This game is so marvel, just did a 100% combo without even trying (too much); really liking the changes to the battle system so far.
I like the new counter system, it's still pretty easy to use but it doesn't let us abuse it too much.
Just picked this game up earlier today, haven't had time to play it yet but are there a decent amount of people playing online and w/e?
Also, how is the single player/story mode?
Single player looks pretty amazing. They didn't integrate anime cut-scenes that well in the old games.
I can see why they changed the L2/R2 buttons so that if you wanted to block you wouldn't accidentally substitute, but it also means that if I try to substitute and fail, I cop it all in the face instead of a block like it used to. I haven't tried pressing both buttons yet to see if that had the same effect.
Tsuchikage's pretty fun to use, but I didn't like Mizukage at all.
If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~
Mizukage is awesome; shut up, :].
I hated the single player mode in this game.
It's boring and repetitive. They did a "story of character x" where you play major battles in that person storyline. The battle objectives are always "Can't use ult jutsu/unleash" "Enemy get +30/50/70 atk/def" and you are forced to do certain battle multiple times. You have to play the Itachi vs Sasuke battle in Itachi/Sasuke and Madara storyline. I think it's also required for you to do single player because i couldn't unlock any characters after playing 50 matches in multiplayer.
There are a lot more animated scenes, so i guess that's nice.
That's what I applauded it on - the animated scenes and how well they flowed. Gameplay-wise I've never been too much of a fan of deriving too much game-original content, so repeating storymode wasn't an issue for me. Granted, all I did was watch my brother play for a while. He unlocked everything in a day so I just played multiplayer after that.
If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~
I disagree completely, the CGI animations in UNS2 looked amazing and i loved the quicktime events that lead to them. These anime scenes just look like rushed crap off some animation studio.
I like how they got rid of the exploration element though, that always sucks.
I'm glad the previous game's open world elements are gone also, but the fact that the bitchin' boss fights of the previous game are gone also makes the single player mode WAY less fun to play.
There were no CGI animations in any of the games; and the boss fights were absent because the team responsible for them was working on Asura's Wrath.
I haven't played it yet,I disagree completely, the CGI animations in UNS2 looked amazing and i loved the quicktime events that lead to them. These anime scenes just look like rushed crap off some animation studio.
but judged by this comment, the game seems to be horrible for a SP experience
if the animated scenes are the "OVAs" you can look up on youtube, then there is really nothing to look forward too, they weren't nearly as awesome as the boss fights and their quick-time-events
sounds like playing God of War without QTE and all the other good things going on in the background etc.
I wouldn't buy it if you already have the second and the first one. Inb4 DS
You wouldn't buy anything so just stop giving out advice as if you would.
UNS3 debut trailer.
Saw that on ANN earlier, need HD version. Hopefully NamcoBandai will release one soon.