Threaded View
RyougaZell Game: Shin Megami Tensei Games Sat, 07-05-2008,
11:25 PM
Paulyboy I just hope they make the... Sun, 07-06-2008,
12:53 AM
animus Is the dating sim still in... Sun, 07-06-2008,
08:57 AM
RyougaZell Its still there... and this... Sun, 07-06-2008,
09:39 AM
animus She's ok I guess, but I meant... Sun, 07-06-2008,
06:11 PM
Archangel *Drools*
This will be for... Sun, 07-06-2008,
10:07 PM
RyougaZell Indeed. PS2 only. What until... Sun, 07-06-2008,
11:04 PM
Archangel It's amazing how the Ps2 is... Mon, 07-07-2008,
12:35 PM
Intangir Oh yeah!!!
And to think... Wed, 07-09-2008,
12:09 PM
Guest Heeeeeellllllloooooooooo... Wed, 07-09-2008,
02:16 PM
Guest *revives*
It's been... Fri, 12-19-2008,
05:59 AM
kenren The english version is... Fri, 12-19-2008,
06:59 AM
RyougaZell My copy is still on the mail.... Fri, 12-19-2008,
10:05 AM
animus Still need to pick this up,... Fri, 12-19-2008,
12:40 PM
fireheart It's a lot of fun, all in all... Fri, 12-19-2008,
02:53 PM
RyougaZell My game arrived today,... Wed, 12-31-2008,
02:52 PM
TheBladeChild Lol my christmas present to... Thu, 01-01-2009,
01:07 AM
RyougaZell Archie:
Fanservice? No
Yet... Thu, 01-01-2009,
12:27 PM
Guest That's not...too bad...but... Thu, 01-01-2009,
12:48 PM
animus Planning to get this within... Fri, 01-02-2009,
09:57 AM
RyougaZell The tshirt sucks bigtime...... Fri, 01-02-2009,
09:57 AM
animus But the game is emulated... Fri, 01-02-2009,
11:31 AM
RyougaZell That is correct.
... Fri, 01-02-2009,
12:06 PM
Guest So RZ, how are you finding... Mon, 01-05-2009,
12:40 PM
RyougaZell I've passed the first 2... Mon, 01-05-2009,
04:08 PM
Archangel Im still finishing up FES but... Mon, 01-05-2009,
06:33 PM
Guest Tsk tsk tsk. Shame on you... Tue, 01-06-2009,
09:24 AM
RyougaZell More like asking them... its... Tue, 01-06-2009,
09:57 AM
Guest Wow...that's so...realistic.... Tue, 01-06-2009,
10:13 AM
RyougaZell Im finding Yukiko to be more... Tue, 01-06-2009,
11:05 AM
RyougaZell I kinda played Persona 3 by... Tue, 01-06-2009,
06:08 PM
RyougaZell Rise just appeared yesterday... Wed, 01-07-2009,
01:08 PM
Guest Wow, you can dream now?!... Wed, 01-07-2009,
01:16 PM
RyougaZell In game right :P?
Cause my... Wed, 01-07-2009,
03:39 PM
Archangel Is that for psp? Wed, 01-07-2009,
04:32 PM
RyougaZell Its for NDS.
There's a... Wed, 01-07-2009,
04:40 PM
RyougaZell The end of the world as... Thu, 01-08-2009,
10:12 AM
Guest Yeah, I saw videos.
Rise's... Thu, 01-08-2009,
10:18 AM
RyougaZell I haven't seen her shadow.... Thu, 01-08-2009,
10:23 AM
Guest Stop bragging. D: but good to... Thu, 01-08-2009,
10:31 AM
RyougaZell Chie's voice... its kinda... Thu, 01-08-2009,
10:33 AM
Guest Yeah, I think she's a first... Thu, 01-08-2009,
10:38 AM
RyougaZell Yeah... I hope they do... Thu, 01-08-2009,
10:41 AM
Guest Wait...Yukari was never... Thu, 01-08-2009,
10:43 AM
RyougaZell Well... I can't speak for... Thu, 01-08-2009,
11:03 AM
Guest Didn't they cost a fortune?!... Thu, 01-08-2009,
11:39 AM
RyougaZell 8~10 Naruto figures cost only... Thu, 01-08-2009,
11:53 AM
Guest 80? For a doll? Man, that's... Thu, 01-08-2009,
01:32 PM
RyougaZell Correct.
