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Thread: RZ's odyssey through Doom... err... The Hospital

  1. #1
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    RZ's odyssey through Doom... err... The Hospital

    So... I'm back guys. Back at last. Since several of you guys have asked me about how I am doing in the bitching thread and the flame pit (thanks to all of you), I've decided to write what went on, how it started and how its gonna be from now on.

    It all started in late April / early May. My stomach started acting on me, waking me up in ungodly hours of the morning several times. I asked my usual doctor, an Homeopathologist (is that right?) and he gave me some medicine, but it didn't work. So I was given another one... and thins started to get a bit ugly for me.

    As time went by I started eating less and less, because my stomach wouldn't allow me to eat more, and because I felt like if I ate more I was going to vomit. And I started losing weight. 4kg (8.81849049 lb) for the first time. And then I visited an expert, recommended by the Homeopathologist (I still think that word is wrong), a Gastroenterologist.

    He made me do some studies and gave me some medicine, which at first didn't do a thing. Then both doctors made me take some studies to determine what was going on. Previous studies had stated I had no bacteria inside of me, probably a leftover toxin from a bad-stated food I ate. The current exam told them I had 'Colitis Ulcerosa' (don't ask me to translate), so they gave me some medicine directed towards it and I started to get better. I had already lost 8kg (17.636981lb) by now, but with the new medicine I started to eat better and didn't lose more weight. Until the damn Yakult.

    I don't know if there are Yakult over where you guys live, but its basically a vitamin milk or some shit like that. Don't really care about it. Anyway. Doctors said to start taking lactose again (forbidden by now) and to start with small things. The Yakult. The little shit is about 20ml only, but I only drank half the bottle and did not have any problem. And the other half I left it on the fridge. Big mistake. I drank the other half next day and... my problems went to the top. It seems this damn thing ferments if not drank immediately after opening so... you can guess.

    I started to feel bad last week. I even skipped work on wednesday because I had a high fever all damn day.Saw the Homeopathologist that day and he gave me some medicine and the fever went down. That following two nights were of the worst. Stomach made me go the bathroom once every DAMN hour in the night. I went to work like normal on Thursday, but after the same shit that night Doctor said to return home on Friday. I barely spent 10 minutes at work on friday when they told me to return home so I could get hospitalized.

    Thus, I entered through Emergency (Urgencias) at 10am, where they took some radiography and took some samples. I was given a room until 5pm. Damn Hospital was full to the top. The room didn't have a window either. And on top of all... the room was on the pediatry area. The Gastroenterologist later said I had gotten a better deal, because the nurses here were better, since they dealed with kids and all that.

    At the start of all, I was supposed to enter friday and leave on saturday. But things change of course. First day I was given a laxant to clean up my intestines... damn shit tasted awful. And first damn nurse I was given said to drink the 2 liters (0.528344105 gallons) in less than an hour. Fuck her. I drank two glasses and felt full. Drank a third half an hour later and I vomited all the shit. I knew I couldn't. But the nurse would not listen. Another nurse came, and she said to not follow that instruction. To drink at my pace. I was given that thing at 7pm and ended drinking it at 11pm. I couldn't drink faster without risking vomiting again. I think I also had some slight fever around that time.

    Its horrible to drink a laxant. I do not want to experience that ever again. The crappy nurse returned again and reconnected me to the serum (forgot to say it, but all day I had it, previous to the laxant). I told her that because of my condition I needed to go constantly to the bathroom, that if I could take the machine with me. She said no. That I had to call her so she would disconnect me from the serum. Damn bitch took as long as five minutes to arrive whenever I called her. If that is kind... I do not want to see how the other nurses acted. At least, I later learnt she was the only bad one, and fortunately I did not have to deal with her again.

    Next morning I was taken to another area, so they could study me. I swear I blinked and two hours passed by. I never noticed when they put me to sleep. I guess it was passed through the serum. Later the results came confirming the Colitis Ulcerosa, but it was not only a bit... ALL of my intestines were like that. Ouch.

