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Thread: New Anime Adaptations/Seasons

  1. #1

    New Anime Adaptations/Seasons

    For those to lazy

    New Anime Announcements:
    •Hetalia Axis Powers is getting animated.
    •Higurashi no Naku Koro no Rei (5-part OAV) will begin airing late December.
    •Kiss x Sis will be getting animated on DVD.
    •Bakemonogatari is getting animated.
    •Maria†Holic is getting animated.
    •Black God is getting animated.
    •A new season of Full Metal Alchemist has been confirmed.
    •Haruhi-chan, Churuya-san will be getting anime shorts.
    •Gonzo will be animating Dungeon & Fighter (Slap Up Party -Arad Senki-).
    •Hatsukoi Limited is getting animated.
    •Asakiyumemishi is getting animated and will premiere next January.
    •Minami-ke is getting a 3rd season.
    •Denpateki na Kanojo is getting animated.
    •Souten Kouro is getting animated.
    •Shangri-La is getting animated.
    •Zettai Yareru Greece Shinwa is getting animated.
    •Hajime no Ippo will be getting a new series January 2009.
    •Koi Hime†Musou is getting an OVA.
    •Sunrise’s new upcoming series is Sora wo Kakeru Shoujo.
    •Spice and Wolf’s second season has been confirmed.
    •Asura Cryin’ is getting animated.
    •Sengoku Basara is getting animated.
    •428 ~Fuusa Sareta Shibuya de~ is getting animated.
    •Street Fighter IV will be getting an anime adaption.
    •Project MP will be getting an anime adaption.
    •Kemono no Soja will be getting an anime adaption.
    •Before Green Gables will be getting adapted into an anime.
    Of interest to me most is probably Black God being animated, a new Hajime no Ippo, FMA Season, and Spice and Wolf Second Season. Not sure about a third season of Minami-ke, since the second season was very mehhh.

  2. #2
    Awesome user with default custom title Pandadice's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    the States
    oh sweet. thanks.

    I'm interested (for right now anyways) in the new Full Metal Alchemist series, Shangri-La (Noein writer and Last Exile artist? sweet), Zettai Yareru Girisha Shinwa (a comedy about how perverted the Greek gods were? sounds great), Before Green Gables sounds interesting too. and I'm sure if I could understand the Japanese sites, I'd be looking forwards to much more of it.

    user posted image

  3. #3
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    A new FMP season in a list like this would be an answer to all my anime prayers. But as it is, I actually welcome new Minami-ke even though the second season as such didn't much impress. But who knows, it could be good. Black God I will wait and see. Not my favorite manga with a bloody mothercon main character but there are worse. Spice and Wolf 2nd season is of course sweeter than a perfectly ripe golden delicious but that was already discussed earlier. No idea about the others.

    Good info, though, animus.

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