well, im thoroughly confused now.....lets start from the beginning. what twist were you referring to?
Was it the part when he kisses the guys wife and she throws him thru the wall, and the audience is like "WTF?"
well, im thoroughly confused now.....lets start from the beginning. what twist were you referring to?
Was it the part when he kisses the guys wife and she throws him thru the wall, and the audience is like "WTF?"
she is talking about how hancock and blond women ( i honesly dont know her name), were married for like 3000 years.
Not only that, but a whole bunch of stuff about them having to be apart to be powerful but being drawn to each other or some crap. And then some random insertions of amputated men and messed up hospitals and resurrections and etc.
"Leaving hell is not the same as entering it." - Tierce Japhrimel
I personally thought it was cool how Hollywood made a relatively unique new superhero. Seriously, when's the last time that happened?
this still could have been a 4 episodes serie... so it wasnt that good for a movie, still interesting to see it