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Thread: Naruto Chapter 402

  1. #1

    Naruto Chapter 402

  2. #2
    Wow Sasuke, be more emo...

    My brother wouldn't play with me as a child b/c he cared more about an entire city than me. Now that he's died after giving me super powers I think I'll piss all over the city that he liked more than me.

  3. #3
    Genin Darky's Avatar
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    Well there's one thing we can say, Sasuke just received the eye of the jew

  4. #4
    ANBU NeoBear's Avatar
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    .....sigh i feel like giving up on this damn shit this was cool but just ends up lame

    "my poor brother oh boo hoo now i will avenge him ..... i just need to go cut my wrist first"
    Favorite Gotwoot Mod moment: "Why is everyone in that show black? The art and music are pretty good, and the voice acting is alrite as well......but i can't stand that guy who follows afro around. Hes so, well, black, for the lack of a better term (well thats not true, there is a better term, but i wont use it here)" Assassin

    i was raised by this woman =O

  5. #5
    Jounin Idealistic's Avatar
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    Looks like we'll definitely be seeing a Naruto vs Sasuke part 2. Only this time, Naruto will end up being the victor.

    Unless the series still drags on and there will be a part 3.

    Though.... I can't say I'm a fan of Sasuke's new eyes. It's funny though. Sasuke ends up wanting to destroy Konoha just like his sensei, although they both have different reasons.

  6. #6
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    I'm willing to forgive this target change (after all, in some twisted 3years old way of thinking, the leaf did break his brother and him apart).
    But why change the name? and why hawk?
    'taka no dan' already exists. and while there was a decent reason for 'snake' (orochimaru's influence), there's absaloutly no reason for hawk (unless it's becuase hawks eat snakes).

    Screw Sasuke, we need to see less of the Uchiha Sharingan Shananigans and more of Naruto kicking ass (or just see him kickass for the first time).

    Also, as Darky said, Sasuke has the eyes of the jew (jewdan), next thing, he'll get a jewish nose.

  7. #7
    Jinchuuriki Knives122's Avatar
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    That place over there........ahh never mind
    Quote Originally Posted by Yukimura
    Wow Sasuke, be more emo...

    My brother wouldn't play with me as a child b/c he cared more about an entire city than me. Now that he's died after giving me super powers I think I'll piss all over the city that he liked more than me.
    Yeah, we should start going around calling Sasuke the illogical emo. I would seriously like to hear his reasoning behind this.

    R.I.P Captain America.

  8. #8
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    It is technically the village's fault that Sasuke's whole clan was destroyed at the hands of his brother. It was also the root's fault for putting such a massive burden on Itachi.
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Death BOO Z
    I'm willing to forgive this target change (after all, in some twisted 3years old way of thinking, the leaf did break his brother and him apart).
    But why change the name? and why hawk?
    'taka no dan' already exists. and while there was a decent reason for 'snake' (orochimaru's influence), there's absaloutly no reason for hawk (unless it's becuase hawks eat snakes).

    Screw Sasuke, we need to see less of the Uchiha Sharingan Shananigans and more of Naruto kicking ass (or just see him kickass for the first time).

    Also, as Darky said, Sasuke has the eyes of the jew (jewdan), next thing, he'll get a jewish nose.
    I think the name change is a metaphor. Snake sees the world from the ground up while Hawk sees it from above. It's probably Sasuke's way of saying that this time he will not be deceive anymore. When in reality, he played right in Madara's hand.

  10. #10
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    So... what I want to know is what happened with Kisame...

    And since Madara is with Sasuke... will Sasuke become an Akatsuki? Or once again he has his own agenda and will clash with the Akatsuki who wants to capture Naruto...?

    Bah... we seriously need to return to Naruto... I want to see their reactions when they find about Jiraiya's death... and Pein's identity.

  11. #11
    The new that really a new eye? Or is it just a visual effect that will only be shown to us readers for just one time? I hope we don't see it again

    And I feel like this was inevitable. Sasuke not only goes with Madara's intentions but as a former student of Oro who uses his techniques, I feel that he should go against Konoha somehow.