1st Boss battle in... Thu, 01-08-2009,
01:44 PM
Guest Oooh, can't wait for the... Thu, 01-08-2009,
03:32 PM
RyougaZell Well... since I spoiled... Thu, 01-08-2009,
03:36 PM
Guest Yeah, talk about more work... Thu, 01-08-2009,
03:40 PM
RyougaZell Haven't seen much of them... Thu, 01-08-2009,
04:24 PM
TheBladeChild Jeez you guys seem way ahead... Sat, 01-10-2009,
06:32 AM
Archangel FUCK THE NYX FUCK THE NYX... Sat, 01-10-2009,
12:50 PM
RyougaZell Nyx killed you? For real?... Sun, 01-11-2009,
01:18 AM
Archangel I'm level 81 and i fucking... Sun, 01-11-2009,
08:38 AM
Archangel The truth about the Main... Sun, 01-11-2009,
11:59 AM
RyougaZell Elizabeth's fanart fighiting... Sun, 01-11-2009,
04:55 PM
Archangel I'd good rep you if i hadn't... Sun, 01-11-2009,
06:12 PM
RyougaZell LOL
Just don't forget to... Sun, 01-11-2009,
07:03 PM
Archangel You've done this too i bet :D... Sun, 01-11-2009,
07:20 PM
RyougaZell LOL... already have that... Sun, 01-11-2009,
10:23 PM
Archangel I loled so hard when he did... Mon, 01-12-2009,
10:47 AM
Guest Go replay and save before you... Mon, 01-12-2009,
10:54 AM
RyougaZell I would.
But how can I say... Tue, 01-13-2009,
01:02 AM
RyougaZell Semantics, Syntaxis,... Tue, 01-13-2009,
09:46 AM
TheBladeChild This is kinda cool that a lot... Thu, 01-15-2009,
05:51 AM
RyougaZell On ebay I guess. Remember... Thu, 01-15-2009,
09:49 AM
RyougaZell Persona (the first one) seems... Thu, 01-15-2009,
09:37 PM
Archangel Jeanne D'Arc was awesome
... Thu, 01-15-2009,
09:45 PM
RyougaZell It isn't you. It IS boring.... Thu, 01-15-2009,
10:00 PM
RyougaZell nah. play it. The final boss... Thu, 01-15-2009,
10:50 PM
animus My favorite was always... Fri, 01-16-2009,
12:13 PM
RyougaZell The P4 crew visiting... Thu, 01-22-2009,
09:47 AM
TheBladeChild Hehe apparently im about to... Tue, 01-27-2009,
05:12 PM
RyougaZell Im currently on the last... Tue, 01-27-2009,
06:17 PM
TheBladeChild Oh shyt I just realized i... Tue, 01-27-2009,
06:29 PM
RyougaZell It ain't Persona... but the... Tue, 01-27-2009,
10:14 PM
TheBladeChild Link doesnt work Tue, 01-27-2009,
10:57 PM
RyougaZell Fixed link.
In Persona 4... Wed, 01-28-2009,
10:22 AM
RyougaZell Persona PSP confirmed
... Wed, 02-04-2009,
03:50 PM
RyougaZell Shin Megami Tensei: Devil... Fri, 02-06-2009,
09:08 PM
Archangel Is that the MC from persona... Sat, 02-07-2009,
07:06 AM
RyougaZell Nop. A new MC and the girl is... Sat, 02-07-2009,
12:51 PM
fireheart Finally finished the game... Sun, 02-08-2009,
12:11 PM
RyougaZell I wanted to do that. But I... Sun, 02-08-2009,
12:46 PM
fireheart It was ok in P3 in my... Sun, 02-08-2009,
08:04 PM
TheBladeChild Its not that hard to get... Mon, 02-09-2009,
04:04 PM
RyougaZell I didn't use the fox more... Mon, 02-09-2009,
04:43 PM
fireheart bladechild: True it's not... Tue, 02-10-2009,
07:43 PM
RyougaZell The only thing I regret of... Wed, 02-11-2009,
12:14 AM
fireheart Never fought against... Thu, 02-12-2009,
07:04 PM
RyougaZell 3 hours? I hope not from work... Thu, 02-12-2009,
07:10 PM
fireheart Actually it's just because I... Thu, 02-12-2009,
07:47 PM
RyougaZell I have a randomizer.... Sun, 02-15-2009,
11:50 PM
RyougaZell Shin Megami Tensei Persona... Tue, 02-24-2009,
05:31 PM
RyougaZell Persona Eater... Sun, 03-08-2009,
04:48 PM
Archangel Haha the eva video was awesome Sun, 03-08-2009,
06:01 PM
RyougaZell Newbies to RPGs and... Wed, 03-11-2009,
12:21 AM
TheBladeChild Dude these guys are funny... Wed, 03-11-2009,
01:56 AM
animus Got the game 2 days ago. Been... Tue, 03-24-2009,
12:25 AM
RyougaZell Shadow Yukiko... I couldn't... Tue, 03-24-2009,
12:30 AM
animus Where do I buy them?
