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Thread: Naruto Chapter 408

  1. #1
    RIP SOUL'd OUT :( Marik's Avatar
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    Naruto Chapter 408

    Last edited by Marik; Fri, 07-11-2008 at 01:20 AM.

  2. #2
    Diego Quality rockmanj's Avatar
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    So the 8 tails is a vulgar black guy...didn't see that one coming at all. But kudos to whoever said that Naruto was gonna do the toad training. I kind of thought that he'd go that route too but I didn't expect it so soon. And I wonder if his orfficial rank will ever improve. He's still technically a genin.

  3. #3
    I can't pinpoint why exactly.....but I didn't like this chapter at all....maybe it'll come to me later.

  4. #4
    Jounin Idealistic's Avatar
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    I just want to say again... Sasuke's eyes look fucking retarded.

    Naruto's growth gets lamer and lamer. First, Naruto goes train with Jiraiya for about 3 years, doesn't learn a thing. Second, we're introduced with hax bunshin training which Naruto learns only a new move. And now, apparently hax bunshin training isn't good enough so he'll be training with that toad. Seriously... Why does Naruto(the character) have to be so freaking stupid that he can't train by himself.

    He better utilize that hax training with the toad.

  5. #5
    Awesome user with default custom title Uchiha Barles's Avatar
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    Ok, a comment here...I think this is Naruto's last shot at gaining some skill that doesn't involve him looking incredibly stupid before winning a fight. 1 week to train with this sage combined with the training method that kakashi came up with can make this happen in a realistic fashion (hahahahahahahaHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAhahahahaLOL!... *cough* disbelief suspended). I don't see how the story has anymore room to fit more Naruto power ups. I can't think of a more prolific trainer than someone like the frog sage, who trained Jiraiya AFTER the third did. I'm hoping Naruto learns some seal Jutsu.

    There really wasn't anything else interesting at all to this chapter. Some "new" sharingan power's been shown. Big whoop.

    edit @ above: You can't fault that he's learned only one jutsu with the training method kakashi taught him. There hasn't been time. He trained to create the technique, had to use it in battle before it was complete, had to recover from the injuries it caused him, and then had this mission to go after Sasuke. I agree with everything else though.

  6. #6
    Awesome user with default custom title XanBcoo's Avatar
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    Holy shit Sasuke's Atom-Sharingan looks dumb. It's like Kishimoto is trying to incorporate all his old Sharingan sketches that never made the cut into the manga before it ends. How many is this now, 5? That said, I really love the artwork for the Land of Clouds on page 7. Looks like exactly how a "sky city" should.

    I'm glad Naruto's gonna train with the frog guy. I think everyone saw that coming a mile away, so I'm glad it's actually gonna happen.

    Someone help me understand what's so "vague" about Jiraiya's message. There must be something in the translation, because it seems absolutely straight-forward to me.

    Also how is Orochimaru not the 8 tails? I was honestly shocked by that.

    <@Terra> he told me this, "man actually meeting terra is so fucking big", and he started crying. Then he bought me hot dogs

  7. #7
    ANBU Captain
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    i really dont like sharingan now. Its just so excessively lame. Its like when you play pretend with the kid who cant stop making up powers as u go along. Its just no fun.

  8. #8
    Diego Quality rockmanj's Avatar
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    I get the feeling that he's only going to train for a week. If that's the case, and he becomes ridiculously strong, then I might actually start ranting on the message board too. I mean, sure KBJ can give him an edge, but Jiraiya was with them for YEARS.

  9. #9
    Awesome user with default custom title XanBcoo's Avatar
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    Well, he hadn't done the Kage Bunshin training with Jiraiya. It does raise the question of "What the fuck was he doing for 3 years??" but everyone's already had a go at that.

    I think a week of Frog training using Kage Bunshin could at least teach him some new Frog Jutsu. Maybe, just maybe, he'll emerge as the kind of badass we wanted him to be post-timeskip.

