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Thread: Naruto Chapter 409

  1. #41
    Quote Originally Posted by NeoCybercoin
    I seriously wanna see how ridiculous his Rasengan is gonna be after this. I mean when he puts in the wind nature AND Sage chakra. Heck wouldn't that be like a freakin nuke considering his incomplete Wind Ragengan already made a huge explosion? O_o;
    IF his Sage training results in anything to do with the Rasengan at all I'm hoping it just means that his Wind Rasengan is going to be perfected (i.e. No longer hurt him as well). Since supposedly that was an "Ultimate Technique" that even the fourth couldn't create, so if it gets any more powerful I'm going to loose what little respect I still have for this series.

  2. #42
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    I also agree that at this point, Sasuke and Naruto will call a temporary truce. Naruto and company need to get back to the village to deal with the Danzo situation and Sasuke will probably help because of his vengeance vendetta against the Danzo and the elders. Naruto will come and spark the revolution by getting Konoha to rise up against Danzo to overthrow him. I think this is what finally serves as the catalyst for war. The other countries will hear of Konoha’s divided and weakened state and all of them except for Konoha’s allies, the Sand, will attack. This is where I think Kabuchimaru makes his last stand. He will probably (taken completely over by Orochimaru’s essence) lead this attack as Orochimaru’s last attempt to destroy Konoha.

    In the end of course, Naruto will come out on top. There will be heavy losses, but in the end, Tsunade after having been so severely weakened and Naruto being significantly stronger will name Naruto as her heir to Hokage status. Sakura would probably be in charge of paperwork though lol.

  3. #43
    The Fallen Abdula's Avatar
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    First of all, what exactly is the Danzo situation?
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  4. #44
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    Quote Originally Posted by Abdula
    First of all, what exactly is the Danzo situation?
    Um, what?

    1. him hating Tsunade and what her bloodline represents
    2. forming ROOTS in general for reasons we don't even know yet
    3. possibly placing himself as an elder to get who knows what (although we all know he's going to bust out his position against Tsunade soon)
    4. having control of his own ninja organization

    What this all adds up to yet it equal to predicting the white beard Shichibukai fight. IN other words I don't know. But Danzo is up to something. We all know Kishi is putting it on the back burner letting something boil until the right time like when Pein shows up or something with Tsunade happening to protect the village from the Akatsuki attack.

  5. #45
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    I'd like to see Danzo actually as a good guy. just not so sympathetic.
    not every character with a bad attitude and an ugly (not pretty) has to be a villain. it's bad enough that they turned Kimimaru, Sai, Sasori and Itachi into sissy-fucks, we need some diversity in the story.

    other than that (my personal preferences), making Danzo the source of all problem is a cowardly way out of the conflict. Itachi and Sasuke got where they are (were) because of the choices they made. Amending them should take more than beating someone like Danzo. Sasuke made his choice to ditch the leaf village, he should deal with what it means. Kishi shouldn't give him an easy way out.

    sig made by Itachi-y2k5, thanks, dude!
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  6. #46
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    It does seem that in his own twisted way Danzo just wants what's best for the village

  7. #47
    Jounin Splash!'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by docdan63
    Um, what?

    1. him hating Tsunade and what her bloodline represents

    He doesn't have hatred towards her bloodline. Tsunade is the descendant of the Senju just like Danzo.

    If he hates Tsunade, its probably because she was a student of the 3rd and shares the same values as him.

  8. #48
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    If it adds something to his arsenal besides the shadow clones and the rasengan i'll be a happy man

  9. #49
    I think that Naruto as a series just kinda makes 'leveling up' that much easier. Everytime they need a power up they just have to go and train for 15 minutes and all is well? I mean it is cool that the new Rasengan isnt quite complete, but really everything goes REALLY easy for them.

    Awell I really do like seeing a new move...

    assertnfailure (7:40:03 PM): dude....your posts are a bunch of nonsense

  10. #50
    The Fallen Abdula's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by docdan63
    Um, what?

    1. him hating Tsunade and what her bloodline represents
    2. forming ROOTS in general for reasons we don't even know yet
    3. possibly placing himself as an elder to get who knows what (although we all know he's going to bust out his position against Tsunade soon)
    4. having control of his own ninja organization

    What this all adds up to yet it equal to predicting the white beard Shichibukai fight. IN other words I don't know. But Danzo is up to something. We all know Kishi is putting it on the back burner letting something boil until the right time like when Pein shows up or something with Tsunade happening to protect the village from the Akatsuki attack.
    1. He doesn't hate Tsunade , and he is Senju too just like she is. The only thing he resents about Tsunade is that she is too soft, just like the third was.
    2. He didn't necessarily form roots. He was the leader of the entire anbu up until the Uchiha incident. Sometime after that control of the anbu was transferred to the hokage but Danzo's more loyal followers stayed with him and he formed root with them. So its not that he formed some secret ninja organization to take over the world. The anbu was his in the first place, sometime after the Uchiha incident the anbu was split into two groups, my guess is to better balance out the power.
    3. Danzo didn't place himself as an elder, he was always there. The third and his two teammates together with Danzo ran the entire village, it seems. I don't think Danzo has anything against Tsuande, based on the mission he sent Sai on and what he ordered Itachi to do its obvious he just has the village's best interest in mind. He just has his own way of doing things.
    4. see 2.

    Yes Danzo is up to something he wants to keep the village safe, which it seems he has been doing from behind the scenes for a very long time. He doesn't like Tsunade because he thinks that like the third, she is too soft something I agree with. I don't think he has any malicious intentions. He may think that the village would be better off if he was in control but he is definitely a good guy.
    Last edited by Abdula; Sun, 07-20-2008 at 07:18 PM.
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  11. #51
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by iMUSTbeTHEdevil
    I think that Naruto as a series just kinda makes 'leveling up' that much easier. Everytime they need a power up they just have to go and train for 15 minutes and all is well? I mean it is cool that the new Rasengan isnt quite complete, but really everything goes REALLY easy for them.

    Awell I really do like seeing a new move...
    well, it's countered by a training session of three years that gave Naruto NOTHING.
    and a lot of midway training that hadn't focused on any fundemental issues he has, and not to mention to layed back attitude that all of his mentors seemed to have ("oh, Naruto, by the way, you have an elemental affinity with wind, which wins over Sasuke lightning" "What, we have element rock-paper-scisores system?" "yes, haven't we told you?" "no, but where do the other non-elemntal jutsu fit in?" "uhmm, you don't need to know that right now") and the mysterious gaps in memory ("oh, Naruto, there's this trick i've been meanning to teach you for the past seven years, but never got the chance.. you can use the shadow clone to train more effectively" "Wow, Kakashi, that shit could have come useful all this time, when I was furiously striving to keep up with Sasuke").

    simply enough, Naruto doesn't get to win enough against middle-weights, so he needs a serious plot twist to fight against a real enemy.

    sig made by Itachi-y2k5, thanks, dude!
    Currently Watching: probably a show directed at 9 years old girls, lets be honest.

    You know the important distinction between Batman and me? Batman is fictional. In real life, there isn't always an alternative.

  12. #52
    The Fallen Abdula's Avatar
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    That was a damn good post DBZ. Its amazing just how bad the writing in Naruto has been.
    Dreaming impossible dreams.
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  13. #53
    I want to know if the 4th's "Flash" jutsu had anything to do with Reverse Summoning...

    assertnfailure (7:40:03 PM): dude....your posts are a bunch of nonsense

  14. #54
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    Well they're both time/space manipulation jutsus...

    other than that i got nothing

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