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Thread: What is the point of Team Snake?

  1. #1

    What is the point of Team Snake?

    I've been wondering this for a while. Why did kishimoto go to such lengths to have sasuke run around and assemble team snake and then not even bother giving them something interesting to do.

    Seems kind of pointless to introduce three new characters only to give them nothing to do. I mean when sasuke goes to finally fight itachi he says their only purpose was to ensure that nothing gets in his way. Be seeing how Itachi practically gave him an open invitation with no interruptions or traps what is the point of having them?

    I mean maybe if they helped him out during the Diedara fight they would have a justifiable purpose but that didn't happen.

    I hope kishi comes up with something interesting for them to do or else he just wasted several chapters introducing new characters when he could have spent the time developing old favorites (cough cough shino cough cough).

    Maybe they'll do something against tobi/mandara just hope they find some purpose soon.

  2. #2
    It looked to me like he wanted some help with taking Itachi 1on1.

    They were taken by Sasuke to deal with non-Itachi akatsuki members they were to encounter to ensure noone will interrupt Sasuke vs Itachi duel.

    Apart from that -> Dunno if Sasuke was so confident that he would relax and think "hmm what I'm gonna do after I kill itachi? Maybe stick his head onto a stick or sth?"

  3. #3
    I think kishi created these new characters for after this current arc....he seems to have big plans for sasuke, and its very likely that sasuke wont be returning to konoha as if nothing happened.....most probably after the whole madara thing is done with, he'll leave off with hebi and be a seperate party that we mite encounter in future arcs

  4. #4
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    still, they should finish water-boy's (sugi?) story as soon as possible. he met with the guy he always wanted to kill, and I don't see any reason they shouldn't fight it out to the death.

    Juugo is the moral compass of the team, his role is to keep Sasuke's 'good side' present for the time Sasuke reunites with the leaf.
    Sugi (water boy) is the grunt, and nobody cares about him.
    Karen is the dark horse of the group, and she better have some ulterior motive. she's too cool to be just another sasuke fangirl.

  5. #5
    As Assassin said, they are definately going to be used after this arc here. He wouldn't bring them up just to form a team and then split when he kills Itachi. Now that he knows what Konoha has set up in the past.

  6. #6
    Well he's used the Karin for detection purposes so far
    I guess he needed to bring some other ninjas in case Shark Akatsuki (sorry, I forgot his name) interrupted or aided Itachi in his fight

    But as others said, I also think that they'll have big roles in the future story

  7. #7
    ANBU Captain
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    Well according to akatsuki, juggo and suigetsu have a reputation for being strong ninja. I seriously could care less about karin. All she is good for is tracking ninja so far. Hopefully she has some killer techs. Plus suigetsu and juggo are kinda like the missing advent children lol

  8. #8
    wait and see.

    basically i see suigetsu as a antagonist for kisame and to help bring about a story for kisame background.

    as for the bimbo and juugo they will server there purpose eventually, in all honesty karin served her purpose in keeping them away from naruto and co, and help trackin down itachii somewhat.

    juugo will serve his purpose when it comes down to ultimatly later on when sasuke chooses his side.

  9. #9
    The Fallen Abdula's Avatar
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    That wasn't their only purpose I don't think they were meant to do much with Sasuke getting his revenge. I think they'll serve a greater purpose in a future arc if not this one, they'll probably show up soon because Sasuke is in need of a rescue and thats why their there.

    Thinking of Suigetsu as an antagonist for Kisame got a chuckle out of me, thats seems like on hell of a mismatch at least for now anyway.
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  10. #10
    i don't see the mismatch between kisame and suigetsu, kisame has a amazing pool of chakra and incredible strength..TBH who knows what orochimaru did to suigetsu to enhance or modify his body, the guy seems almost indistructable and water attacks prolly wouldn't affect him much..i mean he practically is water. i see kisame struggling with him some how..maybe suigetsu knows ways around the samehadde.

  11. #11
    The Fallen Abdula's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sangai
    i don't see the mismatch between kisame and suigetsu, kisame has a amazing pool of chakra and incredible strength.
    You don't see the mismatch, Kisame has an amazing pool of chakra and incredible strength not to mention inhuman stamina and Suigetsu can barely walk too steps without stopping for a rest and to get a drink.
    Dreaming impossible dreams.
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  12. #12
    you tend to forget..he was in a tank in a liquifide state for how long, i think you'd get tired to after not being able to walk for oh what 3 years excercise or nothing...

    and i think your forgetting the fact that suigetsu can turn his body into water what good are physical attacks if they just move through you... kisame is a water user just like jutsu wise i could imagine there pretty matched.

    suigetsu can transmutate limbs and give them incredible strength *im refering back to when karin locked sasuke in to a room with her and suigetsu sliced through the steel door.

    we havn't seen much from suigetsu..and have only seen about 10% of kisames true strength.

    don't get me wromg im a huge Kisame fan...but im also a suigetsu favorite characters of the series.

  13. #13
    I don't even think that Kisame is as strong physically as people assume him to be. I think it's just Samehada weakening the opponant by taking their chakra. Alas, I don't doubt that Kisame has a huge chakra pool because he practically made a sea out of nowhere when he was fighting Gai.

    I think Kisame is better than Suigetsu, if he's made of water, you'd think he could be controlled by a water type jutsu user, lol. Unless Suigetsu has some trick up his sleeve. Maybe Zabuza's sword is the counter to samehada.
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  14. #14
    who knows, keep in mind the kisame gai fight, that was only 10% of kisames true stength...

    and control watet because suigetsu is water we ain't talkin about avatar and water bending sure there are limitations to jutsus and how they work , perhaps his water body is a jutsu or even a kekkai genkai

  15. #15
    Why do you think he used just 10%?
    Pein needed 30% so didn't Kisame used then 70% in the fight?

  16. #16

    It's not crystal clear whether 'the sacrifice' alludes to the body used for the clone technique or the bijuu extractor technique mentioned in chapter 255, however based on what Itachi says after it and what Sasori says on the next page, it seems Kisame's statement should be interpreted to mean the sacrificed bodies were given 30% of the original's chakra.

    To rectify with 255, it would make sense if Pein was saying 'even though you have a lot of chakra and this clone technique is good for you I will still need 30% of your chakra [for the clone technique]'. Instead of "I still need 30% of your chakra [for the the bijuu extractor]".

    Or heck, it could even be both.
    Last edited by Yukimura; Fri, 05-09-2008 at 10:58 AM.

  17. #17
    Then the clone technique was from Pein? Didn't know that ^^ Well then it as 30% for the technique and not for the Bijuu extracting.

  18. #18
    i think perhaps its a technique that pein made...

    still why use 70%whatever chakra you have, you still need to be able to protect your real body, we don't know the physical limitations on that clone technique.

  19. #19
    Well now maybe team Hebi will form the backbone of Sasuke's potential assualt on Konoha in revenge for the slaughter of the Uchiha.

  20. #20
    Awesome user with default custom title poopdeville's Avatar
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    If anything, Sasuke will assault Roots and kill Danzo. Itachi was obviously under Danzo's orders. Even Madara acknowledged that the Third was opposed to segregating or assaulting the Uchiha. The whole Senju/Uchiha rivalry thing sucks, but times change. Even Tsunade sees Roots as an enemy.

    I think this all paves the way for Sasuke eventually rejoining Konoha, possibly as a spy for Madara.

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