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Thread: Bleach Chapter -97

  1. #1
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    Bleach Chapter -97

  2. #2
    I always thought the Vaizards would be fighting on their own side but leaning towards similar goals as SS kind of like Kisuke. Obviously they set this up to make it look like they are going to aid Aizen and if so...well SS is fucked.

  3. #3
    Diego Quality rockmanj's Avatar
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    Well, it would be pretty justitifed for them to want to fight SS...they were going to execute them as hollows. Maybe not all is right in SS, as we've seen in some brief flashes.

  4. #4
    Awesome user with default custom title NeoCybercoin's Avatar
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    If Uruhara also joins the fight. ( I cant recall him already being there ) then it will be a fight between 3 parties. Or that they join SS in exchange for pardons and stuff. I don't know but next week will be kickass.

  5. #5
    Missing Nin joker-kun's Avatar
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    I don't think the Vaizard are on Aizen or Soul Society's side (kind of like everyone is saying). I think the only debt they owe to Aizen is that they enjoy being Vaizard because of their disgust for the Shinigami's lack of loyalty (perhaps the reason Shinji uses his hollow powers more), but I think they now consider earth their home, or at least the only place that partially accepts them, so they will defend that, and if that happens to mean they are assisting SS in killing Aizen then so be it.

    [21:48] * DO furiously masturbates to #gotwoot

  6. #6
    I didn't like most of the chapter, but the last page was worth it.

    There's going to be some major ass-whoopin' next week.

  7. #7
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    Aizen did give them their new powers... and made them see the corrupt ways of Soul Society...but they owe their lives to Urahara, Tessai and Yoruichi... plus they formed a rare friendship with Ichigo...

    They will most likely appear, insult the Shinigami, attack Aizen and then fight back the Shinigami if they try anything against them.

  8. #8
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    Hard to say just how this will play out.

    Anyway i think they'll fight against Aizen for the reasons Zell said and really because the most retarded of all shinigami, the old farts, have already been killed off. Then again the one who killed them was Aizen... dam this is confusing.

  9. #9
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    obviously, they are going to kill Aizen, and only then they'll get back to take care of whoever set them up as traitors (dead as he may be). but I wonder how the vaizards didn't seemto work with or have any connection to Uruhara while being on earth, are they aware of his current presence around?

    also, the 46 chambers. I'm going on a strech here, but I think they weren't completly trusting of Aizen's version. and that's why Aizen offed them the moment Uruhara made his move. Aizen suspected they might make the connection between this incdent and the last one, and that they'll put survilance on him.

    anyway, next week is back to normal. where have we been?

  10. #10
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    he already explained why he killed them, he needed their power to kill kuchiki rukia

    So next week we'll probably get to find out who fights who and perhaps the beginning of the Ichigo vs. Ulquiora fight.

    Btw anyone else here senses a massive hero powerpup coming up in that fight?

  11. #11
    its bound to happen. only way for him to win now really since he already got his ass kicked once. Im guess he'll learn to fully master his inner hollow pretty soon and be on the same level as the vaizards.

    What i really want is for urahara or shinji to fight with aizen...i'd hate to see ichigo go up against him, it wouldn't make any sense.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Assassin
    its bound to happen. only way for him to win now really since he already got his ass kicked once. Im guess he'll learn to fully master his inner hollow pretty soon and be on the same level as the vaizards.

    What i really want is for urahara or shinji to fight with aizen...i'd hate to see ichigo go up against him, it wouldn't make any sense.

    Actually I'd like for old man leader of the SS to fight Aizen. That would make the most sense to me. That way he could teach Aizen a lesson about what he's done mano E mano. The story works itself out nicely that way.

  13. #13
    that would be way too easy, leader fighting leader, i think that the fight will be vaizards+ss vs aizen, somehow aizen will escape/die and then ss will attack the vaizards, and so the next arc will be against the ss once again...

