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Thread: Naruto Chapter 402

  1. #61

    I skipped the flashbacks and just got to sasuke at the end. This is perfect. Lots more fights. Starting what looks to be soon.

    Konoha lied to Lil Uchiha. And forced Itachi to kill his entire clan. Now Sasukes gonna have to do what Sasuke does best, bloody vengeance.

  2. #62
    The Fallen Abdula's Avatar
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    Where the heart is
    Okay Yuki, that is what I figured too but then why would Itachi being the genius that he is not figure that out. If he figured Madara was still alive and working behind the scenes to cause this war then he had to know that sooner or later Madara would begin stirring things up again like he is doing now. If Itachi had enough power to take out Madara or even just enough to incapacitate him or something why didn't he take care of Madara back then.

    The whole reason this thing started as far as was explained was because the Uchihas were being blamed for the Kyuubi attack. Even Sasuke the dope that he is figured that Madara was the one behind the Kyuubi attack so why didn't Itachi just take out Madara as soon as he figured out he was alive and then tell the elders that it was Madara behind the attack and not the Uchihas. Or for that matter why not just tell the Uchihas that it was Madara behind the attack and that he was blackmailing them to cause a war. The Uchiha should have believed him because they already knew that it wasn't them that was responsible for the attack and they would know better than anyone else what Madara is capable of. I mean even Jiraiya with what little information he had came to the conclusion that Madara was responsible so its reasonable to think that people in the village would have had their suspicions too. The very reason they pointed the finger at the Uchiha is because they knew one had attacked the village with the Kyuubi before and now Itachi had proof.

    That is of course if Itachi had the power the stop Madara in the first place which I think he did. Even if he didn't all he had to do was inform them of the fact that Madara was there and that alone should have been enough to quell the Uchiha if not stop all hostilities all together because the Third was trying to forge a truce in the first place. They said he killed the clan to prevent war but at best all he did was delay the inevitable.

    Then there is the matter of what exactly Minato knew. Jiraiya surmised that Minato figured out Madara was alive and was planning something big which is why Minato did what he did. Now as for what Minato did, why did he do it. If he figured out that Madara was involved with the Kyuubi, whether Madara's power is related to the Kyuubi or whether he was just using the Kyuubi to stir things up. Why didn't Minato just seal all of it away why separate the ying and the yang chakra and seal away the ying and put the yang in Naruto. Unless having the Kyuubi was necessary for something important something that was worth risking Madara getting his hands on it again. This could have something to do with why Madara is using Akatsuki to collect the bijuu in the first place.

    Then there is the matter of why the Uchihas needed to be killed. Coup D'etat or not I can't see any reason why all the Uchiha needed to be killed. I'm sure Sasuke wasn't the only one of the Uchihas who was unaware of what was going on so why did they all need to be killed. If it was just to prevent a coup then only the ring leaders would need to be killed possibly the rest of the police force could have been dealt with too or just arrested and imprisoned but why did they all have to die. Why did those like Sasuke who were unaware of everything still needed to be killed and why were those who weren't a threat like Sasuke's aunt and uncle who weren't even ninjas and so couldn't even use the sharingan needed to be killed as well. Why was Danzo so adamant about every Uchiha to a man being killed to the point that after the third died Itachi had to return to the village just to ensure that Sasuke wouldn't be killed.

    Putting down political unrest is one thing but this seems more like they were cleansing the village of the Uchihas and I can't think of why that would be necessary. It wasn't because of the threat of the Kyuubi attacking because it was effectively sealed away and even so in that case only those with the sharingan would need to be killed. This seems more like the Senju wanted all the Uchihas killed for some reason and they just used the coup as an excuse to eliminate them.
    Dreaming impossible dreams.
    Sapphire is awesome!

  3. #63
    Quote Originally Posted by Sidnne
    No. I enjoy the manga, but that doesn't mean that I have to like everything about it; and I'm free to talk about the things I like and don't like about it. There's plenty of things I like about the manga that other people don't, but I don't call them idiots for it and tell them they should stop reading the manga.

    I suppose you could simply ban all opinion from posts and they could all just be objective summaries of the current chapter, but I don't see how that would be a constructive contribution either.
    Thats fine that there are things you like and dislike. We've already heard you complain about the Uchiha/Sasuke in the previous weeks. But it is to the point where people start noticing it because you've been doing that multiple times. Not only is repeated opinion redundant, but your multiple complaints are disturbing some users who actually found the chapters enjoyable. It also does not lead to any insightful discussion of the story, which is the purpose of these forums. Yes, we all have our opinions, but we don't have to hear yours over and over again. It makes you seem like you don't find the current manga enjoyable, which makes users like me suggest that you should stop reading the manga as a simple solution. This also goes another user on this thread who I will remain anonymous for now.

    And also, I never called you any names, idiot or anything. Stop putting words in my mouth that I did not say just to strengthen your point. And I know that it is implied toward me.
    Last edited by February; Wed, 06-04-2008 at 10:46 AM.

  4. #64
    Meanwhile: Heaven Weeps. Y's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by February
    Thats fine that there are things you like and dislike. We've already heard you complain about the Uchiha/Sasuke in the previous weeks. But it is to the point where people start noticing it because you've been doing that multiple times. Not only is repeated opinion redundant, but your multiple complaints are disturbing some users who actually found the chapters enjoyable. It also does not lead to any insightful discussion of the story, which is the purpose of these forums. Yes, we all have our opinions, but we don't have to hear yours over and over again. It makes you seem like you don't find the current manga enjoyable, which makes users like me suggest that you should stop reading the manga as a simple solution. This also goes another user on this thread who I will remain anonymous for now.
    There's not even one true part of this paragraph.

  5. #65
    Quote Originally Posted by February
    Thats fine that there are things you like and dislike. We've already heard you complain about the Uchiha/Sasuke in the previous weeks. But it is to the point where people start noticing it because you've been doing that multiple times. Not only is repeated opinion redundant, but your multiple complaints are disturbing some users who actually found the chapters enjoyable. It also does not lead to any insightful discussion of the story, which is the purpose of these forums. Yes, we all have our opinions, but we don't have to hear yours over and over again.
    Really? You've heard me complain over and over again? Could you link to those posts for me, because I'm pretty sure I've only made two posts "in the previous weeks" that could even be remotely considered complaints (although anyone who isn't a Sasuke fanboy would not see them as complaints).
    One of those posts being from the 401 discussion: "Those last panels gave me hope that the story will finally move away from Sasuke for a while and get back to all the other things that are going. The Uchiha story was the least of my interests. I want to know more about Jiraiya's death, Payne, and that frog key thing." and if you see that as a complaint then you've got issues.

    If you're gonna call somebody out, at least go back and check their posts before you type about them. Several people have complained about the focus on Sasuke and Kishi's love for him, but do not try to pin all of those posts on a single person.

    It makes you seem like you don't find the current manga enjoyable, which makes users like me suggest that you should stop reading the manga as a simple solution. This also goes another user on this thread who I will remain anonymous for now
    No, it makes it seem like I don't find Sasuke enjoyable, which makes fanboys like you suggest that I should stop reading the manga because you're offended that not everyone shares your love of the Uchiha.

    And also, I never called you any names, idiot or anything.
    Not in this thread, no. But, you do call people idiots for mentioning Obito.

    Stop putting words in my mouth that I did not say just to strengthen your point. And I know that it is implied toward me.
    Never happened. Please stop making up stuff about me complaining over and over just to strengthen your point.

    edit: Oh yeah,
    ...repeated opinion redundant...

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