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Thread: Naruto Chapter 407

  1. #81
    The Fallen Abdula's Avatar
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    I think you misunderstand what we are discussing here. What we're talking about is how a real fight would probably go not what shit Kishi is going to pull. Everyone here has already accepted that Kishi is most likely going to give Naruto a cheap victory over Pain. Ofcourse there isn't anyone that Naruto can't beat, that's just because there is a biased idiot doing the writing. You're kinda slow on the uptake, huh.
    Dreaming impossible dreams.
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  2. #82
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    I like to think of myself as realistic, not really interested on discussing on how awesome the fight between those 2 would be just to get my hopes and dreams shattered by Kishi's retardeness.

    *comment deleted to put a smile on abdula's face *
    Last edited by Archangel; Mon, 07-07-2008 at 12:53 PM.

  3. #83
    The Fallen Abdula's Avatar
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    Like I say, you just choose to be an idiot. That would have actually been a good post if you didn't include that last idiotic remark. Anyway despite the fact that Kishi is ruining the series, and shattering your hopes and dreams, the only reason most of us are still here is because we are hoping he will wake up one day and things will be better. Well that's not completely true because I'm just waiting for HxH.
    Dreaming impossible dreams.
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  4. #84
    Awesome user with default custom title Uchiha Barles's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Abdula
    Like I say, you just choose to be an idiot. That would have actually been a good post if you didn't include that last idiotic remark. Anyway despite the fact that Kishi is ruining the series, and shattering your hopes and dreams, the only reason most of us are still here is because we are hoping he will wake up one day and things will be better. Well that's not completely true because I'm just waiting for HxH.
    Can I get a hell yeah?! *HELL YEAH!* Thank you xD. I'm trying to be an optimist about these things. I'm really, really expecting the fight to be rather awesome when it comes down to it. The reason being that in the past kishi's shown several times that he could, if he so chose, make Naruto do respectable things. So I'm going to say, for the epic events to come, there's about a 50/50 chance that he will. God help him if he doesn't...*cough* I mean, it would really suck if he didn't. As far as waiting for HxH, yeah, I'm actually waiting for it to be animated. If that happens, I'll be out of here with haste.

  5. #85
    What else is on/out right now that you can be so picky about your viewing? Must be nice to have all these choices, all I know is, I like the show, love the manga, and it kills roughly an hour of my time each week. And all the time people spend bitchin' about it, it must take that much more time out of your week to do so. So all in all, if you hate it THAT much, dont waste your time looking, dont waste your time posting. Deal or move on.

    Don't get me wrong, opinions are fine, and even guesses as to what might happen, but this forum for Manga has become the biggest bitch thread there is. Seriously, Naruto is a good show, it may not be the way that YOU would write it, but Kishi is writing it and yeah he may not have the best writing sometimes, but I still read it and deal. Maybe you could do the same.

    Now back on topic and enough with this "Naruto the Series sucks now" bullshit.

    Chapter 407 - Didnt think that much happened actually. Nice that the "9" was something different. I must have read that a few times and missed that, awell, that is what I get for not knowing Japanese. Did anyone who knows Japanese catch that the first time?

    assertnfailure (7:40:03 PM): dude....your posts are a bunch of nonsense

  6. #86
    I got a question? Why did Jiraya needed to code the massage if it was urgent? The only reason usually you need to encode a massage if there someone on route and/or receiving end you don't trust. If Pain so Jiraya scribing something, he would kill him faster. So there was no reason to code massage at site. Shipping was secure as well so there was no reason to code massage for that. So there one thing left is village and Jiraya wanted Naruto and i believe Jiraya gave book to Kakashi before leaving. I wonder who defiantly wasn't suppose to be at site when massage was reviled?

    "Life is hilariously cruel" by Bender

  7. #87
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    Bitchin' about the story is half the enjoyment, the more we complain, the more we read.
    nobody says "I'll stop reading this manga' and means it, it's just a term of speech, it's like quitting the internet - not a valid option.

    Payne vs Naruto:

    I seriously can't see this one happening.
    Naruto will need to deal six bodies the killing blow at the same time. considering he can't deliver a single blow to one enemy... this is gonna require some shonen-jump magic.
    or he'll need to sneak into Payne hq and take out the main body, which means he'll need to kill both Payne and Qunan. (was qunan the third teammate of negato and yahiko?)
    not anytime soon.

    Payne seriously outmatches Naruto. it's not a matter of skill or startegy anymore.
    Payne fights in higher leauges than Naruto, fighting him will require more than massing our shadow clones and some rasengans. the guy has frickin' summons that grow more heads (!). Naruto can't match the intensity of the fight, unless he picked up better summoning skills than Jiraya and can flood the river with frogs and send out 100s of frogs in the same time.
    I could see Naruto getting a lucky shot on Kuzako, I can even see other villians taking a cheap shot and going down. but not Payne. that's not his style.

    also, stop jumping the HxH bandwagon. what caused this sudden realization?

  8. #88
    Genin FullMetalAlchemist's Avatar
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    You know what i was thinking would be kinda cool, when he invades konoha and lets say they kill almost all the bodies, but then at the last minute without anyone realizing it he revives the one konoha has atm and kills tsunade or someone, that would be pretty cool in my opinion.

