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Thread: Naruto Chapter 407

  1. #41
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RyougaZell
    I just hope Pein kills more shinobi from Konoha... preferably some of the 'rookie 9 + gai team'. He is so damn awesome it would be the lamest point for Kishimoto to kill him off just having killed Jiraiya and no one else.
    Well Asuma and Jiraya have already have already been killed off so i guess any character except Naruto is a possibility.

  2. #42
    The Fallen Abdula's Avatar
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    Actually as we've discussed before there are two characters who have a high probability of dying. Kakashi and Tsunade.
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  3. #43
    New Body
    Young Jiraiya

    Look at his eyes. The "lines" under Jirayias eyes grewed up with his age. As he was young they were just short. Same for the new Body of Pein. So why would Kishi put "lines" on the eyes of the new body (nobody else has), showed us pictures from Jiraiya when he was young, if it's not him?
    Maybe I'm totally wrong but atm im sure it is Jiraiya.

  4. #44
    The Fallen Abdula's Avatar
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    This is insane. Why can't you guys just accept that Pain's new body is someone we haven't seen before or that we simply don't know who it is yet. Other than Yahiko we don't even know who his other bodies are. All we know is that they are random ninjas Jiraiya has met in his lifetime.

    First its Konan, then its Kushina, now its Jiraiya. Its not Jiraiya everything about that new body from the facial features to the height suggest that its female, especially the hair style. Proof its not Jiraiya, Jiraiya is much taller and as we saw during Pein's fight with Jiraiya when Pain took over those bodies, other than the piercings and the rinnegan he doesn't change their bodies at all, not even the hair. Anyway even though there are so many other things I could use to show its not Jiraiya one of which being, how the hell did Pain make him younger, there is this. The lines under the eyes are far too short for it to be Jiraiya.

    Ya know what never mind, I'm just annoyed by the crazy theories.
    Last edited by Abdula; Fri, 07-04-2008 at 08:03 PM.
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  5. #45
    For once, I'm going to agree with what Abdula have all said. It seems like he's the only one who actually reads the manga and analyzed the details. There were so many dumb comments in this thread it's not even funny.

    Anyways, back to the story. I think the new gal in Pain's collective is a genjutsu technique user. Having just beaten Jiraiya, Pain just gained a new level of experience from fighting a sannin. BTW, does anyone think Orochimaru would have given Pain a harder time in his prime?

  6. #46
    Awesome user with default custom title Uchiha Barles's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by XanBcoo
    I guess I'm still stuck in the past when Naruto did pretty well against Shukakku-Gaara using his Shadow Clones. I forget that ever since then he hasn't really done anything useful with them.

    There's still the possibility that Fukusaku will train Naruto before he goes off, as well. Maybe now that Naruto's been recognized by Jiraiya, the toad sages will fight alongside him.
    This is exactly what keeps me going. What Naruto did way back in episodes 78-80 of the anime. Also, his fights with Sasuke weren't stupid at all. It's soooooooo bad that's that's really all there is to hold on to with this character.

    I wonder's this not going to suck? The assault on Konoha is immanent, he shouldn't have time to train, though I guess they could pull something off with the bunshin training. Actually, there might be hope. I was thinking that the power that Itachi gave him might manifest, but that's probably going to be something reserved for when he sees Sasuke. in a few techniques, mastering the wind rasengan, and pein...yeah...lets hope so.

  7. #47
    Awesome user with default custom title XanBcoo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rikudo
    It seems like he's the only one who actually reads the manga and analyzed the details.
    lol wut? At least you're leaving yourself out of that category. I'm not entirely sure where you got this idea:
    Quote Originally Posted by Rikudo
    I think the new gal in Pain's collective is a genjutsu technique user.
    "Analyzing the details" indeed...

    Quote Originally Posted by Abdula
    Ya know what never mind, I'm just annoyed by the crazy theories.
    Some are crazier than others. Clearly that's not Jiraiya (I'm convinced Garhert was being sarcastic in that post), and I personally am not convinced it's Naruto's mom, but the whole last page seems constructed in a way to make this new girl seem very important, or as if we're supposed to recognize her. Like you, I think it's someone new, but after only seeing 2 panels it's really still up in the air.