Been... Tue, 03-24-2009,
12:33 AM
RyougaZell Ah yes... I never noticed... Tue, 03-24-2009,
12:47 AM
animus For some reason Persona 4... Tue, 03-24-2009,
07:06 AM
RyougaZell You can't.
Create a second,... Tue, 03-24-2009,
08:15 AM
Ryllharu The game says right in the... Tue, 03-24-2009,
03:34 PM
RyougaZell Correct. That is why you must... Tue, 03-24-2009,
04:53 PM
animus I never read the game... Tue, 03-24-2009,
06:35 PM
RyougaZell Digital Devil Saga... Tue, 03-24-2009,
07:23 PM
TheBladeChild Im on my road to the perfect... Mon, 03-30-2009,
04:14 AM
RyougaZell Ayane? Ah... the music girl.... Mon, 03-30-2009,
08:26 AM
RyougaZell Well... I gave in and... Thu, 06-11-2009,
03:10 PM
Archangel September is gonna be a good... Thu, 06-11-2009,
03:16 PM
Archangel Oh look, another internet... Thu, 06-11-2009,
10:11 PM
Archangel Triple post for the win...... Tue, 07-14-2009,
11:52 PM
Archangel So no items or money or... Wed, 07-15-2009,
01:04 AM
RyougaZell No items, you need to sell... Wed, 07-15-2009,
07:12 AM
Archangel Double summoning gone?? What... Wed, 07-15-2009,
08:30 AM
RyougaZell Actually... getting money is... Wed, 07-15-2009,
08:59 AM
fireheart Yeah the double summoning was... Wed, 07-15-2009,
03:33 PM
Archangel Bah...
Minato > Seta
... Wed, 07-15-2009,
04:14 PM
Archangel Minato is the only better... Wed, 07-15-2009,
08:01 PM
RyougaZell I like both idiots... Yosuke... Wed, 07-15-2009,
08:47 PM
animus But MItsuru is so hot Wed, 07-15-2009,
08:57 PM
Archangel Man, Kuma is annoying as hell... Thu, 07-16-2009,
12:52 AM
fireheart I though Kuma was more... Thu, 07-16-2009,
04:30 AM
RyougaZell I actually found Kuma /... Thu, 07-16-2009,
08:37 AM
fireheart I don't know Kuma/Teddie is... Thu, 07-16-2009,
05:31 PM
RyougaZell Human Teddie was a dork. But... Thu, 07-16-2009,
06:08 PM
Archangel Haha i knew it!! The way she... Fri, 07-17-2009,
04:05 AM
RyougaZell Shin Megami Tensei: Strange... Fri, 07-17-2009,
08:59 AM
fireheart I'm kind of surprised no one... Mon, 07-20-2009,
03:54 PM
RyougaZell Because it ain't an official... Tue, 07-21-2009,
08:32 AM
fireheart Ohh that explains it though I... Tue, 07-21-2009,
06:40 PM
RyougaZell Well... it seems Persona 5... Tue, 07-21-2009,
10:28 PM
Archangel Where do you get the cash for... Wed, 07-22-2009,
01:18 AM
RyougaZell I mostly save money... lol.