    <@Terra> he told me this, "man actually meeting terra is so fucking big", and he started crying. Then he bought me hot dogs

  10. #10
    Diego Quality rockmanj's Avatar
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    That would be a big suspension of belief, even for Naruto. I mean becoming like the terminator or something in only a week? I guess we'll see in the ensuing chapters (itll probably be like 3 months worth of training in a week's time a la the show that must never be named).

  11. #11
    Awesome user with default custom title XanBcoo's Avatar
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    It also gives everyone else more time to "decipher" the code.

    And by "decipher" I mean "realize the obvious". Are we really going to have to wait until Naruto's done training for them to figure out what it means while simultaneously coming up with the results from the autopsy?

    <@Terra> he told me this, "man actually meeting terra is so fucking big", and he started crying. Then he bought me hot dogs

  12. #12
    Missing Nin joker-kun's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by XanBcoo
    It also gives everyone else more time to "decipher" the code.

    And by "decipher" I mean "realize the obvious". Are we really going to have to wait until Naruto's done training for them to figure out what it means while simultaneously coming up with the results from the autopsy?
    This is probably just me trying to give Kishi some undeserved credit (yeah the sage toad who even had a flashback of Jiraiya talking about Negato not being there... and the message saying the real one isn't there or whatever wasn't able to figure it out - makes alot of sense), but I think the Toad knew but for some reason kept it to himself, maybe for Naruto or something. Doesn't make much sense I know, but why the fuck would he bother with a flashback if he didn't think it had some indication.

    [21:48] * DO furiously masturbates to #gotwoot

  13. #13
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    I don't know what you guys are complaining about. So his eye looks like an atom, big deal. Maybe it was an artistic look he was going for. I actually think it looks fine for him. And Kishi made him hella strong. He looked at the guy with only one eye, and he talked. That's just plain bad ass.

    My main omg moment was when the Hawk group was all wearing the akatsuki robes. That was awesome to see. It's like they're the akatsuki's new recruits and are now working with them on one of their personal important missions. And to back my above paragraph, it's led by Sasuke with his new eyes people! So put that in your pipe and smoke it.

    The Jinchuriki not being Oro was kind of weird, but it kind of makes more sense now. There was so much speculation about him being it, Kishi probably just said fuck, and went with something else. Him giving in to us thinking would be boring and you guys all know it. We would've packed a thread for him all saying that we expected it and Kishis a boring writer not following his own creativity. Besides, all the other Jichuriki so far have been from all other nations and villages hidden away not known by the villages themselves. It should stay that way. It makes the akatsuki seem smart and driven towards achieving their goal. They actually do research and find out where they're located.

    Now about the 8 tails. He's going to be bad ass. Just plain bad ass. You can totally see Kishi writing it that way, which by the way is fine by me. It was also really cool how they showed a bit of him training and retracting his "animal form". Also, yeah, he's not a snake like we all thought. He's an octopus type. You can tell by the suckers in the 2nd pic of him in the cave training. So that's going to be really interesting to see in a fight.

  14. #14
    LOL at Suigetsu saying that Sasuke's sharingan is broken. I think Kishimoto realizes how much unfair power he's written to the sharingan and poked fun at himself. I can dig that.

    Also it seems like the 8-tails has attained the most realized control and power out of his bijuu compared to all the other jinchurikis, including Naruto. The fact that he goes in and out of his released form at will, as docdan pointed out, is proof of that.

  15. #15
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    more sharingan shanningans...
    but the snake\falcon\akatsuki team looks great now.

    the 8-tails also looks neat, I hope he won't die right away. in fact, I think we'll see a scene of him fighting Sasuke, and then Sasuke uses Sharingan, and the scene changes. and few months later it will be revelead that Sasuke let him go.

    actually, it's a shame that Naruto won't get to train under this guy, he probably is a good trainer for naruto.

