I stand corrected. My source for info was apparently wrong.
I stand corrected. My source for info was apparently wrong.
Now 99% disease free!
Sapphire already posted a link for it. She even made a thread. You should definitely check it out. Its a good read.Originally Posted by XanBcoo
Dreaming impossible dreams.
Sapphire is awesome!
I was unaware of that. Off I go, and thanks for the head's up.
<@Terra> he told me this, "man actually meeting terra is so fucking big", and he started crying. Then he bought me hot dogs
Fox seeks to stop WB's "Watchmen" after court win
By Alex Dobuzinskis
LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Twentieth Century Fox said on Monday it will seek an injunction to block release of the Warner Bros movie "Watchmen" after a Los Angeles court ruled a copyright lawsuit against Warner can go forward.
The movie about raffish, flawed superheroes -- which has already been shot -- is slated for release on March 6, said Warner Bros spokesman Scott Roe.
The highly anticipated film, with a budget believed to be about $120 million, is based on a 1980s DC Comics graphic novel written by Alan Moore and illustrated by Dave Gibbons.
In his decision released last week, Judge Gary Feess of the U.S. District Court for the Central District of California wrote that Fox could hold some of the rights to the material, even if it did not hold all rights.
Fox argues it acquired motion picture rights to the "Watchmen" graphic novel in the last 1980s, and that even though it relinquished certain rights to the material in 1991 it held onto the right to distribute the first movie.
"We will be asking the court to enforce Fox's copyright interests in "The Watchmen" and enjoin the release of the Warner Brothers film and any related 'Watchmen' media that violate our copyright interests in that property," said Fox spokesman Gregg Brilliant.
"The Watchmen" is directed by Zack Snyder, who made the 2007 hit movie "300." The film is based on edgy material and takes an unorthodox approach to the superhero movie by focusing on flawed antiheroes.
Scott Rowe, a spokesman for Warner Bros, said the ruling only means that the case will go forward.
"The judge did not opine at all on the merits, other than to conclude that Fox satisfied the pending requirements," Rowe said. "We respectfully disagree with Fox's position and do not believe they have any rights in and to this project."
Feess' ruling was issued on Wednesday, in response to Warner Bros' request to have the case dismissed. Warner Bros made the request after Fox sought an injunction against release of "Watchmen."
Fox filed its lawsuit against Warner Bros in February. Fox's accusations against its rival studio included copyright infringement, interference with contract and breach of contract.
DC Comics, the company behind the "Watchmen" graphic novel, is a subsidiary of Warner Bros, which is owned by Time Warner Inc. Fox is owned by News Corp
(Reporting by Alex Dobuzinskis: Editing by Peter Henderson and Carol Bishopric)
Dammit, Fox, this is why we can't have nice things.
<@Terra> he told me this, "man actually meeting terra is so fucking big", and he started crying. Then he bought me hot dogs
Well, Kevin Smith gives it two-thumbs up... that's good enough for me as I wait for the movie to come out. Let's just hope we get to see the uncut version sooner rather than later:
http://hollywoodinsider.ew.com/2008/...en-update.htmlKevin Smith says 'Watchmen' is astounding (insert 'but' here)
Aug 21, 2008, 08:06 AM | by Hollywood Insider
Categories: 'Watchmen', Movie Biz
--Written by Jeff Jensen
While comic book aficionados wonder if Warner Bros. will release its controversial superhero flick Watchmen as scheduled next March, one famous fan of the groundbreaking graphic novel says he’s seen Zack Snyder’s $100 million opus, and judging from his reaction, it appears all the fuss the film has stirred up is worth it.
Clerks helmer Kevin Smith (pictured) — who apparently was invited to see the film at Snyder’s invitation shortly after Comic-Con last month — has posted an unabashed rave for Watchmen over at MySpace: “I saw Watchmen. It’s f---ing astounding. The Non-Disclosure Agreement I signed prevents me from saying much, but I can spout the following with complete joygasmic enthusiasm: Snyder and Co. have pulled it off. Remember that feeling of watching Sin City on the big screen and being blown away by what a faithful translation of the source material it was, in terms of both content and visuals? Triple that, and you’ll come close to watching Watchmen.”