    Naruto needs something besides a rasengan to fight pain otherwise i don't think he can win. especially since a regular rasengan won't work and he can't use multiple wind rasengans without indangering himself. Since jiraya kept bringing up the 4th whenever mentioning naruto maybe he will learn something new that his father left behind. would be nice to see something new instead of bunshin/ diffrent types of rasengans. He doesn't even use any toad summons to aid him like he should

  9. #89
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    Naruto needs to drop out of Konoha already.

    there's nobody left there to teach him anything, and he just puts them in danger.
    he should join some other fraction, even side with some other villian (kabutoro?) and gain some forbidden power-ups.
    heck, if he can somehow manage to split Akatsuki (sharingan idiots this side, all the rest the other side) it would be great.
    maybe turn payne back to a good person and train under him, unlikely as it seems.

    Naruto needs a trainer, and someone with ability to exsesive damage. the leaf doesn't have anyone like this for now.

  10. #90
    Awesome user with default custom title XanBcoo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Death13a
    I got a question? Why did Jiraya needed to code the massage if it was urgent? The only reason usually you need to encode a massage if there someone on route and/or receiving end you don't trust. If Pain so Jiraya scribing something, he would kill him faster. So there was no reason to code massage at site. Shipping was secure as well so there was no reason to code massage for that. So there one thing left is village and Jiraya wanted Naruto and i believe Jiraya gave book to Kakashi before leaving. I wonder who defiantly wasn't suppose to be at site when massage was reviled?
    I was wondering that too until I reread the fight. Just after Jiraiya dies, one of Pain's bodies sees the code. Here's the page:

    Basically Jiraiya doesn't want Pain to know that Konoha knows his secret. Also several pages later Pain admits that he might not have won if Jiraiya had figured it out.

    What else is on/out right now that you can be so picky about your viewing? Must be nice to have all these choices, all I know is, I like the show, love the manga, and it kills roughly an hour of my time each week. And all the time people spend bitchin' about it, it must take that much more time out of your week to do so. So all in all, if you hate it THAT much, dont waste your time looking, dont waste your time posting. Deal or move on.
    I'm reading this for closure, now that I'm caught up with the story. It takes 10 minutes every week to read the new chapter. The fact that more than half the people reading the manga admit that the plot is far beyond ridiculous doesn't mean they're being picky, it means the manga is actually that ridiculous. What makes you think it's free from criticism?

    <@Terra> he told me this, "man actually meeting terra is so fucking big", and he started crying. Then he bought me hot dogs

  11. #91
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    What naruto needs are some new wind jutsus to improve his arsenal. Just think how the smallest of techniques can be deadly when used in a 100 v 1 situation that naruto can easily achieve with his clones. Besides that, some kickass jutsu that spend a shitload of chakra and don't require that many hand seals

    More than anything i want to see more variety in naruto's fights, another shadow clone + rasengan combo and i'm gonna hang myself

  12. #92
    Awesome user with default custom title Uchiha Barles's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Death BOO Z

    also, stop jumping the HxH bandwagon. what caused this sudden realization?
    This probably isn't a sudden realization. Many of us, myself included have been following HxH for years, and the parallels between that series and this one are uncanny. But HxH doesn't fail.

    Quote Originally Posted by Death BOO Z
    Naruto needs to drop out of Konoha already.

    there's nobody left there to teach him anything, and he just puts them in danger.
    he should join some other fraction, even side with some other villian (kabutoro?) and gain some forbidden power-ups....Naruto needs a trainer, and someone with ability to exsesive damage. the leaf doesn't have anyone like this for now.
    Actually people have already mentioned this, and I'm inclined to agree, Naruto's going to train under that old frog that trained Jiraiya. That frog probably satisfies every criterion for a trainer you mentioned, and the training will probably take him away from konoha. Probably not for long though, what with kakashi's cheese-o-rama training method for naruto. Hyperbolic time chamber baby! (yeah I said it).

    Quote Originally Posted by iMUSTbeTHEdevil
    What else is on/out right now that you can be so picky about your viewing? Must be nice to have all these choices, all I know is, I like the show, love the manga, and it kills roughly an hour of my time each week. And all the time people spend bitchin' about it, it must take that much more time out of your week to do so. So all in all, if you hate it THAT much, dont waste your time looking, dont waste your time posting. Deal or move on.

    Don't get me wrong, opinions are fine, and even guesses as to what might happen, but this forum for Manga has become the biggest bitch thread there is. Seriously, Naruto is a good show, it may not be the way that YOU would write it, but Kishi is writing it and yeah he may not have the best writing sometimes, but I still read it and deal. Maybe you could do the same.

  13. #93
    Missing Nin joker-kun's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by XanBcoo
    I was wondering that too until I reread the fight. Just after Jiraiya dies, one of Pain's bodies sees the code. Here's the page:

    Basically Jiraiya doesn't want Pain to know that Konoha knows his secret. Also several pages later Pain admits that he might not have won if Jiraiya had figured it out.
    Yeah. For whatever reason knowing that the real one isn't with them might somehow allow someone to win against him. I am guessing it's because Nagato has to be in a somewhat close proximity to the bodies to control them (otherwise it really doesn't change much as they still cannot kill him; I guess it just saves whoever is fighting them (Pein) time of trying to kill the six different Peins).

