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Thread: Naruto Chapter 412

  1. #1
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    Naruto Chapter 412

    Online viewing by: One Manga

  2. #2
    Yondaime Hokage Psyke's Avatar
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    Seems like all the speculation about the hits Sasuke took were a illusion were wrong. Also, some new stuff about Karin too, though it's raised more questions than anything. So she's a curer and sensor type? Sorry but I'm not feeling overly interested in this fight, any more so than Naruto's training.
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  3. #3
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    Well i did enjoy seeing Sasuke getting beaten up like that, the kid was just too powerful lately.

    As predicted naruto is using the kage bunshins one again, hawk seems to work great in tag team action and the eight tails is apparently showing us a trump card on the next chapter

    Also karin's power is... interesting.

  4. #4
    I rather enjoyed this chapter, despite the karin hax curing stuff. I think i was just happy to see sasuke getting beaten without it being some stupid illusion. And the naruto training, while still lame, was rather amusing. It worked well as comedic relief.

  5. #5
    Yeah, it was good to see Sasuke get beaten. But I don't think he's that strong. He's only taken out Deidara. He's just haxx. When 8tail was doing \ooo/, I was like "no, not heavy metal too?!"

    I just read that Binktopia has stopped doing Naruto.

  6. #6
    Woo progress in the form of Karin's abilities coming out which make sense for a balanced team, Sasuke taking a hit and maybe most importantly they're actually attempting something resembling teamwork which is what the manga normally tried to gravitate towards before the hax bullshit.

    I couldn't really care less about Narutos training other than the results which I don't have high hopes for really..

    Shame about Binktopia if that's true.
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  7. #7
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    I would have really prefer for this to happen two chapters before.. the shame of the dust cloud fighting just won't go away...

    but still, whenever Sasuke's not fighting, I can enjoy Sugi and Juggi. Karin is a support hax, and that's a damn shame. we should see some close-range female fighter...

    Naruto is going to pump out Kyuubi Energy,and through magic kyuubi powers, he'll take over the sage energy, without actually getting the smarts of a sage.

    sig made by Itachi-y2k5, thanks, dude!
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  8. #8
    So Karin is like, a walking sensu bean? Kinda makes Sakura seem useless again...

    Interesting fight, I guess.

  9. #9
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    Well the technique seems to work by sucking on her chakra so it's not like she can just keep healing them over and over again. But yeah, it does seem to be a way more effective method than just using medical jutsu.

    DBZ: Nah, after the yamato speech i don't think naruto will ever use the kyuubi again, not willingly anyway.

    But now that i think about it, why didn't jiraya just strengthened the seal so that naruto could use the red chakra the same way he did to beat neji? Except for the healing powers the nine tails is kind of useless now, if he had done it naruto could at least use the red chakra once in a while.

    Maybe he hoped naruto would learn to completely control the kyuubi someday to complete "that" jutsu?

  10. #10
    Jinchuuriki Knives122's Avatar
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    That place over there........ahh never mind
    Would it be wrong of me to suggest that the Hachibi's "eighth" sword is his cock? (of course it won't be but I couldn't be the only one who thought that when he said it)

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  11. #11
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    I actually think that this is going well in terms of both sides. Hachibi is keeping strong against the 3 boys and Sasuke is getting healed by karin. We got to see something new thats beneficial that she has (mommy issues or not) and suigetsu is becoming sort of a right hand man to Sasuke. Juugo is also seeming to prove himself as a the power tank of the group. Most of all, the fight itself is going well so far. I'm surprised Kishi is busting out his trump card this early. I actually don't think it's a trump card at all and he'll only be getting stronger as the fight goes on.

    Narutos training is getting interesting. I'm actually more interested in his stuff more than the 8 tails fight. He's really proving himself to use what Kakashi taught him. I'm impressed. Seems like the frog is teaching him to be a Sannin. If this keeps up, Pein and the gang will have some trouble with Naruto.

  12. #12
    Awesome user with default custom title Uchiha Barles's Avatar
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    I'm pretty interested in Naruto's training too. I laughed quite a bit at the beatings. Nothing much to say other than that though. Sasuke getting stabbed the fuck up was a nice touch, but I'm not too happy about him living through it. It's just another thinly veiled naruto/chouji/neiji/gaara. Sure, none of us was expecting him to die, main antagonist blah blah. If the writer doesn't want certain people to die...he should STOP MAKING THEM TAKE FATAL BLOWS! What the fuck is with this stupidity? Every time you do that, you HAVE to introduce some ridiculous shit like chakra sucking. Sasuke CAN get his ass kicked without taking swords through his carcass. This shit is as bad as phoenix down potions in FFT.