    Why is it so crazy to think that it could possibly be Kushina, or even maybe Rin, Kakashi's old teammate? Edit: And in hindsight, it really would have been in Pain's best interest to use Jiraiya's dead body, rather than this new mystery-girl.

    Actually, there might be hope. I was thinking that the power that Itachi gave him might manifest,
    Oh great, he's going to spew a mouthful of crows at Pain now. This should be a fun battle.
    Last edited by XanBcoo; Sat, 07-05-2008 at 01:52 AM.

    <@Terra> he told me this, "man actually meeting terra is so fucking big", and he started crying. Then he bought me hot dogs

  8. #48
    The Fallen Abdula's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by XanBcoo
    Why is it so crazy to think that it could possibly be Kushina, or even maybe Rin, Kakashi's old teammate? Edit: And in hindsight, it really would have been in Pain's best interest to use Jiraiya's dead body, rather than this new mystery-girl.
    Well its not that its so crazy, well it is crazy but it just seemed like every third post was a new theory with seemingly little to no thought put into it, I just got annoyed that's all. Obviously Assertn is an exception but lets not stroke his ego anymore than he already does.

    Without a doubt Jiraiya would be a great addition to Pain's collection but I don't think he chooses his bodies simply based on strength. Pain's bodies seem to all fill a niche, that is that he has each of them for a specific purpose and each of them compliments another and together they make up for each others weaknesses, making them seem invincible.

    If you look at it in that respect then having a body whose abilities compliment the others would make much more sense than just simply having a strong guy, albeit a very strong one.
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  9. #49
    Awesome user with default custom title XanBcoo's Avatar
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    So if he's going to fill the gap with a similar body to the one he lost...

    Looking back, it was the Summoning body that Pain lost, so this new girl will probably make up for that (just as Jiraiya could have, oddly enough...)

    <@Terra> he told me this, "man actually meeting terra is so fucking big", and he started crying. Then he bought me hot dogs

  10. #50
    All i want to say is that Pain looks so bad ass

  11. #51
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    Ok quick question

    Since the left eye of the MS is supposed to hold the strongest Genjutsu, how come we haven't seen any of that from kakashi's MS?

  12. #52
    The Fallen Abdula's Avatar
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    Because that was unique to Itachi. Its not just having MS that gives you the ability, Tsukiyomi and Amaterasu were his own techniques as was Susano'o. Sasano'o in particular is a very interesting technique since he uses it like a summon and it obviously existed somewhere else since Oro was searching for the sword so I have no idea how he could have suddenly gained that ability when he killed his best friend.

    Then again alot of things in Naruto don't make sense like, how the hell did Minato have a shinigami at his beck and call.
    Dreaming impossible dreams.
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  13. #53
    Quote Originally Posted by Abdula
    Then again alot of things in Naruto don't make sense like, how the hell did Minato have a shinigami at his beck and call.
    It's a forbidden technique. I think anyone who can summon made a pact with whatever it's summoning in exchange for something. Like how Manda told Oro to give him a hundred of humans to eat after getting stabbed by Gama's sword after the Sannin fight arc.

  14. #54
    The Fallen Abdula's Avatar
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    You miss the point, how the hell did Minato come into contact with a shinigami in the first place especially considering that they are invisible to normal people. Saying its a forbidden technique doesn't mean anything. Oro and Manda are a good example, supposedly Manda was Oro's first pet so Oro must've ran into him sometime when he was younger and that's how they came to know each other, same thing with Jiraiya he found the mountain the toads live on and they trained him.

