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Thread: Upcoming Anime: Fall 2008

  1. #1

    Upcoming Anime: Fall 2008

    I have stumbled upon a nice sampler with summaries for some of the series coming up this fall.

    My picks grouped by chance I'll watch

    Of course:

    Gundam 00 S2
    Nodame Cantabile: Paris Chapter

    Clannad After Story (not all that big on Nagisa)
    Shikabane Hime

    Tales of the Abyss
    ef - A Tale of Melodies
    Chaos Head
    Hokuto no Ken: Raou's Story

    Toaru Majitsu no Index
    Mitchiko to Hatchin

    Rosario+Vampire 2

    What looks good to you and do you know of anything good that's missing (links would be a plus)

  2. #2
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    You should move ef and Clannad to your of course list.

    I've read Ga-rei, but maybe the anime will look better with actual action.

    I totally agree with your WHY?!? comment, well, except for the fact it wasn't capitalized, bold, underlined and italicized to emphasize your point.

    EDIT: Whoa, a third Jigoku shoujo? I'm definitely going to check this out.
    <img src= border=0 alt= />

  3. #3
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Skip Beat! is a must. Huge fan of the manga, very interested to see what they do with it since it would be the first of Yoshiki Nakamura's manga animated. Her art style is well above average as shoujo goes. Lots of material already (think NANA length and similarly only getting through half the story), so filler would probably be out of the question.

    ef is another. I don't think they can top the first series, but if the prequel clears up a few plot points they completely ignored the first time, I'm there.

    Toradora is another one. I liked the first chapter of the novels, was enjoying the manga adaptation, and though it is another diminutive Rie Kugumiya tsundere, the premise is a little more interesting.

    Gundam 00 too. I already watched half of it...

    Nothing else interests me out of the rest. I'll play it by ear.

  4. #4
    Another Clannad? Crap! I never finished the first one! I really should watch ef.

    OH MY GOD ANOTHER NODAME!!! The whole I am an emotionless hotty male lead is kind of overplayed in anime (shoujo duh) these years, but I still love Nodame dearly. I'll be watching Vampire Knight, and all of the other things that look cool like Yokazura Quartet, Michiko to Hatchin, etc... hrm, Shikabane Hime looks like Shakugan no Shana.. which I don't think I ever finished.

    Ahem, Honey and Clover 3? Kekkaishi 2?

    WTF A STITCH ANIME? WUTTT? I wonder how Macademi Wasshoi could possibly good in any way.

    I also should finish Lucky Star.

    Also looks interesting: Chaos Head, Akane Iro, Ride Back, Kuroshitsuzi (maybe), Jigoku Shoujo, Kannagi, Hakushaku, Ga-Rei, Tales of Abyss.
    Last edited by Sapphire; Tue, 08-05-2008 at 04:58 PM.
    "Leaving hell is not the same as entering it." - Tierce Japhrimel

  5. #5
    These are the ones that I'll be checking out:

    Bonen no Xamdou
    Shikanabe Hime: Aka (reminds me of the Togari manga)
    Yozakura Quartet
    Toaru Majutsu no Index
    Kurogane no Linebarrel
    Ga-Rei -Zero- (read the manga)
    Tales of the Abyss
    Nodame Cantabile: Paris Chapter
    Ride Back
    Chaos Head
    Hell's Angels

    Quite a few that I'm interested in.

  6. #6
    Lol @ the Cafe Junkie sample in that pic. It's kind of out of place, I'd say!

    Too bad the After Story isn't Tomoyo After.

  7. #7
    One anime I think you guys are all overlooking is Mitchiko to Hatchin.

    Its made by the guys who did Samurai Champloo and Ergo Proxy. That alone is something worth watching.

  8. #8
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    Mayonaka TV
    Gundam 00 S2
    Clannad After Story
    Chaos Head

    That's it. First two were obvious on my part. The third one came out of nowhere, but I liked the art and the description.

    Tales of the Abyss looks interesting but... I bought the game on february 2007. Began it on July 2007. Abandoned in August 2007 (Persona 3!!!). Retook it on May 2008. Abandoned in July 2008 just 5 hours prior to the ending. So... I do plan to finish the game... someday.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Everon
    One anime I think you guys are all overlooking is Mitchiko to Hatchin.

    Its made by the guys who did Samurai Champloo and Ergo Proxy. That alone is something worth watching.
    Ooh. I know what I'll be watching, then.

  10. #10
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    I must have missed Kyou no Go no Ni (Today in Class 5-2) the first time I looked through the list. I liked the OVAs, I'll probably watch it.

    Quote Originally Posted by Sapphire
    Ahem, Honey and Clover 3?
    uhhh....H&C ended with 2. The various romances were tied up neatly (considering there were only three possible ladies, two of which involved only one of the guys). It also ended in a way that pissed off most of its fans.

  11. #11
    A full season of Today in Class 5-2? Pure win.

