Ch317 (@ One Manga)
Ch317 scanlated by Sleepy Fans
Wow, that was very dull chapter after a 2 week wait.
Ch317 (@ One Manga)
Ch317 scanlated by Sleepy Fans
Wow, that was very dull chapter after a 2 week wait.
Last edited by Splash!; Fri, 07-11-2008 at 11:12 AM.
this looks an anime opening sequence... charecters randomly fighting meat shields.
why was ULQI so suprised in the final page?
It was probably because he was having a monologue and thought no one would interrupt, but Ichigo pops out and effs everything up.
Is it just me or does anyone else get the feeling that Tite Kubo is just trying to buy time while he desperately scribbles out some powers for the last 3 espada's release forms.
I mean c'mon he's gonna have to work real hard if he's to justify why the hell they should be able to wipe the floor with pretty much all of the captains assembled in the real world considering that more then half of the espada's have been practically decimated by ichigo and co as well as the captains who went to mexico opps I mean Hueco Mundo
Is the name of Chad's attack really "El Directo" come on, that's just lazy writing. As a matter of fact lazy writing pretty much describes this whole chapter.
Last edited by Abdula; Fri, 07-11-2008 at 12:03 PM.
Dreaming impossible dreams.
Sapphire is awesome!
Originally Posted by LobsterMagnet
You're assuming that Aizen's comment meant that the Espada were going to win. It's right in line with him to be using them as throw away pawns while hie true objective goes on.
I think this chapter failed more than Naruto.Originally Posted by Abdula
[21:48] * DO furiously masturbates to #gotwoot
Boring episode but at least we know the next one is going to be amazing
Btw does anyone else think that Ulquiora's release will have something to do with that left eye of his? Never gave it much thought after he smashed it to give all the other espada his memories but after this chapter i'm curious to see it's real power.
previous chapter discussion:Originally Posted by The Archangel
but keep saying this, you'll get it right eventuallyOriginally Posted by The Archangel
U gotta have hope DBZ ! *starts singing*
am i the only person surprised that all of the charactors re-emerge seemingly unscathed after all being very close to death?
makes me think about naruto right after the chuunin exam when it seemed like all the charactors had died only to later be just fine.... sometimes i think somebody needs to die; as sad as that can be.
This made me lolOriginally Posted by itadakimasu
Anyway they have the 4th squads captain there, the lieutenant and the fourth seat, with that much healing power it's no wonder they all seem unharmed.
If they keep healing then go after the healers, how difficult can it be.
I'm only drinking on days beginning with a T, tuesday, thursday, today, tomorrow, thaturday, thunday
Yeah great idea, hey ulquiora go out there and take them on all at the same time even tough they're being absolute morons and only sending 1 guy to take you on, you know the same guy that got his ass handed to him in the first fight.
Well you got a point there but we all know that according to the rules Ichigo has to win now. But seriously since he's all alone and everyone would normally go after him, atleast that would be the smart thing, why not seek them out when they haven't regrouped yet. So healers first because they're just annoying. And if hollows are supposed to be evil, please just kill already. If i where even slightly evil and had some power i'd kill everyone on the spot just for the fun of it.
I'm only drinking on days beginning with a T, tuesday, thursday, today, tomorrow, thaturday, thunday
Well for one thing he's had like 5 minutes since getting out of caja negation, and secondly the last time he met ichigo he stabbed his hand through his chest, how the fuck is that not evil? The only reason he didn't die it's because he's the main character.
I think you misunderstand what he's saying, not that that's uncommon. He isn't saying that hollows aren't evil, I think what he means is that if hollows are supposedly to be so evil why don't they just kill people instead of always standing around running off at the mouth. I mean if hollows would just kill people and not talk so much or do the stereotypical shonen bad guy thing and play around with the good guy until he whoops your ass, Rukia, Chad, Ishida and even Ichigo would be dead.
I mean why doesn't Ulq just kill Orihime instead of standing around sayin "I'm going to kill you" until Ichigo shows up.
Dreaming impossible dreams.
Sapphire is awesome!
You're the one misunderstanding. Hollows do exactly that, they kill without thinking because they are evil, what you're talking about are arrancars, hollows that removed their masks and gained back their ability to think.Originally Posted by Abdula
As such, they no longer randomly kill everyone they see and may even let some of their enemies live but that doesn't make them any less evil, in fact it just turns them into sadists that prefer to see their opponents suffer rather than finish them off on the spot.
They're still evil, they're just not brainless animals anymore
And coincidentally everyone they don't kill comes back to defeat them. And really if i was a sadist i'd just put them through horrendous pain not knock him/her out with a lil extra damage. Where's the paralyzing or some other painful stuff. The only one i've seen who's come close to that was that scientist arrancar. He just had the bad luck he was interrupted.
I'm only drinking on days beginning with a T, tuesday, thursday, today, tomorrow, thaturday, thunday
After becoming arrancars they're driven by something else than just hunger, they're driven by their own ambitions.
FFS, we've even seen an example of a good arrancar nel, hollows have no obligation to be evil as there are exceptions and some are worse than others. Aizen as been the most evil character so far and he's not even an hollow.