Of course, depending on how you felt about Sin City, Smith’s assessment may or may not strike you as impressive. So EW.com asked Smith — currently prepping his R-rated lewd laugher Zack and Miri Make A Porno for a Halloween premiere — to expand just a smidge: “My God, the flick is amazing.” Okay. And? “Anything more and I start getting phone calls.” Fair enough.
Smith’s gush might be encouraging for those who’ve long doubted that even a good film could be distilled out of Watchmen’s dense, complex story, let alone one that’s “f---ing astounding.” But there is still reason to worry: as EW reported in July, Snyder is currently endeavoring to trim a nearly three-hour version of Watchmen (which is believed to be the iteration Smith saw) down to two hours and 25 minutes, the studio’s desired running time, even though Snyder’s preference is that the movie be released as long as possible.
In the wake of Twentieth Century Fox’s lawsuit against Warner Bros. over Watchmen’s distribution rights — a complaint that seems to be valid, based on available court documents — some fans fret that Snyder might be asked to cut even more to improve its chances at being profitable. The angsty logic, expressed on a different geek hub message boards, goes like this: if Warner Bros. has to settle with Fox, or is forced to share revenue with Fox, the $100 million movie becomes even more expensive for Warner Bros. Sure, Watchmen might be great at 145 minutes, but if it’s good enough at a shorter length, which could generate an extra showing per screen, per day, that’s more money for the studio. (We tried to run that bit of thinking past Snyder himself, but he declined to comment.)
As Watchmengate — perhaps the priciest whoopsie! in Hollywood history — continues to obsess fans and bloggers, there’s been much speculation about how much money might be at stake here. The Hot Blog’s David Poland at moviecitynews.com theorizes that Warner Bros. might have to fork over $25 million to settle with Fox. Then again, Fox might get even more if it becomes a profit participant in the film, provided the movie does blockbuster business, and especially if Fox gets dealt in on after-theatrical revenues like DVDs. Indeed, Warner sources indicated to EW last month that the property’s above-average potential as an ancillary media cash cow was a big reason why Warner Bros. greenlit the picture. Already, the studio could milk Watchmen for at least three different DVDs: the already-announced The Black Freighter companion disc, an animated film based on the graphic novel’s comic-within-a-comic; the theatrical version of the film; and possibly a separate director’s cut that restores Snyder’s three-hour vision and integrates the Black Freighter story into Snyder’s narrative, a kind of “absolute edition” of Watchmen: the movie the director is very keen on making available to fans.
Regardless, even Kevin Smith believes that no matter how the Warner Bros./Fox flap resolves itself, fans will be able to see Watchmen on March 6, 2009. “Nah,” Smith tells EW.com. “There's no way that situation doesn't get ironed out.”
Dave Gibbons speaks at a convention about the Watchmen movie
He seems to be really enthusiastic about it. Damn I need to read this thing before the movie comes out.
<@Terra> he told me this, "man actually meeting terra is so fucking big", and he started crying. Then he bought me hot dogs
Has anyone heard the news about the ending? Like, I don't want to spoil, but its significantly changed from the books, but according to a lot of people, still makes sense in the spirit of the movie. I guess, if you know the ending of the books, they were pretty ridiculous, yet still shocking. I guess we'll find out next summer.
This is the greatest movie I have ever seen. Everyone go see this in the theatre.
"Leaving hell is not the same as entering it." - Tierce Japhrimel
Kevin Smith was right, fucking astounding. Epic, amazing, it was everything I'd hoped it would be.
I think I know precisely what I mean
when I say it's a schpadoinkle day
After seeing Sapphire's facebook status update that she, in fact, saw this movie, I decided to go out and see it myself.
Having not read the comic didn't bother me one bit. This was a pretty damn great. There's something that bugged me about the last 20 minutes or so, but I still haven't quite figured out what. I guess I just didn't buy into the certainty of world peace that would merit the sacrifice Ozymandias made. Gonna have to mull that one over.
Every character was interesting. Dr. Manhattan really made the movie for me. He was such a great character. And holy shit Rorschach is brilliant. I think I loved him without his mask on even more.
Edit: That was the bluest penis I've ever seen.
Last edited by XanBcoo; Sat, 03-07-2009 at 03:14 AM.