... Wed, 07-22-2009,
09:32 AM
fireheart Trailer for Strange Journey... Tue, 07-28-2009,
09:12 AM
darkshadow I thought this comic was... Tue, 08-04-2009,
07:04 PM
RyougaZell Saw it in the morning.
It... Wed, 08-05-2009,
12:04 AM
fireheart More news/rumors on Persona 5... Thu, 08-06-2009,
05:28 PM
RyougaZell With Strange Journey being an... Fri, 08-07-2009,
09:23 AM
RyougaZell I recently saw this video, in... Mon, 08-17-2009,
11:18 PM
fireheart I thought most voices were ok... Tue, 08-18-2009,
08:32 AM
RyougaZell Oh heck no!
I wanted P2...
... Tue, 08-18-2009,
09:15 AM
Archangel Milking the franchise for all... Tue, 08-18-2009,
10:39 AM
RyougaZell A bit. Lol.
What I Like... Tue, 08-18-2009,
10:48 AM
Archangel Sounds like crappy marketing... Tue, 08-18-2009,
12:15 PM
fireheart Most people that really want... Tue, 08-18-2009,
03:43 PM
RyougaZell P3P will only include 'The... Tue, 08-18-2009,
09:20 PM
Archangel Only fanboys and girls will... Tue, 08-18-2009,
09:41 PM
fireheart arch: Isn't that just in... Wed, 08-19-2009,
08:17 AM
RyougaZell Its been stated already that... Wed, 08-19-2009,
08:51 AM
RyougaZell New scans. Click to enlarge
... Wed, 08-19-2009,
08:01 PM
animus Wow they gutted the game.... Wed, 08-19-2009,
09:12 PM
RyougaZell I don't mind losing the... Wed, 08-19-2009,
09:25 PM
Archangel Is that a new persona i see... Wed, 08-19-2009,
09:51 PM
RyougaZell Uhh... Archie... P3P...... Thu, 08-20-2009,
07:25 AM
RyougaZell 2 Videos Up at Famitsu
... Thu, 08-20-2009,
12:00 PM
Archangel Getting it on with Junpei???... Thu, 08-20-2009,
12:02 PM
RyougaZell Just on the Female side you... Thu, 08-20-2009,
12:04 PM
Archangel It's still gross...
You... Thu, 08-20-2009,
12:14 PM
RyougaZell I do have the full one of P3.... Thu, 08-20-2009,
12:46 PM
Archangel I have 24 Megas but my shitty... Thu, 08-20-2009,
12:57 PM
RyougaZell Do remember Im in Mexico...... Thu, 08-20-2009,
12:58 PM
fireheart Well since Zell only had P3... Fri, 08-21-2009,
06:07 AM
RyougaZell Megaupload of P3 OSTs
... Fri, 08-21-2009,
02:43 PM
RyougaZell Sorry for the Double Post.
... Fri, 08-21-2009,
04:40 PM
fireheart Didn't watch it that... Sun, 08-23-2009,
05:37 AM
Archangel Any lesbian possibilities?... Wed, 09-02-2009,
09:23 AM
RyougaZell Summer and Winter outfits for... Wed, 09-09-2009,
10:30 PM
RyougaZell Sue me for the triple post :p... Wed, 09-16-2009,
01:13 PM
fireheart Nice though didn't see any P4... Sun, 09-20-2009,
06:16 AM
RyougaZell Tokyo Game Show Persona 3... Thu, 09-24-2009,
07:53 PM
Archangel Shouldn't you ask a mod to... Thu, 09-24-2009,
07:59 PM
RyougaZell I tried once... I think...... Thu, 09-24-2009,
08:27 PM
Archangel Ask Kraco, he's cool like that Thu, 09-24-2009,
08:29 PM
RyougaZell He is indeed. He already... Fri, 09-25-2009,
08:49 AM
fireheart Yay now I won't feel as off... Mon, 09-28-2009,
04:50 PM
RyougaZell A new Persona 4 cameo on... Tue, 10-13-2009,
08:59 AM
fireheart I'm still waiting for the... Wed, 10-14-2009,
07:31 AM
RyougaZell They did... while maintaining... Wed, 10-14-2009,
01:25 PM
RyougaZell Playing P3 day by day would... Fri, 10-16-2009,
10:02 PM
Archangel They should just get... Sat, 10-17-2009,
05:43 AM
RyougaZell Point of view.