  14. #14
    Awesome user with default custom title NeoCybercoin's Avatar
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    I think Ichigo already mastered his Hollow transformation. I mean during the Grimmjaw the mask broke in pieces but he refused to let it go.

    And he isn't as strong as the Viazards yet. I mean Shinji could pwn Grimmjaw with just the mask on without a Shikai or as far as we know he didn't use Shikai.

  15. #15
    I thought it was pretty obvious that when they said they were indebted to Aizen, that it meant they owe him an ass-whooping. They aren't thankful to Aizen, they want revenge for what he did to them.

    This back-story was pretty cool and came at a time when things had gotten boring and really restored my interest in Bleach. I'm looking forward to seeing some intense battles.

  16. #16
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    Yeah i agree Sidne, i prefer plot development over insane battles when it comes to reading mange, i'll enjoy the fights when the get to the anime.

    Quote Originally Posted by NeoCybercoin
    I think Ichigo already mastered his Hollow transformation. I mean during the Grimmjaw the mask broke in pieces but he refused to let it go.
    I wouldn't say he has mastered yet, but he probably will in the Ulquiora fight. I'm guessing inasane battle masked ichigo vs. U, ichigo gets the upper hand for about 5 nanoseconds till Ulquiora releases and then we see the biggest fucking power up in the history of anime ( I'm talking freaking super sayan power up here )

  17. #17
    Awesome user with default custom title NeoCybercoin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Archangel
    Yeah i agree Sidne, i prefer plot development over insane battles when it comes to reading mange, i'll enjoy the fights when the get to the anime.

    I wouldn't say he has mastered yet, but he probably will in the Ulquiora fight. I'm guessing inasane battle masked ichigo vs. U, ichigo gets the upper hand for about 5 nanoseconds till Ulquiora releases and then we see the biggest fucking power up in the history of anime ( I'm talking freaking super sayan power up here )
    Yeah untill Aizen goes Viazard mode xD

  18. #18
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NeoCybercoin
    Yeah untill Aizen goes Viazard mode xD
    Aizen does seem to have a huge thirst for power but he always seems to be the biggest pussy on the whole show. I don't think he'd risk his life with hollowfication, he'd probably just manipulate tousen and Gin into doing it for him.

  19. #19
    The Fallen Abdula's Avatar
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    Are we talking about the same Aizen here. First off all what do you mean he wouldn't risk hollowfication, the very reason he did all of this is to acquire the abilities of a hollow so ofcourse he would do it. Its just that until the Hogyoku there was no way to do it without just completely becoming a hollow which is why he was doing research to find a way to accomplish it.

    Secondly Aizen doesn't want to become a hollow or a vaizard, what he wants to do is completely blur the lines between the two so he can have the power of both. Hollowfication, at best, would only turn him into a vaizard and that is not enough for him because even though thus far they are the closest thing there is to what Aizen truly wants you can't possibly consider being a vaizard to be an ideal situation, because not only do they have to wear a mask to access their hollow abilities but they can't keep their masks on indefinitely and the mask can be broken and there would still be the constant threat of loosing control of your inner hollow and becoming a true hollow.

    I don't even know where this pussy comment comes from. Aizen has always seemed more than willing to fight anyone but he just doesn't seem to be the type to waste his time on someone he deems unworthy if a subordinate could accomplish the task and we've already seen him have his way with captain class shinigamis. The only time I've seen Aizen run from a fight is that one time on the execution grounds and I wouldn't consider that running since the only reason he was still in SS in the first place was to get the Hogyoku and once he had gotten it, there was no reason to stay.
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  20. #20
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    Aizen rarely gets himself in any real danger, he' s a master manipulator so he usually gets others to do it for him. Even in SS he made all believe that others were the real enemies and not him.

    The pussy comment is because all manipulators are pussys, they always get other people to do their shit for them.

    And he also ran from the battle against Urahara, that alone gets him some major pussy points.

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