    Doctor said he needed me to stay three more days at the hospital. So I could get rehydratated (did I write that right?). So I took out my DS and played some missions of FFTA2... then asked my father to get my laptop, so I logged in, said hello on the Bitching Thread and even downloaded Code Geass 18 (damn good episode). Those are the major things that happened on weekend.

    Fever came back on Sunday night. Doctor said next morning that my condition should not cause it, so I needed to stay another day to see what was causing it. And history repeated itself so next day I was to stay YET another day. New exams were taken and I had a slight urinal infection, plus a slight cinucitis (dunno how to translate that). And thus I was given more medicine. Tons.

    Two nights I vomited green. One of the medicines I had taken was very strong. An antibiotic. But that was that. Oh yeah... exams also stated I was low on Potasium and Hierro (Iron? I dunno if this is one of those words who get two different translation depending on the element or the shit that its on the body).

    My hand had gotten fat (inflamada... if I translated the word it sent me to flammable... yeah right) so I had been disconected from the serum. Completely. With the new results I had to be reconected. Thankfully on the same hand, just another vein. New serum was infused with Potasium. And I was to leave next morning. Too bad that night was the worst.

    Remember all those news about people who died frozen? Lost on the woods, or just in the middle of the city since they had no home? I can't say I know how they felt, but I believe I have a slight idea now. My arm, the one connected to the serum, was stone cold. It hurt like hell. I asked a nurse for help and she enveloped the arm on a towel. Big help... not. I did not had fever at this stage. Next nurse came one hour later and I asked to be removed from the serum. She refused and brought a hot towel. Big help... not. Once again I asked to be disconnected, but she refused again. Mother, who staid there all time, also told her to do so until she relented. It took about one full more hour to get my arm back on normal temperature. And I finally was able to sleep... at about 5am. I had not been able to sleep during all that shit. At about 6am I was reconnected to the serum with no further problem.

    Next morning I told the Doctor and he said he blamed the potasium and that we had been right to ask to be disconnected while the arm recovered. I got another serum and the arm started to freeze again that same moment, so the Doctor told the nurse at the time (the best one I had, not like the first bitch nor the ones of the previous night) to reduce the serum from 120ml an hour to only 50ml an hour. Later that day I was finally released.

    Yesterday I arrived home, ate, used the PS3 for an hour, read my emails and thought of making this thread. But I was tired. Dead tired. So I went to sleep at 8pm. I had only got 3 hours of sleep last night after all.

    So here I am now. And I think a new pharmacy / drug store is already being installed on my stomach. Each morning, at least for a few more days, I will be taking TEN pills on breakfast. Three on Lunch and Three on Dinner. In some days this will lower.

    Doctor said to skip work until monday. Boss already knows. Heck, I talked with him three times during those days. My Boss is cool. I don't think I will have problem with him. Many friends of my mother called, and visited once. One of my brothers, his wife, my sister and his husband visited as well. Two aunts and an uncle did as well. Two older cousins came as well. Mom staid all the time. Dad went when work allowed him to. Even two co-workers went to visit. What kind of surprised me, and made me smile, was that many more co-workers called to see how I was doing. Why did it made me smile? Because they are from the area I left one year ago, Testing. Even my previous boss called!. Heck... that was cool.

    Mostly I spent my time on the hospital watching TV. Heck... I think I saw more TV in those few days than I had on all year. I even watche Dragon Ball Z four times a day (different episodes and seasons thankfully).

    Doctor said my sickness won't go away. But the medicine will put it to sleep, so I can continue with normal life. I've already started to feel somewhat better. Lets see what happens.

    That is all. If you readed everything... wow... I didn't think this would get this long.

  2. #2
    Yondaime Hokage Psyke's Avatar
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    Lesson learnt: Overnight Yakult can kill.

    It must have been a terrible experience, and I'm glad that the worst is over. Hopefully your medication will take effect soon and I wish you all the best in your road to recovery. Take care and more PS3 should help.
    "Our hearts are full of memories but not all of them reflect the truth. The heart isn't a recording device. Even important memories change with time. They warp or fade, leaving us with but a shadow of what we hoped to remember." 天の道を行き、全てを司る。これは僕の世界。

  3. #3
    Awesome user with default custom title XanBcoo's Avatar
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    Man, does sound like quite an adventure. That's really sad that they said the sickness won't go away. I hope you stay well-nourished.

