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Thread: Bleach 180

  1. #1

  2. #2
    So Weak~, don't bother downloading unless you are bored and ready to watch harmfull stuff for your brains.

    Brraaiinnss~, Brraaaiiinnsss~, Brrrraaaaaaaaiiiiinnnnnnnssssss~ ...

    Zombifying episode, nothing happened, shit, crap, monkey spit and faildozing material overall.

  3. #3
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Oct 2005
    I wish we would get an Ichigo vs Soi Fong fight, but somehow I very much doubt that. Probably we will get more lameness. After all, they have hardly had only decent fight in this whole filler arc so far. Ichigo should be a really tough guy. I simply fail to comprehend why they never use that for their advantage. It's true he never acts aloof like somebody like Byakuya but since his powers are captain level, I wish just once they would put that fact to use and not make him always run like a clown before some host of random goons he could beat with his hands tied behind his back.

    Why the heck didn't they go after that monkey faced villain anyway? They know he has been trying to eliminate Lurichio (or whatever was the girl's name) for a long time, so do they just plan to leave him alone to weave more clandestine plots? They should have killed him as the first thing, and things would have got a lot simpler.

  4. #4
    he cant just randomly go around fighting and killing ppl in soul society if he wants to stay on good terms with them.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by redcat
    he cant just randomly go around fighting and killing ppl in soul society if he wants to stay on good terms with them.
    What does it matter if Ichigo stays on good terms with them? I think the second Soul Society finds out he's a Vizard they would/are going to try and hunt down and kill Ichigo anyway. Also Ichigo has never really had much respect for authority as demonstrated in the Rescue Rukia arc where he decided to go against the laws of Soul Society in order to save Rukia. This is a simmilar situation with Luricho (sp?), someone is trying to kill her and the only way to really stop it is to beat the guy whose trying to kill her (I forgot his name atm, but the one that's pulling the strings).

  6. #6
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    I have nothing against Ichigo getting along with the SS people, but honestly it's the kind of place that understands the two axioms: "the end justifies the means" and "might makes right". Just look at the 13 squads: They don't want to have anything to do with each other, unless it's to delegate some mean tasks to a weaker squad or have some extra sparring. That's the kind of atmosphere that indeed makes it possible to kick some ass if you can do it and have a good reason to do it.

    I admit, though, that Rukia isn't the person to hang out with if you want to muscle your way through things... After all, she was ready to die for the bureaucracy. So, I suppose she would rather try to explain things to Soi Fong and assure her that they are the good guys instead of the faster way of kicking Soi Fong's tight ass back to her garrison and then off the monkey face villain.

  7. #7
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    God Dattebayo was right the ending theme SUCKS!

    No comments in the episode, it sucked just like usual.

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