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by Darky
    Well there's one thing we can say, Sasuke just received the eye of the jew
    LOL, thats the first thing that came to my mind too.

    Sort of thought this was a lame chapter, especially considering Sasuke's sudden desire to destroy Konoha. It's like, "hey, my brother saved me, gave me new eyes, and now I'm going to totally destroy what he lived to protect."

    Too much flashback stuff we've already seen as well.

  13. #13
    Jounin Splash!'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Yukimura
    My brother wouldn't play with me as a child b/c he cared more about an entire city than me. Now that he's died after giving me super powers I think I'll piss all over the city that he liked more than me.
    Well its not Itachi cared so much about Konoha. He was caught in the middle of the Konoha - Uchiha conflict. He had his loyalties with both sides but in the end , when faced with an impending Uchiha Rebellion that could result in another ninja war, he chose the path with the least bloodshed (the noble choice).

    For Sasuke, the fact of the matter is that his entire clan was INDEED massacred on the orders of Konoha's top brass. Since Sasuke is not worried so much about the greater good, but only to avenge his clan, it makes complete sense for him to direct his attention towards the leaf. Sasuke has forsaken the village and holds no loyalty for it, but only for his clan that it destroyed. You can't expect him to have some newfound loyalty for Konoha just because Itachi was forced to side with the village based on his circumstances.

    Also, Itachi did pick Sasuke over Konoha, so why cant Sasuke pick his clan over the village.

  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by Yukimura
    My brother wouldn't play with me as a child b/c he cared more about an entire city than me. Now that he's died after giving me super powers I think I'll piss all over the city that he liked more than me.
    Only to encounter YET ANOTHER TWIST. Sasuke then turns his RAGE toward an even more poorly perceived enemy, and the cycle continues.


  15. #15
    Those eyes look like the dumbest shit I've ever seen. At a glance they look like atom swirls.

  16. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by Death BOO Z
    But why change the name? and why hawk?
    'taka no dan' already exists. and while there was a decent reason for 'snake' (orochimaru's influence), there's absaloutly no reason for hawk (unless it's becuase hawks eat snakes).
    This was referenced several chapters back. I'm not 100% certain, but I believe it was when Sasuke was fighting Deidara. It was something about "will Sasuke remain a snake or spread his wings and become a hawk?" Not entirely sure of the quote and don't feel like going back to look it up because I'm too tired. But that's the reason for it.

    Anyway... I'm REALLY tired of Sasuke and even more tired of all this super sharingan garbage.
    Why is Madara part of Sasuke's group now? What about Akatsuki? What about Kisame? I wish Kishi would tie up loose ends.

    For a genius, Sasuke is pretty easily manipulated.

    And if I see one more flashback of Sasuke and Itachi I might vomit.

    Get on with the rest of the story, I believe there is a main character in dire need of development.

    It's late and I'm half asleep, so this is more of a collection of thoughts rather than a coherent post. Sorry.

  17. #17
    Jounin Idealistic's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sidnne
    For a genius, Sasuke is pretty easily manipulated.
    Who's to say what Madara told Sasuke is all a bunch of lies? I'm assuming Itachi didn't want Madara to get a hold of Sasuke because he would tell Sasuke the truth. Which would lead to Sasuke hating Konoha and Itachi didn't want that.

    But yes.... These twists just leave us clueless as to what Akatsuki's plans really are and why Madara is the leader of it.

  18. #18
    I think sasuke changed the name from "snake" to "hawk" because if u look into the jap folklore of tengu, which has been seen around the uchiha shrine and random other places which I can't think of right now. Tengus were originally thought to take the shape of birds of prey i.e. hawks, eagles etc. I guess it just signifies that he's on the uchihas' side and not the snake i.e senjus' side?

    I might be looking too much into it tho guess only time will tell if thats what jishimoto ment by snake and hawk.

