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Thread: Laptops for ~$1000

  1. #1
    Genin High Wind's Avatar
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    Laptops for ~$1000

    So I've recently decided to purchase a laptop. However, since I don't consider myself particularly knowledgeable about computers, buying a laptop presents a certain predicament I'm sure a lot of people can relate to.

    This is why I've turned to the great tech-savvy minds of our General Support board. After seeing threads like "Customized computer?" and several other miscellaneous threads I feel I'm in good hands.

    Basically, I'm looking for a laptop for around $1000, centered mostly around gaming and multimedia.

    I've also done some shopping around and have a couple choices already lined up that I'd like to hear your opinion on.

    SONY VAIO FW Series VGN-FW139E/H NoteBook
    Acer Aspire AS6920-6441 NoteBook
    Acer Aspire AS5920-6574 NoteBook
    HP Pavilion dv6936us NoteBook
    HP Pavilion dv5-1010us NoteBook
    SONY VAIO FW Series VGN-FW139N/W NoteBook
    TOSHIBA Satellite A305-S6845 NoteBook
    ASUS M51 Series M51Sn-C1 NoteBook

    Any feedback would be greatly appreciated and if you have any other laptops in mind feel free to let me know.


  2. #2
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by High Wind
    Basically, I'm looking for a laptop for around $1000, centered mostly around gaming and multimedia.
    Well, it's not a problem that you want a laptop for multimedia, or that you want one for around $1000, but there is a bit of a cardinal rule about computers.

    Gaming and Laptops, never the twain shall meet effectively. It's not to say they can't and given the processors in them now and other shrinking electronics sizes, it is not impossible, but in my experience it has never been a pleasant thing. You abuse the processor and the video card with something like gaming, you're going to get a lot of heat. My roommate used to fry his laptop hot enough it would shut down until he got one of those sit-underneath fans. Sure, you'll never be able to run Crysis (sorry, couldn't resist) but if you're playing previous video card generational games, you should not have any problems.

    Multimedia, no problem there. I can stream from my PC to my tiny ThinkPad x61 (integrated video card) and it works like a dream. are using laptop speakers. Doesn't matter even if you're buying an Apple, the speakers are going to suck. So consider a good set of headphones or some docking station with the proper speaker hookups.

    All that said, I'd go with the ASUS.

  3. #3
    Genin High Wind's Avatar
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    When I said gaming I didn't have anything as computer crushing as Crysis in mind; just the occasional session of TF2 so I don't think that'll be an issue. I just want a fairly competent laptop in those general aspects.

    Thanks Ryllharu for your enlightening feedback, you truly live up to your title as a Recommendation Fiend.

    I'd still love to hear other peoples opinions on this so more feedback is quite welcome.


  4. #4
    Banned darkshadow's Avatar
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    I say go with Toshiba, i've had plenty of good experiences with toshiba laptops, and overall it looks like the best out of the 8 ( sry i didnt check the HP ones, i think hp stuff is trash ).

  5. #5
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    While the specs are generally a little better on the Toshiba and it's only $100 more:

    + The Asus has a number pad.
    - But the speakers on the Toshiba might be worth something
    + The keyboard layout is definitely superior on the Asus (taking the num pad out of the equation)
    - The Toshiba's hard drive is much larger
    + The Asus might be lighter. The Asus is 6.6 lbs, the Toshiba is, "Starting at 6 lbs."
    + I trust NVIDIA just a little more than I trust ATI, and the GeForce 9500M GS is getting slightly better ratings about the web. (ATI has not done well for me with drivers in the past).
    - The processor is certainly better in the Toshiba, and 100 Megahertz will count in terms of long-term life.
    -\+ Aesthetically, I like the Asus better, but that's up to you.

    I would like to see someone assess my statements above, or weigh their own opinion on the specs I've pointed out here.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu
    + I trust NVIDIA just a little more than I trust ATI, and the GeForce 9500M GS is getting slightly better ratings about the web. (ATI has not done well for me with drivers in the past)
    Nvidia is in a big heap of trouble right now regarding defective laptop GPUs. The 9500M uses the G84 core, which is one of the defective parts. You can't tell for sure if this laptop has one of the defective batches, but I wouldn't take the risk of buying any Nvidia mobile graphics at this moment.

    More info about defective Nvidia parts here

    The Radeon 3600 cards are not bad at all for mobile graphics. The upcoming 4600 will be kickass for mobile, but that won't be launched any time soon. If you're really desperate to have a 4670 in your laptop, then maybe we can work something out

  7. #7
    ANBU Captain 6Zabuza9's Avatar
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    Hey guys, as post secondary starts this year in sept. I wish to buy myself a new laptop which i plan to use for school but probably just end up playing games on it. As since im a complete noob at computers I was wonder whats a good gaming laptop which can supply good quality for WoW and some FPS games, and maybe usable for future games like sc2 and diablo3 around the price of 1000$-2000$?

    ty psj for this sig

  8. #8
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    If it wasn't for gaming, I'd go a cheaper laptop and throw an OCZ 120 GB vertex in it.

    But since FPS gaming is GPU limited and you can't change a GPU in a laptop, there's no clever choice... I guess

    Quote Originally Posted by Board of Command
    Nvidia is in a big heap of trouble right now regarding defective laptop GPUs. The 9500M uses the G84 core, which is one of the defective parts. You can't tell for sure if this laptop has one of the defective batches, but I wouldn't take the risk of buying any Nvidia mobile graphics at this moment.

    More info about defective Nvidia parts here

    The Radeon 3600 cards are not bad at all for mobile graphics. The upcoming 4600 will be kickass for mobile, but that won't be launched any time soon. If you're really desperate to have a 4670 in your laptop, then maybe we can work something out
    Do you have a link with a table clearly stating the GPUs that are or may be plagued with the problem? Because after a 10 minute search I did not find anything clear... Thanks a lot
    Last edited by David75; Sun, 05-17-2009 at 03:38 AM.

    All the things I really like to do are either illegal, immoral, or fattening. And then: Golf.

  9. #9
    ASUS G50


  10. #10
    Banned darkshadow's Avatar
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    the G50 is indeed a beast, but I dunno how the prices are there, here the G50 is still minimum €1400 new.

  11. #11
    G50-AK043K 1150€

  12. #12
    ANBU Captain 6Zabuza9's Avatar
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    ty psj for this sig

  13. #13
    One of the many variations yes.

    They all got 9700GTs and 4 Gigs of ram, thats what matters for gaming, but the CPU can go from T9400 to the P7400

    Price thus ranges from 1100 Euros to a whooping 1600 euros

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