    Also your stories about the nurses really scare me. Even the good nurses out there tend to ignore what the patient says he is/isn't comfortable with. I guess since they think they've "seen it all" that they know better and just assume the patient is whining.

    Quote Originally Posted by RyougaZell
    My hand had gotten fat (inflamada... if I translated the word it sent me to flammable... yeah right).
    lol, I think the word you wanted is "inflamed".

    <@Terra> he told me this, "man actually meeting terra is so fucking big", and he started crying. Then he bought me hot dogs

  4. #4
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    Yeah... Yakult is evil. At least for me now. I won't take it again. Ever.
    Thanks for the words as well. For now, here I am at home, and will be for a few more days. Monday will bring back real life.

    Inflamable... oh yeah. Forgot that one. Flammable... guess I was still asleep.
    Over the five days I spent there, over 16 nurses came to help. Only 3 were bad. The ones I mention. I thank I wasn't in the normal area with the 'normal' nurses. My doctor said I got the better ones. Except those three though.


    Oh yeah. One thing I forgot. I love to have medical insurance. I didn't had one on Testing, but now on Process I have one.

    We only had to pay about 4k pesos... versus the 60k total of everything. Damn hell. Getting sick is expensive.

  5. #5
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    will this effect your future payments?
    do you move into a higher risk group?

    it's good to hear you're feeling better, that's some sick story.

    sig made by Itachi-y2k5, thanks, dude!
    Currently Watching: probably a show directed at 9 years old girls, lets be honest.

    You know the important distinction between Batman and me? Batman is fictional. In real life, there isn't always an alternative.

  6. #6
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Too bad about the permanence of your condition, RyougaZell. But lets hope you'll soon be back in business one way or another.

    Quote Originally Posted by XanBcoo
    Also your stories about the nurses really scare me. Even the good nurses out there tend to ignore what the patient says he is/isn't comfortable with. I guess since they think they've "seen it all" that they know better and just assume the patient is whining.
    Over here the nurses are so busy and overworked they simply can't afford the luxury of listening to every patients' own opinions. And who knows, maybe they also fear any mistreatment claims that could arise from going against the textbook, tradition, or doctor's orders, even if mistreatment court cases here are very rare compared to places like the USA.

  7. #7
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Glad to see you survived, and better to have you back.

    I can't say I've ever heard of that stuff, but the vitamin milk reminds me a lot of UHT milk, a product (thanks to the size of America's farmland) I hope to never have to drink. I'll stick to 2% and standard yogurt, I stay far away from other probiotics.

  8. #8
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    Wow RZ, that's intense man. I had a brief stay at the hospital last year, and had to get an IV in my arm for the first time, and nearly passed out when they put it in. I start to feel sick even seeing people getting needles on tv. Sounds like you had a really rough time, but I'm glad to hear that your friends and family were there the whole time to support you. I'd been getting worried from all your reports of rapid weight loss and escalating illness, so I'm really glad to hear that you came through, and that things are going to get better.

  9. #9
    The Fallen Abdula's Avatar
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    Well I'm glad you're better, the pit isn't the same without you however you'll get no sympathy from me.
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  10. #10
    Remnant of Woot Lucifus's Avatar
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    Good to hear the worsts past. That must be a helluva weight off your shoulders.

    Seen some of your comments about your weight loss etc before but had no idea it was this serious. Hope your back on top soon man.
    Last edited by Lucifus; Fri, 08-15-2008 at 09:30 AM.
    Don't believe in yourself, believe in me, who believes in you.

  11. #11
    What's up, doc? Animeniax's Avatar
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    Wow, what an ordeal you had RyougaZell. Glad to hear you survived it, but that sucks that it's not completely cured. Do you ever think about crossing the border for superior healthcare? I know of people who go to Thailand for cheap surgery, then regret it later, but the US has got to have better facilities and patient care than your home country.