  13. #13
    Awesome user with default custom title poopdeville's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by docdan63
    I'm surprised Kishi is busting out his trump card this early. I actually don't think it's a trump card at all and he'll only be getting stronger as the fight goes on.
    He's obviously going to start using 8-Tail's power now. If Naruto or Gaara are any indication, he can probably go through a few forms.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by poopdeville
    He's obviously going to start using 8-Tail's power now. If Naruto or Gaara are any indication, he can probably go through a few forms.
    You guys said the same thing about Sasuke using genjutsu on the 8 tails and you were all wrong. Why can't it be applied to this? Call me out if you want on the next chapter if he does bust out his octo jutsu powers, but I think hes still toying with the kids for a long time and doesn't even need to use one of his tails to beat any of of them. Especially Sasuke.

  15. #15
    The Fallen Abdula's Avatar
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    Not really going to be posting much anymore and the only reason I am now is just to point this out because no one has mentioned it yet.

    Doesn't this here. "You experience everything your clones experience so if one of them were to turn into a frog that'd be the end of it."

    Doesn't that contradict everything that was previously said about shadow clones. How does that work. How does Naruto's shadow clone absorbing nature energy and turning into a frog going to turn Naruto into a frog. This isn't the first time Kishi has dropped the ball but damn thats just retarded. Its one thing absorbing the experience acquired by the shadow clone but this.
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  16. #16
    I believe it has to do with once you turn into a frog you can't be turned back.

    So, if the clone turns into a frog, then as soon as that clone "pops" naruto would instantly know "how" to turn into a frog (absorb the nature chakra without being able to control it) and therefore would himself turn into a frog since he is actively trying to absorb the nature chakra as well. Then it just becomes a problem of never being able to return to human form. I don't think it actually contradicts anything previously laid out.

    The only discontinuity comes with the idea what if naruto isn't actively trying to absorb the nature chakra when the frog clone pops. In that case, he would still know how to absorb it without being able to control it so the next time he even tried he would become a frog (instantly would be my guess).

  17. #17
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    Actually it does make some sense Abdula

    The thing is that you don't only get back the experience from the clones, you get back the chakra too, so assuming that by turning to a frog you would have replaced all of your normal chakra with nature energy then if the real naruto got all that energy all at once, he would instantly turn into a frog.

    It isn't the experience part that affects this, its the chakra part

  18. #18
    Jounin Splash!'s Avatar
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    You can't explain it with chakra. A clone's chakra is only a fraction of Naruto's actual chakra. Even if all of a clone's chakra is replaced by nature energy, when it plops, only the amount of nature energy equivalent to replacing that clone's chakra should be returned to Naruto. That shouldn't be enough to 'instantly' turn him into a frog. If anything, one would think that using shadow clones would make the process a whole lot safer, i.e, all the clones must turn to frogs for all of Naruto's chakra to be replaced by nature energy.

    @xtallography: I don't know about the shadow clone gaining the experience to turn into a frog. That's like saying everytime one of Naruto's clone's gets defeated, Naruto gains the experience to suck even more (maybe that's true...!). That shouldn't be the case. If anything, the experience gained should be that of learning from one's mistakes, not of how to make worse ones.
    Last edited by Splash!; Sat, 08-09-2008 at 01:15 PM.

  19. #19
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    I'm assuming that after one of them becomes a frog it will just keep sucking more and more nature energy from its surroundings and that's why naruto would become a frog.

    But maybe it's like when the original naruto went kyuubi and the other clones started disappearing. Then again, when a clone goes kyuubi the rest stay normal...

  20. #20
    My thought process on this was more along the lines of the "learning to cut the leaf" example. Some of his clones were more adept to controlling the wind chakra than others. When naruto "recalled" them he was able to understand how to control the wind chakra better himself and cut the leaf himself as if he was the one who originally cut the leaf and not the clone. If one of his clones was able to absorb enough nature chakra to turn into a frog then I was guessing that naruto would then learn how to absorb enough nature chakra quickly without control and turn himself into a frog (instantly??).

    That's why I think naruto is learning from their experiences... positive (cutting the leaf) or negative (turning into a frog).

    @Arch, when Naruto was doing the leaf cutting exercise and recalled all of his clones it all but wiped him out which is why I don't think the chakra is returned to naruto when the clones pop.

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