Actually I... Sun, 10-18-2009,
11:19 AM
RyougaZell New scans
A new P4 cameo
... Fri, 10-30-2009,
05:28 PM
RyougaZell P3P
New tracks rip
... Sun, 11-01-2009,
08:28 PM
Archangel So... do we have a go on the... Mon, 11-02-2009,
06:44 AM
RyougaZell Well...
... Mon, 11-02-2009,
09:36 AM
RyougaZell Shin Megami Tensei IV:... Thu, 11-05-2009,
04:46 PM
animus Ugh, another first person... Thu, 11-05-2009,
05:34 PM
RyougaZell Well, I too would prefer it... Fri, 11-06-2009,
11:42 AM
fireheart Been awhile since I've been... Thu, 11-12-2009,
04:55 PM
RyougaZell Vision Quest managed by... Thu, 11-12-2009,
06:45 PM
Archangel Oh shit, i just remembered
... Thu, 11-12-2009,
06:57 PM
RyougaZell Spoiler ahead...
Minako... Thu, 11-12-2009,
06:59 PM
Archangel ... i want my Yuri goddammit! Thu, 11-12-2009,
07:00 PM
RyougaZell I did send you one of those,... Thu, 11-12-2009,
07:25 PM
Archangel Official Yuri is more juicy Thu, 11-12-2009,
07:26 PM
RyougaZell Indeed. But... can I get a... Thu, 11-12-2009,
07:27 PM
Archangel Of course not Thu, 11-12-2009,
07:29 PM
RyougaZell Haven't found it yet. Still... Mon, 11-16-2009,
11:20 AM
fireheart Figured it'd be better to ask... Fri, 12-18-2009,
07:09 PM
fireheart Thanks
Hopefully it is... Sun, 12-20-2009,
10:52 AM
Archangel Hopefully it will come for... Sun, 12-20-2009,
03:28 PM
Archangel Buy me a Ps3 if you want me... Sun, 12-20-2009,
06:13 PM
RyougaZell Shin Megami Tensei Persona 3... Wed, 01-20-2010,
01:47 PM
fireheart Not much news recently?
... Sun, 03-07-2010,
06:37 PM
RyougaZell Strange Journey is a... Sun, 03-07-2010,
08:16 PM
Xelbair I've just have got rom of... Mon, 03-08-2010,
10:20 AM
RyougaZell Im far from being a source... Mon, 03-08-2010,
11:57 AM
Xelbair Here you are RZ... Mon, 03-08-2010,
12:36 PM
RyougaZell Gin and Haru's route is very... Mon, 03-08-2010,
01:34 PM
Xelbair Mon, 03-08-2010,
03:04 PM
fireheart Those that have their... Tue, 03-09-2010,
04:34 PM
RyougaZell Personally... I do would like... Tue, 03-09-2010,
05:09 PM
fireheart Ohhh well in that case post... Tue, 03-09-2010,
06:39 PM
RyougaZell Atlus has finally confirmed... Wed, 03-24-2010,
04:49 PM
animus A Persona with this gen's... Wed, 03-24-2010,
06:00 PM
fireheart Somehow not that excited for... Thu, 03-25-2010,
08:26 AM
animus I might get it, but the... Thu, 03-25-2010,
10:55 AM
RyougaZell I'll be picking up my Strange... Thu, 03-25-2010,
11:15 AM
fireheart Finally finished playing... Tue, 03-30-2010,
05:17 PM
Xelbair I just have got atsuro route... Tue, 03-30-2010,
05:46 PM
RyougaZell If Haru dies the Gin path... Tue, 03-30-2010,
05:47 PM
RyougaZell Double post, but worth it.
