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Thread: Naruto Chapter 402

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  1. #18
    The Fallen Abdula's Avatar
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    Sep 2007
    Where the heart is
    Quit your bitching people. What exactly did you think the outcome of all of this would be. No sensible person can say they didn't expect this. Btw there is nothing wrong with the way Sasuke is thinking. I don't think he would have come to this conclusion if Madara wasn't there to point him in the right direction but that is why Itachi didn't want Sasuke meeting Madara in the first place. Sasuke's whole reason for being was to avenge his clan, he thought Itachi was the one responsible and thus blamed him. When Itachi said that Madara helped him Sasuke vowed that he would kill Madara as well which is what Itachi wanted.

    Now that Sasuke knows the truth he realizes that Itachi wasn't the one responsible for the clan being destroyed but he was only following orders so naturally Sasuke would want revenge on the ones that issued those orders. Sasuke is just full of unbridled hate and he just needs a direction to point it in and Madara gave him that direction.

    I don't even think most of you guys posts even have points. You're just going along with the commonly held belief that Sasuke is an emo arse hole and everything he does sucks. You people can't even see how good this is. The series needed a villain, a powerful villain and now it has one. One who is more motivated that any that has come before and one who has connections to both Orochimaru, Akatsuki and Kyuubi. I can't believe you people don't seem to see the potential there. You guys are always talking about loose ends and now that Kishi is tying everything together you're complaining.

    One other thing. I find it very interesting that all but one Senju and Uchiha are left. I mean its no coincidence that the Senju Clan that Madara hated is gone and the Uchiha Clan that betrayed him is also gone yet he is still alive. I think Madara has been pulling alot more strings from behind the scenes than we realize and now he is just setting things in motion again so he can sit back and watch Senju vs Uchiha part 3.

    The only problem I have is that the much anticipated Sasuke power up looks so terrible. Madara's looked so good so why does Sasuke have to have this crap. Kishi could have really come up with a better design.
    Last edited by Abdula; Fri, 05-30-2008 at 02:13 PM.
    Dreaming impossible dreams.
    Sapphire is awesome!

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