The way you put it it sounded more like an obligation
Damn i have to finish persona 3, digital devil saga and finally beat Lucifer in SMT Devil Survivor.. All while i wait for Catherine :3
Number of works of fiction that made me shed at least one tear: 3Thou seeketh soul power, dost thou not?TOX: 33524385841A92B08787EEBEBA2DB51ED293C4F15A2E292F3F C92165E82388281433A77EA8FE
I've never played this series before, so which game would you guys recommend i start with?
I'd go with persona 3 if i was you, it's when the series really got interesting for me anyway.
Hmm, Gin/Haru's one was probably the best one - Yuzu's was interesting one, but Naoya's one was the least interesting for me.
Oh and do finish all routes - it is worth it.
Strange Journey is Etrian Oddysey in SMT world - but its still interesting..but being unable to identify demons before you beat them is annoying as hell. I'm in second world but i'll put this game on hold for now.
@Dark Dragon:
Go with Persona 3. Persona 4 is also awesome. If you have DS, Devil Survivor is a game that you have to finish no matter what.
Number of works of fiction that made me shed at least one tear: 3Thou seeketh soul power, dost thou not?TOX: 33524385841A92B08787EEBEBA2DB51ED293C4F15A2E292F3F C92165E82388281433A77EA8FE
I'm currently at the 5th world. Don't know how long this game is though. I think I'm at the 35 hours mark. Not knowing what you are fighting is indeed annoying, but what annoys me the most is Demon Fusion. Unlike Persona, where inherited skills are random, or Devil Survivor, where you select what to inherit, the skills inherited are fixed, so you'll end up losing awesome skills for crappy ones because the fusion doesn't take them.
@Dark Dragon:
I began the series with Persona 3. Its one of the most addictive of the SMT series. I wouldn't recommed begining with, lets say, Nocturne, because its too hard and sometimes plot takes ages to develop. If you find you like Persona you may try to play others in the series. I know I really like the rest of the series, but I also know I wouldn't have played them without Persona.
Start with P3, preferably the PS2 version P3 FES. It has all the good things from P3 plus expanded plot, missions and an extra 30 hour grinding session. If you like it then get P4. P3P is yet another version of P3, with a new female main character, but the 3D scenes are switched to a visual novel style. Persona PSP is old style first person dungeon crawler game that not many like.
The rest of the series (available in english...)
Nocturne - A damn hard apocaliptic game in 3rd person. Demon recruiting and a very dark plot with multiple endings.
Devil Summoner (1 and 2) - Old style Japan, a Detective who can summon demons and dark twists with Demonic problems.
Digital Devil Saga (1 and 2) - Alternate world in war gets cursed, granting all inhabitants the ability to turn into demons. But this power curses them with hunger... a hunger only stopped by canibalism. They fight to archie Nirvana.
Devil Survivor - Tokyo gets infested by Demons, so the goverment locks it down, leaving hundreds of civilians inside. You acquire the power of demons through a summoning program in your COMP (a DS). A great war of demons, angel intervention and the danger of a nuke.
Strange Journey - A phenomenon at one of the poles is investigated, and those onboard get trapped within a demonic area, where demons plan to invade earth
I guess its a bit 'too' simplified... but meh.
Beware, though. This series has LOTS of demonic references, not to mention catholic figures, buddhist figures... and lots of others. Some of the games even feature the Chupacabras.
I finally achieved all endings in Devil survivor - only thing left is to beat the crap out of the Lucifer.. too bad that my lv 99(max) demon using deathbound with maxed out str(highest damaging skill that he can use) hits for like 300 instead of 1000+, my magic-nuke main character hits for 250 with holy dance(best skill to attack Lucifer - he has damned resistance to everything) and Metatron, strongest magic demon i have hits for approx the same as main character... This big bad evil demon has like 10k hp, and i have to kill him 3 times because he will fully heal twice when he is near death..
Not to mention that it takes 2 hits to kill my whole team..
Number of works of fiction that made me shed at least one tear: 3Thou seeketh soul power, dost thou not?TOX: 33524385841A92B08787EEBEBA2DB51ED293C4F15A2E292F3F C92165E82388281433A77EA8FE
Lol cool, it has that wallpaper i made you a while back
Atlus is No More
Yes. Because a Hentai-site is a good source.
From destructoid:
Index holdings already owned a good part of Atlus' stocks. This merge, like destructoid points out, is to increase their mobile phone market. And what better way than to exploit Atlus' franchises. Persona 3 Social for cellphones is just the first title under such ideal.The parent company of game publisher Atlus, Index Holdings, announced today its intentions to merge their mobile developer Index with Atlus. The move is intended to increase efficiency and better utilize group resources. Index Holdings acquired Atlus in 2006 through a stock purchase. The merger is expected to take place on October 1st.
After the merger, Atlus as a company will cease to exist but that hardly means the end of the brand. A public relations representative for Index Holdings has stated that games will continue to be released under the Atlus brand for the time being.
Like destructoid points out, the brand of Atlus will continue to exist. Atlus America won't be affected by this. And neither will Console games like the future Catherine Title and the in progress Persona 5.
By the way... Kotaku adds
Index Holdings also owns Madhouse.In 2007, Index Holdings, which owns movie company Nikkatsu and anime studio Madhouse, bought up the majority of Altus stock. Atlus is being merged, and the Atlus name will cease to exist as a registered corporation.
And neither did vgchartz say this happened because of financial problems
Adriansang was the source Vgchartz used (as well as other sites like rpgfan), and neither they mention what Sankaku Complex said.
Therefore... please stop posting news with a hentai site as the source.
In another matters... I began Persona 2: Innocent Sin yesterday...
So you have the translation patch? Care to share?
Number of works of fiction that made me shed at least one tear: 3Thou seeketh soul power, dost thou not?TOX: 33524385841A92B08787EEBEBA2DB51ED293C4F15A2E292F3F C92165E82388281433A77EA8FE
Oh shush, like i care enough to actually do research on stuff like this >_>
I post, you clarify, way easier![]()
Just stop posting from Sankau <__<
They always lie on their notes and never post sources
I'm at the office right now. I'll post the patch later tonight at home.
Im emulating P2:IS with epsxe and playing with a PS3 controller plugged to the PC.
So my book arrived today. And I freaking love it. Its fantastic,
Here's a torrent for the scans:
Shigenori Soejima 2004-2010
There's nothing like having it physically, but the scans would work great for wallpapers and signatures.
I don't know why the guy that scanned that book didn't include the Persona 4, Trinity Soul and Persona Concerts section... so yeah... my book has lots more art
Last edited by RyougaZell; Wed, 09-01-2010 at 11:19 PM.