... Wed, 03-31-2010,
01:23 AM
Xelbair Bel gauntlet was easy for me... Wed, 03-31-2010,
06:23 AM
fireheart Well got a bit curious about... Mon, 04-05-2010,
06:26 PM
RyougaZell Oh yeah. That annoyed me as... Mon, 04-05-2010,
08:12 PM
fireheart Well the biggest reason it... Mon, 04-05-2010,
08:17 PM
complich8 Freedom is an illusion. And... Mon, 04-12-2010,
01:52 AM
fireheart Liked the Devil Survivor one... Tue, 04-20-2010,
04:38 PM
RyougaZell Ah... I thought you meant... Thu, 04-22-2010,
10:12 AM
fireheart Anyone picked up P3P yet? Thu, 07-08-2010,
04:54 AM
RyougaZell I hope to get mine this... Thu, 07-08-2010,
11:18 AM
RyougaZell I finally got my Persona 3... Sun, 07-18-2010,
12:29 AM
Xelbair I hope that Persona 3ds will... Sun, 07-18-2010,
08:39 AM
animus Thinking about getting P3P,... Sun, 07-18-2010,
10:17 AM
Guest new around here but come on... Thu, 07-29-2010,
10:25 PM
RyougaZell From the Persona team comes:... Wed, 08-18-2010,
02:37 PM
Archangel Trailer looked hot
Atlus... Fri, 08-20-2010,
08:14 AM
RyougaZell High def scans
... Fri, 08-20-2010,
12:01 PM
fireheart Really hoping Catherine gets... Fri, 08-20-2010,
01:53 PM
Archangel I just hope they don't censor... Fri, 08-20-2010,
02:28 PM
Archangel Except Catherin DOES have sex... Fri, 08-20-2010,
04:02 PM
fireheart Well got tired of waiting for... Mon, 08-23-2010,
12:31 PM
Archangel Persona 3 Metis Figma... Mon, 08-23-2010,
03:07 PM
Archangel Lol, try not to forget you're... Mon, 08-23-2010,
04:53 PM
Archangel The way you put it it sounded... Mon, 08-23-2010,
05:50 PM
Xelbair Damn i have to finish persona... Mon, 08-23-2010,
06:21 PM
Archangel I'd go with persona 3 if i... Tue, 08-24-2010,
02:56 AM
Xelbair Hmm, Gin/Haru's one was... Tue, 08-24-2010,
08:39 AM
RyougaZell @Xelbair:
I'm currently at... Tue, 08-24-2010,
09:06 AM
Xelbair I finally achieved all... Tue, 08-24-2010,
02:14 PM
RyougaZell I just bought this book:
... Wed, 08-25-2010,
10:28 AM
Archangel Lol cool, it has that... Wed, 08-25-2010,
10:34 AM
Archangel Atlus is No More... Mon, 08-30-2010,
06:35 PM
animus Well that sucks to say the... Mon, 08-30-2010,
07:33 PM
Xelbair So you have the translation... Tue, 08-31-2010,
06:42 AM
Archangel Oh shush, like i care enough... Tue, 08-31-2010,
06:48 AM
RyougaZell So my book arrived today. And... Wed, 09-01-2010,
10:55 PM
RyougaZell New info regarding Catherine... Fri, 09-10-2010,
11:48 AM
Archangel Dude... it looks like a... Fri, 09-10-2010,
12:13 PM
fireheart New preview for Catherine
... Thu, 09-16-2010,
03:52 AM
RyougaZell Atlus Japan gave a February... Fri, 10-22-2010,
09:05 AM
RyougaZell Persona 2: Innocent Sin PSP... Tue, 10-26-2010,
10:09 PM
fireheart Awesome never played the... Wed, 10-27-2010,
08:11 AM
Archangel - Difficulty can be changed... Wed, 10-27-2010,
10:01 AM
RyougaZell Opening Video... Thu, 10-28-2010,
10:32 AM
fireheart New trailer for Catherine
... Fri, 11-19-2010,
07:22 PM
Archangel Looks like a great movie, but... Fri, 11-19-2010,
07:48 PM
RyougaZell Persona 3 Portable Voice Mix... Mon, 12-27-2010,
02:30 PM
RyougaZell Shin Megami Tensei: Devil... Tue, 01-04-2011,
10:49 PM
fireheart Nice with some information... Wed, 01-05-2011,
07:33 AM
Xelbair I came! So now 3ds jumped... Thu, 01-06-2011,
07:07 PM