  16. #16
    im kinda hoping that dbz is right and that the 8-tails gets away somehow and learns about what akatsuki is up, with capturing the tailed beasts and whatnot, and seeks out naruto.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by chet_chetty

    Also it seems like the 8-tails has attained the most realized control and power out of his bijuu compared to all the other jinchurikis, including Naruto. The fact that he goes in and out of his released form at will, as docdan pointed out, is proof of that.
    Yes I believe he's the most controlled of his bijuu out of the 9. And actually, I know it's too soon to tell because we just saw Naruto go into training with the person who taught Jiraiya everything he knows, but if Naruto doesn't learn to control it, the 8 tails could be the strongest in the series for a long long time. Till naruto is a full grown adult in his 30's or late 20's. But who know maybe the frog sage can change that soon with this training.

    I actually think Kishi planned for us to find out that the 8 tails can control his power like this, to think maybe naruto has some training to do so he can get ready for the akatsuki when they come to town like the 8 tails more than is for team hawk. Obviously making him fully able to control the 9 tails will have it's issues.

    1. Kyuubi is extremely dangerous and wild
    2. Naruto is the youngest jinchuriki yet (probably why the old man 4 tails new how to control his bijuu and form lots of elemental seals. And why it was even hard for Kisame to take down.
    3. Since naruto is so young it could be a problem for him to know Kyuubi well enough to control him, or even have the relationship that the 8 tails probably has with his bijuu. However, he does and has talked with him a lot in his subconscious. Although most of it was not really talking as it was Kyuubi convincing Naruto he can make him a guest god, and then using his body as a killing machine.
    4. The training with the frog could maybe not help Naruto with bijuu. In fact he probably won't even help naruto touch on that. But who knows

    @death booz:
    he won't die right away. In fact, I think Sasuke and the whole team hawk is going to have a bitch of a hard ass time to fight him. The guys is the strongest bijuu right now and has 8 tails to work with. And he's only a smidgen less chakra than naruto holds. He'll be fine. Sasukes eyes probably won't even work on him. He's probably going to have use what his brother gave him to get the job done well. He won't let him go. But he's going to need more akatsuki members to give him a hand with this one. They aren't sending in a jounin level ninja at full training capacity age. They're sending in a new recruit with fresh sharingan and a relative in the akatsuki. All of the akatsuki are still much stronger than Sasuke is right now. He'll need back up. At least 2 more people. 3 of peins bodies and Kisame should do the trick.

    Yeah him not being able to train and teach Naruto is a real shame. With the right teachings from this 8 tails, naruto could own entire villages with one hand tied behind his back.

    Should be getting good from here. Interesting to note. I haven't read the last 4 chapters, and then 7 more before that. But I'm starting again on this chapter. Oh well spoilers for me.

  18. #18
    Genin Darky's Avatar
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    I really can't see how you said that all of the akatsuki are much stronger then sasuke, or him not being at jounin level. If he isn't at jounin level then what do you need for it. He's shown strategy in his fights so far, uses techniques in combination with one another and took out an akatsuki member by himself. 2 if you really want to count in a sick Itachi. There's really no way of telling how strong the rest of akatsuki is now,and i have to say they've been taken care of pretty easily up until now with the loss of only 2 ninja on the allied side.

    But saying sasuke is weaker then a trained jounin is going a bit far, a young Kakashi was already good enough to be a jounin at a very young age, granted that there was a war going on. I'm not saying he was a good jounin but obviously still good enough to be one.
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  19. #19
    Awesome user with default custom title Uchiha Barles's Avatar
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    "The guy is the strongest bijuu right now." What? I mean, really. What? A few panels of him, no techniques of him, no real clue as to how much control he actually has over the bijuu. He's the strongest right now? Nevermind, I give up. He's the strongest right now.

  20. #20
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    he obviously is the strongest one.
    by manga-law, any villian is stronger than the main hero until they fight (see getbackers for in-story expelnation, I don't remember the chapter, but it's at the end of the 'divine cards' arc) which makes him stronger than naruto.

    and by akatsuki elimination process, those are the only two jinkuruchi's left, so he is the strongest one.

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