  19. #19


    With the death of Konoha heroes such as Jiraiya and Itachi, what Konoha can do to withstand the attack from the Team Eagle? If Sasuke is going to crush Konoha, then this would mean that all Itachi’s efforts to ensure the peace of ninja world and the safety of Konoha go into vain. There is absolutely no way for Konoha to defend the village? Well, that won’t be the end of the story as well. Now, we are going to see the true strength of Naruto and other ninjas as well. I indeed suspect what Madara said to be 100% true. Definitely there’s some sort of hidden story that haven’t be revealed.

    Now I am wondering how come Sasuke’s eyes look like sunflower? What is this new power now? We saw there are too many enemies that are too strong to handle. Even Paine alone is a deadly threat to the ninja world. Not to mention with Uchiha Madara at the back and now Sasuke, with his new power (although not sure what it is).

    The enemy is getting stronger and stronger but Naruto still seems to be slack off. Even supposing sand village come to the aid, this is still insufficient for the Konoha to defend themselves against the attack from Team Eagle or Akatsuki. Anyway, we will be seeing more actions soon and I really want to see what Pain is going to do. For some reason, even without concrete reason, I feel that Pain is not going to cooperate with the Team Eagle. There will be something going wrong between him and Madara. They may have the same objective in the Akatsuki but something tells me that Madara has been using or fooling Pain.

    At some point too, don’t you think Sasuke is a bit fool? This story is moving a bit fast where Sasuke become evil due to Madara’s story. I never thought he will have the intention to crush Konoha straight after all Madara’s story. Supposing the truth unveiled by the Madara is 100% true, I still don’t see a strong reason for Sasuke to go against Konoha. Tsunade is going to have hard time still; it seems to be impossible for the Konoha to defend against them. So, what I am thinking of is there any hidden power within Naruto that everyone has been questioning about when Jiraiya told Naruto not to use “the power”. I have no idea what is it but I don’t think there will be any sort of power technique or etc. And what is Itachi trying to do and say when he said he want to talk to Naruto. Although I mentioned in my earlier post that Itachi might have predicted this sort of events where Sasuke might turned into bad guy if he is taken by Madara, I think Itachi might also give some seriously important information to Naruto (the only person Itachi can trust) that Sasuke’s new power has its weakness and can be overcome with some sort of technique or whatever it is. Since this information is deadly to Sasuke, Itachi trusts Naruto will not exploit this unreasonably, therefore, Itachi had decided to tell Naruto about this. I think Itachi has been planning and predicting all this along including the possibility that Sasuke will turn into evil. He must be hoping that Naruto will get to Sasuke first before Madara but Naruto fail. In order to prevent Sasuke’s new power from misused by Madara indirectly, a secret about how to counter Sasuke’s new sharingan has been told to Naruto.

    Anyway, these are what I am thinking at the moment. Otherwise, it will be too hard or impossible for Konoha to defend against the attack. Very well, from this point of view, looks like Itachi is one hell of great ninja, not even Madara could do anything to control him. That’s why Madara has been waiting for the battle between the brothers so that Itachi dies and he can start his real goal. Madara purposely ordered Zetsu to observe the battle. That’s why Itachi tried to prevent his conversation from been listened by Zetsu. All these seem to have some link or connection.

    From the pictures above, it's clearly stated that Madara is expecting and predicting the death of Itachi and is waiting for this opportunity. That's why he is delaying the Konoha team so that they won't interfere with the fight. So how you think? Reasonable?

    Well, don’t be too sad over this chapter as I strongly believe Itachi has predicted all. I believe some sort of miracle will occur as well. Hopefully...

    If you would like to see the photo, come to visit my blog below (sorry for inconvenience,I just lazy to upload the photo again :mellow: )
    Hope you like it
    My Naruto blog - chapter 402
    Please note that the only different between my blog and this post is just the photos.
    Last edited by johntmh; Fri, 05-30-2008 at 07:16 AM.

  20. #20
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    dammit, stop posting the same shit from your blog (webpage, geocities page, yahoo group).
    we aren't fuckin' intersted. there's a discussion going on here, join it, for heavens sake.
    you seem to be smart (or at least not considerably dumb), so...
    don't post the same crap from your blog.

    also: sunflower eyes? wrost name ever. Jewdan? much better.

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