RyougaZell Yet another trailer for... Mon, 01-10-2011,
08:22 PM
RyougaZell Devil Survivor Overclocked... Fri, 01-28-2011,
10:42 AM
animus Yeah, I saw the Quick Look.... Wed, 02-09-2011,
08:15 PM
animus Nope, I haven't. Just the... Thu, 02-10-2011,
12:06 AM
RyougaZell Leaked Catherine US release... Thu, 02-24-2011,
09:56 PM
RyougaZell Tue, 03-01-2011,
09:19 AM
Archangel Hopefully it will come... Tue, 03-01-2011,
11:17 AM
RyougaZell Laura Bailey (Rise @ Persona... Thu, 03-10-2011,
10:56 PM
RyougaZell Michelle Ruff (Yukari Takeba... Wed, 03-23-2011,
09:59 AM
animus I still haven't gotten around... Wed, 03-23-2011,
02:43 PM
Xelbair For DS, not 3DS? i'm in... Wed, 03-23-2011,
03:37 PM
RyougaZell Atlus is teasing a new... Sat, 04-09-2011,
06:34 PM
Archangel I'm hoping for portable since... Sun, 04-10-2011,
10:08 AM
RyougaZell Persona 4 - THE ANIMATION -... Mon, 04-11-2011,
10:40 AM
TheBladeChild fuck ya =) Mon, 04-11-2011,
10:46 AM
Marik Yeah, I saw that on ANN... Mon, 04-11-2011,
10:57 AM
RyougaZell Persona 4 - The Animation -... Sat, 04-16-2011,
09:23 PM
animus Not very excited for the... Sun, 04-17-2011,
12:01 AM
Archangel Inb4 censorship Sun, 04-17-2011,
04:50 AM
RyougaZell Any one up for the 'Love is... Mon, 05-02-2011,
12:39 PM
Archangel Regular old porn would be... Mon, 05-02-2011,
05:14 PM
RyougaZell Catherine English Cut Scenes... Sat, 05-14-2011,
12:16 PM
Marik Anime PV's 5 & 6 Tue, 05-17-2011,
11:52 AM
RyougaZell So October 2011? Excellent. ... Tue, 05-17-2011,
08:19 PM
RyougaZell Devil Survivor 2 Trailer
... Wed, 05-18-2011,
07:21 PM
RyougaZell Persona 2: Innocent Sin for... Tue, 05-24-2011,
08:09 AM
fireheart Awesome, time to pre-order it Tue, 05-24-2011,
11:49 AM
RyougaZell Devil Survivor Overclocked... Thu, 06-02-2011,
12:35 PM
RyougaZell Atlus announces Devil... Tue, 06-07-2011,
08:44 AM
RyougaZell New Persona 4 Animation... Fri, 06-24-2011,
07:39 PM
RyougaZell New Persona 4 The Animation... Tue, 07-26-2011,
04:31 PM
Archangel Can anyone confirm this? Tue, 08-30-2011,
07:26 PM
RyougaZell Yes, I was about to post it.... Tue, 08-30-2011,
08:45 PM
RyougaZell First Scans of P4: Golden
... Tue, 08-30-2011,
08:58 PM
RyougaZell Persona 4: Ultimate Mayonaka... Tue, 08-30-2011,
11:44 PM
Marik Persona Team Intimately... Wed, 08-31-2011,
12:43 AM
RyougaZell Screenshots posted at Famitsu... Wed, 08-31-2011,
07:55 PM
Archangel Sort of a limited roster... Wed, 08-31-2011,
07:59 PM
Archangel Sort of shitty graphics for a... Wed, 08-31-2011,
08:04 PM
RyougaZell New Persona 4 The Animation... Thu, 09-15-2011,
08:24 PM
fireheart RyougaZell did you pick up... Sun, 09-25-2011,
10:59 AM
RyougaZell Got it yesterday. Planned to... Sun, 09-25-2011,
11:26 AM
Archangel I might too, getting pretty... Sun, 09-25-2011,
11:29 AM
fireheart Going to wait for the EU... Sun, 09-25-2011,
11:43 AM
Archangel Shin Megami Tensei Persona 3... Sat, 10-01-2011,
05:40 AM
RyougaZell Sanada Akihiko and Kirijo... Tue, 11-15-2011,
09:41 PM
Archangel SO when is catherine coming... Wed, 11-16-2011,
07:59 AM
Tue, 03-24-2009, 07:06 AM
For some reason Persona 4 won't let me save in my virtual PS3 slot 2, only slot 1. I hope I'm not the only one who can't change it.
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