    I'd imagine it would be a similar case with every summon we've seen thus far because they all existed somewhere in the world, even the tailed-beasts. That isn't the case with the shinigami though because they aren't of this world and even if they are in this world no one can see them, they can't even detect their presence so how did Minato find one.
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  15. #55
    Awesome user with default custom title Uchiha Barles's Avatar
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    That doesn't seem like too much of a mystery. Sure we don't know how he did it, but there are other techniques like it. For instance, Oro "reviving" the dead. More specifically, restoring their personalities to their bodies. While their "spirits" might not have existed on "earth", we can guess that wherever they existed, was accessible to humans with enough knowledge about that kind of stuff. You would imagine a similar principle for summoning the death god. He might not exist on earth, but wherever he does exist, someone with the proper knowledge can gain access to him. I mean, I may have written the obvious, but that's kind of what the question called for, because we all know that there are things yet to be revealed in the series. The rules have not all been laid out, so to speak.

    More specifically, there probably is a spirit realm in the narutoverse. Kishimoto did say in an interview that Narutoverse "jutsu" are nothing more than D&D type spells with somatic components replacing verbal components. D&D had spells of that nature. So, it's reasonable to assume that there's some kind of incantation (instead of jutsu, because of the nature of the subject matter we're discussing) that allows access to the spirit realm and communion with it's denizens. Furthermore, we all know Kishi is a big dragonball fan, and many of the things in Naruto are in homage to that series and its sequels. Dragonball as well as dragonball Z had such a spirit realm. Hell, the living could travel to and from it and remain alive.

    So yeah, Minato encountering a death god doesn't seem that big of a mystery, there is precedence for it happening, and several reasonable theories as to how it could happen.

  16. #56
    The Fallen Abdula's Avatar
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    Yes, I agree with you and you are right its not without precedence. I think we had this same discussion about Oro and Edo Tensei as well too. Anyway you are right, there are any number of reasonable theories as to how it could happen but there is a difference between theorizing how things could have happened and Kishi telling us how they happened. Anyway this wouldn't be a problem if the Narutoverse just didn't have any rules but Kishi insists on giving his world rules that he just ignores whenever it suits him. That discussion about Naruto's shadow clones in the anime thread in a good example.

    Anyway, Minato and Edo Tensei aren't what I'm interested in right now. I wanna know what you think about Itachi getting Susano'o after killing his best friend. Tsukiyomi and Amaterasu are one thing because for the most part they are simple enough and its reasonable to think that when he gained MS he got those abilities and he practiced and refined them into what they are, similar to Kakashi who I'm sure will perfect his time/space doujutsu in time, but Sasano'o.
    Dreaming impossible dreams.
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  17. #57
    I think the moral of the story is, kishimoto is a crack head who really hasn't thought anything through and is pulling shit out of his ass in a pathetic attempt to keep this series interesting.

  18. #58
    The Fallen Abdula's Avatar
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    And there we have Assasin's interpretation of Naruto and what an apt description it is.
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  19. #59
    Awesome user with default custom title Uchiha Barles's Avatar
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    I can't really say anything specific on Susano, because I have no real clue as to what it is. However, I will GUESS that it's a denizen of the spirit world that PROBABLY exists in Naruto. I will also GUESS that Itachi, one way or another, had access to that realm. I'll sharpen that a little. Itachi's sharingan probably gave him access to that realm. Once he came into contact with Susano, he PROBABLY used the sharingan to bind Susano, probably in conjunction with some other jutsu as well.

    In other words, Susano is probably not a technique that comes with the Sharingan. Instead, the Sharingan probably made it possible, or at least easier, to bind it. As you can see, there's a lot of guessing going on here. That's because we don't know very much at all about Susano, giving us very little foundation to make predictions. And unless that's one of the techniques Itachi transfered to Naruto, I doubt we'll be getting much more information about it, unfortunately.

    edited for spelling

  20. #60
    Awesome user with default custom title XanBcoo's Avatar
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    I applaud your attempts to rationalize the Jutsu, but I don't think it's any more complicated than "Kishimoto wanted to give the Mangekyou a third, unexpectedly powerful jutsu". It had probably existed in Kishimoto's mind long before the battle, but he never made any attempts at hinting at it or trying to explain it.

    For the record, at first I thought it was a Summon that only those with the MS could use, now I kinda think it's just a manifestation of Chakra that the Sharingan produces. It's either of those, I'm sure.

    <@Terra> he told me this, "man actually meeting terra is so fucking big", and he started crying. Then he bought me hot dogs

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