    (No, I'm not a pedophile.)

    Must watch:

    ef - A Tale of Melodies (most anticipated series)
    Gundam 00
    Nodame Cantabile - Paris Chapter
    Clannad After Story
    Bounen no Xamdou
    Shigofumi OVA
    Lucky Star OVA

    Most likely:
    Shikabane Hime
    Jigoku Shoujo 3
    Vampire Knight - Guilty (still gotta finish first season)
    Rosario + Vampire
    Cafe Junkie OVA
    Last edited by Board of Command; Tue, 08-05-2008 at 07:06 PM.

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu
    uhhh....H&C ended with 2. The various romances were tied up neatly (considering there were only three possible ladies, two of which involved only one of the guys). It also ended in a way that pissed off most of its fans.
    I know... I am so sad that it did though. I would totally watch that show in complete love and devotion even if they just made up some random meaningless fillers.. actually didn't they have some of those in the second season? Just wishful thinking. =D

    Will continue this discussion in another thread.
    Last edited by Sapphire; Wed, 08-06-2008 at 05:53 AM.
    "Leaving hell is not the same as entering it." - Tierce Japhrimel

  13. #13
    Probably just going to watch ef - A Tale of Melodies and Jigoku Shoujo 3.

  14. #14
    ANBU KoKo37's Avatar
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    Heres an updated list for anyone who wants to see. As for the animes I'm looking forward to this Fall :

    For sure :

    Xam'd - Already watching

    Tytania - Probably my most anticipated show of the season, I'm a big fan of strategic and space animes, I liked the premise reading about it on anidb, and checking on 4chan I saw it had the following cast :

    -Writer: Yoshiki Tanaka (Tytania, Legend of the Galactic Heroes, Sohryuden - Legend of the Dragon Kings, The Heroic Legend of Arslan, Ryoko's Case File).
    -Character Designs: Haruhiko Mikimoto (Tytania novels, Macross, Orguss, Megazone 23, Aim for the Top! Gunbuster)
    -Character Adaptation: Noboru Sugimitsu (Hoshi Neko Fullhouse, Legend of the Condor Hero, Mikan Enikki)
    -Studio+Director: Artland, Noboru Ishiguro (Macross, Orguss, Megazone 23, Legend of the Galactic Heroes)
    -Director+Mechanical Designer: Koji Ito (Cybuster, Full Metal Panic!, The Irresponsible Captain Tylor)
    -Mechanical Designer: Kazutaka Miyatake (Macross, Orguss, Gunbuster, Eureka Seven)
    -Sound Director: Susumu Aketagawa (Legend of the Galactic Heroes: My Conquest is the Sea of Stars, Phoenix 2772 - Space Firebird, Barefoot Gen movies)
    -CGI: Sanzigen (Gurren Lagann)

    One Outs - Definitely giving any anime made by the makers of Akagi and Kaiji a shot.

    Gundam 00 2nd Season - Already watched the first half.

    Nodame Cantabile Paris Chapter - The first season was very enjoyable, so I definitely will be picking the second season up.

    Jigoku Shoujo Mitsuganae - Just watched the first two seasons recently, I didn't think I would enjoy an episodic anime, but it was very entertaining.

    ef a tale of melodies - Very well written and touching first season, I doubt it will be as good as the first, but I am still looking forward to it.

    Seto no Hanayome - I found the first season very funny, hopefully the OVA will be as well.

    Considering :

    Shikabane Hime Aka
    Casshern Sins
    Mouryou no Hako
    Chaos Head

    Skip Beat! - I read two or three volumes of the manga, and although the art was pretty good, I didn't really like the style that it was presented and I got a little bored with the story. With that said, I do think this is a series that I would enjoy more in an animated form, so I'm hoping for a good adaption.
    Tentai Senshi Sunred - I tend to like spoof animes, and having the same director as Seto no Hanayome gets my hopes up.
    Hell's Angel

    Overall this looks like a really good season for anime, I'm looking forward to it.

  15. #15
    AonE Staff Bread-sama's Avatar
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    Any show you want us to sub? :P

    I'll be probably watching Tytania

  16. #16
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bread-sama
    Any show you want us to sub? :P

    I'll be probably watching Tytania
    For real?

    Okay guys, we'll need to think carefully before answering this one.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  17. #17
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    What another shitty season.
    I&#180;ll watch Clannad, but then...maybe Tytania and the 12-year old with butler-thing...

  18. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by Bread-sama
    Any show you want us to sub? :P

    I'll be probably watching Tytania
    How about one that isn't subbed by someone else... or simply doesn't have a decent fansubber attached to it? You'll do us a big favor.

  19. #19

    Anime releases.

    Just have it from a friend site

    Threads merged.
    Last edited by Zachiru-Hirosaki; Tue, 08-26-2008 at 05:06 PM.
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  20. #20
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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