    For God will not permit that we shall know what is to come... those who by some sorcery or by some dream might come to pierce the veil that lies so darkly over all that is before them may serve by just that vision to cause that God should wrench the world from its heading and set it upon another course altogether and then where stands the sorcerer? Where the dreamer and his dream?

  12. #12
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Unfortunately, there are still heaps of chronic (incurable, only controllable) conditions out there, and this happens to be one. I really wish that will be the one and only time you'll have to go through that RyougaZell.

    Your case clearly shows that many hospitals are in fact understaffed, especially in doctors. Nurses aren't properly trained to deal with every single problem that can arise, hence why there's the doctor. But when they're so few in number that you can't consult them in an emergency, you're stuck with keeping to procedures, which can often be at the patient's expense. I wouldn't know how bad that Potassium case could have been, just that potassium is a major component in lethal injections, so the potential is there.

    Hope you can resume a near-normal diet soon. Eating is a luxury.

    (health fact: In extreme cold conditions, like a dip in Arctic waters, people actually die from suffocation rather than from being frozen. At low temperatures, red blood cells are unable to offload the oxygen they carry, so the O2 gets carried a full circulation around your body and back to the lungs without give your tissues any.)
    Last edited by Buffalobiian; Fri, 08-15-2008 at 09:52 AM.

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  13. #13
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    Thankfully it won't affect them

    Since it will remain asleep and I will be allowed to eat anything anything it won't be so bad. Of course I can not abuse, since I don't want it to resurface.

    Thanks Ryl. I for one will not touch a Yakult or similar with a two foot pole ever again.

    Thanks for the words . I really do not feel anything while being injected, but like you, I do get somewhat sick upon seeing the needle enter, so I just glance away. Likewise I asked for the tube to be covered so I could not see it.

    None expected :P
    Thanks though.

    Yeah. This thing escalated very soon. But it seems my stomach is better now. It better be.

    Actually the hospital was very good. However it seems I only talked about things. It tends to happen. I actually saw my main doctor, 3 more doctors, and about 20~25 nurses, including those that took tests, emergency, etc. And of all of them only 3 were bad.

    Yep. It seems it is chronic, but it will be put to sleep thankfully. Like I told Animeniax the hospital staff was good. Unfortunately my worst moments there passed thanks to three nurses our of almost 30 people that saw me.

    Thanks everybody

  14. #14
    Jesus RZ.... that is just insane... I am glad you pulled through alright. I hope it goes into remission and doesn't cause you much grief from here on out.

    I will say though, despite all the bullshit you've been through, it seems like you've got a great group of family and friends keeping you in their thoughts. And on top of that you've got gotwoot

  15. #15
    Pirate King ChaosK's Avatar
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    Woah, that's some crazy shit. Good to see you're alright now, but tough luck dealing with nurses who didn't know shit. Imagine if she never took off the's kinda shocking, were there no other doctors you could have consulted while your arm was frozen solid?

    LaZie made this...a long time ago.

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  16. #16
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    My fellow dropout! Thanks for the words

    Well... it was 4am. Only nurses available at the time.
    I didn't close my eyes until past 5am.

  17. #17
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RyougaZell
    I really do not feel anything while being injected, but like you, I do get somewhat sick upon seeing the needle enter, so I just glance away. Likewise I asked for the tube to be covered so I could not see it.
    Infusion was interesting. It was nice to imagine the needle several centimeters inside your vein, and it felt nasty to move your hand too much, twisting the needle inside. Everybody should experience it at least once - fortunately great many people do.

  18. #18
    Well, I sure hope everything just gets better for you now D:

    I can't really imagine what this must have been like, so.. stay well! And I hope recovery gets better, too.

    It's all nice to have you back again

  19. #19
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    And five months later... I am FINALLY allowed to eat whatever I wish...

    Though I still have to take my medicine.

  20. #20
    Inflamada = Swollen.

    I didn't read much of the first post since it was too long for me, but glad you're feeling better.

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