<@Terra> he told me this, "man actually meeting terra is so fucking big", and he started crying. Then he bought me hot dogs
Every grimey, dirty and morally questionable part of this movie made it great. There was just the perfect blend of intelligent conflict, ruthless killing, and superhero sex (haha). The plot was complex and the characters were well developed.
Everyone had a different view of the world and we got to see their personalities clash and yet it was easy to sympathize with each one. And I love it when most of the characters have something deep and insightful to say about life. It's probably the main reason I watch anime. I freaking LOVE Rorschach, from his poetic bashing of the filth of society to his near psychopathic rage and total kickassness in jail. When his mask is on it's like his motion is as fluid and calculated as his speech. When it isn't he's rough and sexy tough and someone you do NOT wanna anger. Manhattan's performance was amazing as well, and I was rather satisfied by the way things turned out because it wasn't exactly the typical hollywood ending. But maybe what I like most of all was the chronicle of the "heroes" throughout the years; how they changed, what they'd become.
I'm surprised you could just up and get a ticket Xan! I had to buy mine 5 hours in advance.
AHHH. I'm totally buying the DVD so I can watch the monster 3 and a half hour version.
"Leaving hell is not the same as entering it." - Tierce Japhrimel
Indeed....the movie was dope...and Dr. Manhattan added a great philosophical dimension to the story. Only complaints were that I found a few questionable details pertaining to Dr. Manhattan..particularly his ability to observe the 4th dimension.
10/4/04 - 8/20/07
Saw this yesterday, Rorsach is such a boss, "You guys don't understand, I'm not locked in here with you, you are locked in here with me!".
Pure gold.
Yeas, this movie was AWESOME! Didn't know jackshit about the storyline in the novel, but the story was indeed not your average hollywood type. It added so much more, Rorschach being exterminated in the end, and he was my fav! Choppie-chop, Grice!
Dr. Manhatten was such an blue emo douche. I'm just glad he wore panties back in Nam. There was like a 12 yr old girl sitting next to me. A what, 10 min. sex scene? So uncomfortable...
Now... we can click as warriors... button to button, it is the basis of all internet.
Only a fool trusts his life to a virus.
Hahahah okay sexophobe.
Someone behind me laughed when Rorschach died. I nearly turned around and slapped them.
"Leaving hell is not the same as entering it." - Tierce Japhrimel
You should've, and then some.
Well yes, I'm not at ease when I watch a scene like that and see a 12 yr old watching it the same way I do, straight face and all. I felt like putting a hand in front of her vision...
Now... we can click as warriors... button to button, it is the basis of all internet.
Only a fool trusts his life to a virus.
I read the book a few months before it came out, loved it, and really enjoyed the movie too. Saw it tonight (yesterday?) in IMAX. I missed the really in-depth backstories that the comic provided just a little bit, but enough material from each were blended in nicely.
I had just one problem with the ending. Not the primary changes made that all the internet seemed to be complaining about, I thought that major change was wonderfully weaved in.
[movie-only spoilers]
My issue was the fact that Nite Owl was outside to see Rorsharch die. Dan's behavior is so completely different during those events in the comic. The movie really redeemed his character and tried to make him more of the "comic book" hero. The novel and movie both showed all the Watchmen to be flawed in many ways, but the way this was done took out a lot of the contrast between Nite Owl and Rorsharch's characters. He went from a character I love to hate for his complicity to the plan, to someone who is more of agreeable as a "wholly good" character. In the novel ( I won't spoil ) he's far more concerned about something else than Rorsharch's clash with Manhattan.
I also wish they had gone for a little more time in a dead silence when Veidt said that he did it 35 minutes ago. Just to let it sink in.
Aside from that slightest of flaws, I loved the movie.
I do wonder about its mass appeal if you didn't read the novel first. I thought some of the pacing was a little harder to follow if you didn't know what was going to happen.
Well, I didn't get The Comedian stuff, other then him being a sadistic bastard with bad humor and knew of some stuff he shouldn't have and got killed for it. Didn't really have any signifcant part to me other then being the girls dad. Maybe I missed stuff, it was 3 hours or something...
Now... we can click as warriors... button to button, it is the basis of all internet.
Only a fool trusts his life to a virus.
Wait what, how was Night Owl really?
"Leaving hell is not the same as entering it." - Tierce Japhrimel