OK, the voting for round 1 finally begins. The object for this bracket was hand(s).
Just a few things to be aware of:
1) all participants MUST vote (including ones who dropped out). Each poll should have at least 18 votes.
2) You cannot vote in your own bracket. How do you know what bracket you're in? by looking at the title and not voting for the object that you were sent in the pm.
3) Voting is open, we everyone can see who voted for who.
I know the original layout required 2 people being voted off this round, but since not all participants have sent in thier entries, that is no longer possible. Oddly enough, most brackets are missing exactly 2 participants, so things work out rather well.
For the polls with only 4 choices, obviously everyone will move on. The voting is just for fun and to let everyone see their work.