    As for what Nagato's bloodline actually does I personally think we already know - basically gives you control over bodies somehow and gives you the abilities and POV of each body. That's the obvious one and... well Kishi seems to like the obvious.

    As for the chapter - yes it was pretty lame and so was the code, but in all honesty it's not like Jiraiya would make some unbreakable code. He hid it's meaning from Pein and gave an answer to Konoha based on something that his student would be able to pick up quickly. Jiraiya also grew up in Konoha so he probably knows somewhat what they look for when breaking codes, so it really isn't that ludacris. I think what made it stupid was how big of a deal the manga was making the code. Kishi was making us expect something too complicated... kind of like he made us expect Itachi was godlike (something else that turned out pretty lame).

    [21:48] * DO furiously masturbates to #gotwoot

  14. #94
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joker-kun
    kind of like he made us expect Itachi was godlike (something else that turned out pretty lame).
    Itachi kicked Kakashi's ass with one move the first time they fought and kicked Sasuke's ass while suffering from some unknown deasease and holding back so as not to kill him... How the fuck could he be more Godlike than he already is/was ?

    In fact it kind of pisses me off that we never got to see Itachi fighting at 100% against an actual "enemy"

  15. #95
    Missing Nin joker-kun's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Archangel
    Itachi kicked Kakashi's ass with one move the first time they fought and kicked Sasuke's ass while suffering from some unknown deasease and holding back so as not to kill him... How the fuck could he be more Godlike than he already is/was ?

    In fact it kind of pisses me off that we never got to see Itachi fighting at 100% against an actual "enemy"
    Exacly. He kicked Kakashi's ass with one move, and then he was dying from some (unknown) disease and letting his emo brother kill him because he apparently isn't strong enough to kill Madara himself. Itachi was the be all and end all at the beginning of Naruto. Then he handed the torch to Sasuke - 'nuff said.

    Itachi turned into a disappointment ("it kinds of pisses me off that we never got to see Itachi fight at 100%" - what you said) and this probably will to. Why? Because Kishi likes raising expectations until he gets a hard on for a new sublot and ends the old one with shit.

    [21:48] * DO furiously masturbates to #gotwoot

  16. #96
    Awesome user with default custom title Uchiha Barles's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joker-kun
    As for the chapter - yes it was pretty lame and so was the code, but in all honesty it's not like Jiraiya would make some unbreakable code. He hid it's meaning from Pein and gave an answer to Konoha based on something that his student would be able to pick up quickly. Jiraiya also grew up in Konoha so he probably knows somewhat what they look for when breaking codes, so it really isn't that ludacris. I think what made it stupid was how big of a deal the manga was making the code. Kishi was making us expect something too complicated... kind of like he made us expect Itachi was godlike (something else that turned out pretty lame).
    What made the code unbelievably stupid, wasn't it's simplicity, but it's impossibility. Jiraiya wrote novels, and the code deals with one of them. I'm taking a look at the novels on my bookshelf and they range from 350 to 700 pages depending on page and font sizes. Now...How in the hell does this guy remember the first word, of some random lines on some random page. Here's what would have to be going through his head, mind you, as he willed himself back to life, and with pain on his ass to make sure he doesn't get that message written:

    "On page 34, I had 'The" witten. On page 156, I had 'real' as the first word of the first line. On page 97, I had 'one' as the first word of the first line. On page..."

    No. Just no. No excuse for this.

    Quote Originally Posted by The Archangel
    In fact it kind of pisses me off that we never got to see Itachi fighting at 100% against an actual "enemy"
    I kind of like it that way. Adds some realism to the series. Not everyone gets a chance to go all out. Not to mention, We've seen everything in Itachi's arsenal I'm thinking. Him whooping ass would have to do with the rest of the less flashy ninja stuff: timing, execution and deception.

  17. #97
    Awesome user with default custom title XanBcoo's Avatar
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    It would have been hilarious if Jiraiya's memory failed him in those dying moments and the code he left was completely unintelligible.

    Like, "Should seventeen member truly always breasts"

    Naruto: "What does that mean...?"
    Last edited by XanBcoo; Tue, 07-08-2008 at 12:50 AM.

    <@Terra> he told me this, "man actually meeting terra is so fucking big", and he started crying. Then he bought me hot dogs

  18. #98
    Jiraiya is still alive. He faked his death to investigate Pain and take him out instead of Naruto, he is the real chosen one. The coded message was lucky it made sense, the numbers meant how many girls he had been with in different countries.

  19. #99
    the number meant they breast size... then again we had, 7? and 9... doesnt workt i think....

  20. #100
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kAi
    Jiraiya is still alive. He faked his death to investigate Pain and take him out instead of Naruto, he is the real chosen one.
    In that case he should give up being a ninja and do some acting because that was a oscar winning performance.

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