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Thread: Naruto Shippuuden Episode 61

  1. #21
    Then why the unsealing?
    I would find it strange to if Sora is a jinchuuriki, owuldn't be the brightest thing to do for a filler. But if you look all the facts...

    Hateful eyes from bystanders
    Usage of an unsealing jutsu similar like Naruto's
    Responds to the Kyuubi inside Naruto
    Ow yeah, the big ass monster hand we saw but that on a side note
    Hakke Rokujūyon Shō!

  2. #22
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    If Sora is a jinchurriki, then this also means he's going to be around in the series for a while...because obviously akatsuki will be after him as well.
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  3. #23
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    Maybe he gets killed later in another filler by akatsuki.

    btw was Yamato looking @ Sora or @ Naruto when he said "they arn't after him, but...."

  4. #24
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by KrayZ33
    Maybe he gets killed later in another filler by akatsuki.

    btw was Yamato looking @ Sora or @ Naruto when he said "they arn't after him, but...."
    It would be excellent if we later indeed got a filler with Akatsuki killing Sora. It would have at least a bit of an impact if Sora is now becoming a semi-permanent character (for the duration of this filler spree).

    Since they thought at first the villains were after the leader of the monks, Yamato now concluded they weren't in fact but were targeting Sora from the beginning. I suppose that's why he wants to keep an eye on Sora and take him with them to the hidden village.

  5. #25
    Me finks Yamato was thinking about Sora. At first he thought it was the monks, then his own team, but at the end he concluded it's Sora
    Hakke Rokujūyon Shō!

  6. #26
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    Well if we consider the information yamato is basing on wouldn't he be thinking about naruto? Or did he figure out that there was something strange about Sora because of his strange jutsu?

    Edit to below: Yep you could be right
    Last edited by Archangel; Fri, 05-30-2008 at 05:28 PM.

  7. #27
    Maybe the reaction of the three when they saw Sora barging in?
    Hakke Rokujūyon Shō!

  8. #28
    First post

    I enjoyed this episode because it had it all, really fun and exciting fights to watch, some character and plot development and a new jinchuuriki

    Really great episode

  9. #29
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Well, theres already 2 Bijuu Akatsuki has that they didn't show.

    If there are any more in the manga that they captured without showing it, maybe this filler will show it instead.

  10. #30
    Quote Originally Posted by DarthEnder
    Well, theres already 2 Bijuu Akatsuki has that they didn't show.

    If there are any more in the manga that they captured without showing it, maybe this filler will show it instead.
    I suppose this might be ok, anything else would be bad.

    As for if he was thinking they were after Naruto that isn't possible, there was no way they would know that Naruto's team would go to help the fire temple if they started to rob graves. It has to be Sora with out a doubt.

  11. #31
    OK... I'm finding this arc to be the most interesting in Shippuuden so far. While the story is not obviously better, the fact that they don't stretch things like they did before (really, this particular ep would have lasted for months!) makes it flow pretty well. So far so good.

  12. #32
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jessper
    As for if he was thinking they were after Naruto that isn't possible, there was no way they would know that Naruto's team would go to help the fire temple if they started to rob graves. It has to be Sora with out a doubt.
    While I agree it was Sora they were after, your statement is still not entirely accurate. These ninja were from the same Fire Country, so they could have easily had an insider in the hidden village supplying them intel, including who's in the team. They might have counted on Naruto being in. After all, this kind of mission is still the best one to give to Naruto; no need to travel to distant lands when the trouble still resides within Fire Country.

  13. #33
    But for the anime creators they have to be pretty damn sure that Kishimoto won't talk about the other jinchuuriki's. I take it they talk with him first
    Hakke Rokujūyon Shō!

  14. #34
    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco
    While I agree it was Sora they were after, your statement is still not entirely accurate. These ninja were from the same Fire Country, so they could have easily had an insider in the hidden village supplying them intel, including who's in the team. They might have counted on Naruto being in. After all, this kind of mission is still the best one to give to Naruto; no need to travel to distant lands when the trouble still resides within Fire Country.
    That is a bit of a stretch, the best mission to give to Naruto as stated by everyone else is none at all. Asuma's team would have been ready to go unless they happened to plan this out with Akatsuki. These kind of assumptions don't seem to fall under a master plan, but with this anime I suppose anything is possible.

  15. #35
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ASSpirine
    But for the anime creators they have to be pretty damn sure that Kishimoto won't talk about the other jinchuuriki's. I take it they talk with him first
    Well i'm guessing they run all fillers through him before actually making them

    But yeah, maybe Kishimoto had a spare jinchuuriki laying around that he wasn't going to use and gave him to the anime.

  16. #36
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jessper
    That is a bit of a stretch, the best mission to give to Naruto as stated by everyone else is none at all.
    Oh, really? And what do you think would happen if they just tried to let Naruto sit and rot back in the village doing nothing? Either he would disturb the life of the whole village beyond redemption or he would wander out on his own seeking trouble. Nah, psychologically and practically this is the best kind of mission: Something real because Naruto always wanted hard enough missions, yet it's still relatively close to Konoha should something happen, like Akatsuki appear.

  17. #37
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Talking about missions, they made us quite aware that Team Asuma goes on a mission around the same time Team Kakashi did. There won't be a point unless it's connected to this somehow.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  18. #38
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buffalobiian
    Talking about missions, they made us quite aware that Team Asuma goes on a mission around the same time Team Kakashi did. There won't be a point unless it's connected to this somehow.
    Well, Asuma was one of the super bodyguards right? My guess is that the dude with the white hair is one of them too and we do see both of them fighting in the new opening so they'll cross paths eventually.

  19. #39
    Asuma will definitely get in the picture, in the opening song you saw him fight, and of course the link between Asuma and the monk
    Hakke Rokujūyon Shō!

  20. #40
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Archangel
    Well, Asuma was one of the super bodyguards right? My guess is that the dude with the white hair is one of them too and we do see both of them fighting in the new opening so they'll cross paths eventually.
    Quote Originally Posted by ASSpirine
    Asuma will definitely get in the picture, in the opening song you saw him fight, and of course the link between Asuma and the monk
    I was also thinking that. I was just wondering what relevance his current mission has to this one. Probably something to do with the Feudal Lord would by my guess.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

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