!!

    When the Elric brothers promised to introduce her to an awesome automail mechanic, I thought for sure it would have been Winry. Then, remembering how surprised (and hence impressed) her gramps was at Paninya's hidden cannon, having Dominic take on the job makes perfect sense.

    edit@edit^: Having Grumman being powerhungry was surprising, but that got one-upped by having the young Miles one-up him. Given the brilliant display of deception skills last episode, that only makes our Ishbalan even more impressive.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  17. #837
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fireheart
    Well in Ed's defense he had 2 automail he had to get used to and did it in 6months while the normal time required is a year I think and this happened when he was 11(?). Also did they ever say how long the timeskip is? Since don't know if they ever said what time of the year it was when Lan Fan left or when the timeskip started. But nonetheless nice entry of her, wonder how she found them.
    I think the difference is how much more proficient she seems than Ed was. Even if it took both of them 6 months (I forget how long the jump was supposed to be, winter -> spring/summer), Ed could walk and move with his arm and leg, but I wouldn't say he was really proficient with it until he and Al trained with Izumi. Lan Fan on the other hand seems to be even more powerful that she was before. She's integrated with the blade the same way Paninya was with her canon, and the huge guy at Briggs was with the crocodile arm or the claws. Ed is pretty sloppy as a fighter when he transmutes his arm into a punch blade. He's certainly better than the average person, but he gets tossed around a lot without the assistance of his alchemy. I'm not knocking Ed so much as admiring how much more impressive she appears to have become.
    Quote Originally Posted by Buffalobiian
    When the Elric brothers promised to introduce her to an awesome automail mechanic, I thought for sure it would have been Winry. Then, remembering how surprised (and hence impressed) her gramps was at Paninya's hidden cannon, having Dominic take on the job makes perfect sense.
    Are we certain it is Dominic? Your logic makes perfect sense, but can we be really sure? Integrated weapons aren't something specific to them, Ed's automail (Rockbell creations) actually seems to be a bit on the uncommon side because it doesn't have some integrated weaponry. It seems to make up for it by being more powerful, more durable, and more maneuverable than the average automail. If I'm not mistaken, Dominic's was special because not only did he squeeze a cannon of all things into it, he also made it quite well rounded like Rockbell automail.

    Also the grandpa had said that despite Ed and Al recommending Winry/Pinako, they will decline because by going to the Rockbell's they would be bringing an enemy into a friend's of Ed and Al's. The two of them were Enemies of the State, which would put anyone they went to potentially at risk.

  18. #838
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu
    I think the difference is how much more proficient she seems than Ed was. Even if it took both of them 6 months (I forget how long the jump was supposed to be, winter -> spring/summer), Ed could walk and move with his arm and leg, but I wouldn't say he was really proficient with it until he and Al trained with Izumi. Lan Fan on the other hand seems to be even more powerful that she was before. She's integrated with the blade the same way Paninya was with her canon, and the huge guy at Briggs was with the crocodile arm or the claws. Ed is pretty sloppy as a fighter when he transmutes his arm into a punch blade. He's certainly better than the average person, but he gets tossed around a lot without the assistance of his alchemy. I'm not knocking Ed so much as admiring how much more impressive she appears to have become.
    On this topic, I've always wondered how much of Ed's non-elite fighting skills (and growth stunt) can be attributed to Winry's heavy creation of an automail. Dominic (? -> might have been someone else) could have been joking when he said it made Ed so short, or he could have been serious.

    One point that really supports this was how fast Ed was when he was equipped with Northern automail. They made it sound like carbon fibre, so it being lighter makes sense. Whether such an incredible increase in Ed's speed can be from simple carbon fibre alone is debatable.

    But in any case, I agree with you that Lan Fan's very proficient with her new toy. Besides determination, I see her background as a contributing factor too. As she seems to come from a lineage of guards/servants, daily training should be nothing new to her, while Ed was, back then, just a really smart kid.
    Quote Originally Posted by Ryll
    Are we certain it is Dominic? Your logic makes perfect sense, but can we be really sure? Integrated weapons aren't something specific to them, Ed's automail (Rockbell creations) actually seems to be a bit on the uncommon side because it doesn't have some integrated weaponry. It seems to make up for it by being more powerful, more durable, and more maneuverable than the average automail. If I'm not mistaken, Dominic's was special because not only did he squeeze a cannon of all things into it, he also made it quite well rounded like Rockbell automail.

    Also the grandpa had said that despite Ed and Al recommending Winry/Pinako, they will decline because by going to the Rockbell's they would be bringing an enemy into a friend's of Ed and Al's. The two of them were Enemies of the State, which would put anyone they went to potentially at risk.
    My idea was a total assumption, yes. I completely forgot on what basis gramps declined their offer though, so you're right in that approaching anybody would have meant gramps taking back his words.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  19. #839
    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu
    I think the difference is how much more proficient she seems than Ed was. Even if it took both of them 6 months (I forget how long the jump was supposed to be, winter -> spring/summer), Ed could walk and move with his arm and leg, but I wouldn't say he was really proficient with it until he and Al trained with Izumi. Lan Fan on the other hand seems to be even more powerful that she was before. She's integrated with the blade the same way Paninya was with her canon, and the huge guy at Briggs was with the crocodile arm or the claws. Ed is pretty sloppy as a fighter when he transmutes his arm into a punch blade. He's certainly better than the average person, but he gets tossed around a lot without the assistance of his alchemy. I'm not knocking Ed so much as admiring how much more impressive she appears to have become.
    Not really arguing your point but don't think Ed really had any reason to increase his abilities as a fighter or integrate his automail into his fighting style until stuff started to happen in the series. After all he's an alchemist and not a fighter so his focus most of the time has been on the alchemy part and the only reason he can fight is because Izumi made them do it while teaching them alchemy. And as Lan Fan wanted to get stronger and better at fighting so that she could fight against the homonculus it's more natural that she's stronger now.

    I think Ed realized that he either have to get a lot better at fighting since Father neutralized their alchemy so he can't depend on that or learn eastern alchemy and integrate it so that he can still fight with alchemy. Which comes down to if Ed is willing to ask his dad for help to get better at alchemy.
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    When all the world turns away to leave you lonely

  20. #840
    I aim to misbehave Penner's Avatar
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    I seriously thought it was Bradley that cut up Gluttony, mostly because he seems to be the the only one skilled enough to do that, while at the same time thinking "why the fuck would he do that?"

    I knew Lan Fan was good but i had no idea she was that good.

    "Always be yourself... unless you suck."

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