Yeah, that sure made things clear...I think we would want to get a little more background on that and take a class in Math Philosophy class as well.Originally Posted by poopdeville
Yeah, that sure made things clear...I think we would want to get a little more background on that and take a class in Math Philosophy class as well.Originally Posted by poopdeville
I'm glad everyone has digested and now understands what The Truth tells Ed in episode 2.Originally Posted by poopdeville
I liked the old Op better, and was kinda bummed out by the clip show.
When man invented the bicycle he reached the peak of his attainments. Here was a machine of precision and balance for the convenience of man. And (unlike subsequent inventions for man's convenience) the more he used it, the fitter his body became. Here, for once, was a product of man's brain that was entirely beneficial to those who used it, and of no harm or irritation to others. Progress should have stopped when man invented the bicycle. ~Elizabeth West, Hovel in theHills
Gotta agree about the new OP. The instrumentals are cool, but the singer is really annoying. Same with the new ED. The old opening and endings will be missed. D;
Lol AoShen... gotta love them for their cute yet futile persistence
I dl'd the aoshen because Marik got beat to the punch ( how marik, how? )
Idk what they did w\ their video encode but it was a pain.... it refuses to rewind or ffwd, so i might end up dl'ing one of the other versions just to watch the scenes from the next ep.
Did they really need to do a recap episode?!?! it was ok, but i just kept waiting for them to jump back into the story and not just mix in recap w\ hoenheim.
Because Eclipse's version came out much later?Originally Posted by itadakimasu
A recap episode would give the manga an extra week I suppose. The anime is already on chapter 53 out of 100, at this rate the manga has only half a year before it catches up, but hopefully it finishes soon.
Wouldn't mean all that much considering FMA comes out monthly. And the most recent chapter was just this week.
Is it wrong for me to wish that instead of this catching up to the manga they create a third storyline and as a result a third anime?
Seriously though, they'll hopefully just take a break, Black Lagoon style, if they catch up and not butcher it Naruto/Kenshin style...
Respect the joindate, not the postcount ;P
I haven't read it in a while but isn't the manga close to its ending too?
[22:11] <masamune> mother of fucking spoiler OPs
[22:11] <masamune> i fucking HATE when they show so much shit in the OP
[22:12] * masamune did, although, have a bit of a fangasm at all the Kimblee and _____ in the new FMA OP
also, is it just me, or must Pinako have shrunk a LOT since the time she met Hoenheim? Must be all that booze...
oh, wait. IT WAS ALL A DREAM! Thanks for giving us our first real look at that character through that tireless flashback framing device. Ugh. I was quite displeased with how this episode turned out. It did a lot of unneccesary things to increase the drama, but, for what? For a recap episode? Fucking should have saved it for the real goddamn episodes...
the ED song is standard j-pop. Nothing great, nothing awful. I thought the OP song wasn't very good, but did enjoy the animation behind it
if they took your first option, it would actually be two animes (neither of which would 'faithfully' encapsulate the manga), and then just the manga.Originally Posted by Uberbaka
I have no clue how the time frame for the manga and anime is scheduled. If we have 23 weeks left (assume the anime is 50 episodes), that gives us just about 6 more manga chapters. But what they'll do is beyond me. I can't really predict what they'll do with the manga at this point, but it would seem silly to me for them to do yet ANOTHER divergence anime ending.
guess i'm hoping they stick to the manga, even if that means taking a break. (which it would seem they are not doing, since we just got a brand new OP, which usually signals 13 more episodes, and 39 is a strange episode to take a long break on...)
Humans are different from animals. We must die for a reason. Now is the time for us to regulate ourselves and reclaim our dignity. The one who holds endless potential and displays his strength and kindness to the world. Only mankind has God, a power that allows us to go above and beyond what we are now, a God that we call "possibility".
Normal shows would have taken a break right now. Especially if they're that far along (53/100) through the manga material.
I was thinking they'd take a break after ep 25 assuming the whole thing will be 50 eps.
I liked Winry's boobs in the ED. They looked very nicely developed. That's pretty much the only thing I liked about this episode.
Bloody recaps. And bloodier still for mixing new content in so that I can't just ignore the episode. Although I don't really know what this episode achieved. The beginning was confusing and made me think for a second I was missing an episode before this one. Towards the end it started to look like Hohenheim self-reflecting. Then he woke up and spoke to the bottle, shattering any illusion I might have had that he actually did reach some significant conclusion during the dream.
Indeed. AoShen is like a disease with no cure, so I abstain from them.Originally Posted by LaZie
The blonde woman in the new opening intrigues me. I'm really looking forward to finding out who she is and what kind of role she will play in this series. I also liked the new opening theme. I've been listening to it since last week.
I am pretty sure that woman is from Drachma. Pretty high ranking officer I think. Besides that I have no idea. Other...ep kind of let me down.Sure gives insight on who's side Hohemheim is on but I prefer the action packed episodes we have before.
The blond woman is the most awesome female character in the history of everything, that's all you need to knowOriginally Posted by Marik
That's the one thing FMA needs more of: Hot chicks. I'd be both pleased and disappointed if she turned out to be rogue Hawkeye or something.Originally Posted by Marik
The OP song wasn't bad. It wasn't as good an OP song as the last two were, but as a standalone song playing in the background, it was pretty funky.
I only realised that girl was Trisha until 5sec before they revealed it. She sure was cute though. Almost loli-fied me. Almost.
FMA 2009 is scheduled for 50 episodes last time I checked, which means it should finish right when it should.
Honestly, another diverging anime would suck. I just don't see the point in it when we've got one done up so well already. The best things they could do would to either come back a few years later and do 25 episodes, or to pump out OVAs intermittently. I'd be happy either way.
If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~