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Thread: What made you smile today?

  1. #61
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zachiru-Hirosaki
    i have bought today a new garphics card>Nvidea Gforce 7950 GT for my Laptop crazy graphics!!
    they still produce that thing? hmmm how much MB does it have?

    when my 7900GT got owned by the heat, I sent it to Nvidea and they gave me one of the 8000 series because they don't have the old model lol

    - I totally aced my math exam
    weren't you the one who cried "*wooooboo* I have an exam in 2 days and I know nothing"

    I hate those people who say they don't learn or know nothing but get like 90%... it's so obvious they are lying. *grrrr*

  2. #62
    ANBU python862's Avatar
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    Who knows anymore?!
    Ugh, I need to get my comp back up and running. And let me tell you what, all of these cards simply own my ATI Radeon x1900. Although it was pretty good for the price I got it for.

    Today, I suppose it was the fact that I got to stay home from school. The bad part about that was that it was caused by a particularly bad asthma attack. Damned pollen!
    Last edited by python862; Tue, 04-29-2008 at 02:45 PM.
    Now 99% disease free!

  3. #63
    Gets more ass than a toilet seat! Eurasian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by python862
    Today, I suppose it was the fact that I got to stay home from school. The bad part about that was that it was caused by a particularly bad asthma attack. Damned pollen!
    Did that really made you smile today though????

    I tried my best...

  4. #64
    On the weekend I went to go work the Bingo booth at a festival in the elementary school. It was pretty intense, they gave out like 2 thousand dollars worth of stuff. I, ahem, liberated some tickets from the Bingo bag and went to the multicultural room because I heard they were giving out some cakes during a Cakewalk. It's basically like musical chairs, you walk around and stand on a shape on the ground, and then if your shape gets drawn you get an entire freaking cake. Next to me was a cute melancholic girl singing softly to herself. She sang better than me! Apparently she was there for like five rounds, and got nothing. I got an entire tray of brownies my first try. I was going to get greedy and go some more rounds, but I handed her dad the rest of my stolen tickets and went to go get my prize. When I turned around I saw the small cute girl and retrieved a hug. I wanted to cry! I left and tried to eat the brownies but they were nasty. All around a good day.
    "Leaving hell is not the same as entering it." - Tierce Japhrimel

  5. #65
    Lasers? Cookies? FTW!
    (universally beloved
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    KitKat's Avatar
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    Incidentally Xan, you could have also merged this with the 'It's a Wonderful Life' thread. I'd completely forgotten about the existence of this one.

    My cats never fail to make me smile, especially now since I see them so seldom - only when I come home on holidays and visits. Today my orange cat Creeper (who some of you may remember featured in a gotwoot photoshop game, quite a while ago) was following me around everywhere and jumping in and out of cupboards and tables, wherever I happened to be looking. Any other times he'd flop down on the floor at my feet, and roll around with his paws in the air, looking for unwary airborne feet to attack. What a goof.

  6. #66
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    My brother. But I guess this happens on most days.We get along really well, and enjoy each other's company, (except when he goes through my stuff or something, then I'll be really angry for a few hours) Pretty much just the funny moments that we have and the stuff he says.

    I wonder what sibling relationships are like in other families? The ones I tend to see in friends and neighbours always seem so cold or shunning, or possibly just mature. Maybe we're just childish.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  7. #67
    I always fight with my brother if I see him, but it's mostly physical fights. I learned to stomp on his foot to win. XD He gives me a lot of advice/helps me with schoolwork, since he's nine years older than me. He always pushes me to do my best. I haven't lived with him in several years, but we visit each other once a year or so. I talk to him on the phone and online a lot, though. The last time I saw him was New Years of last year, and he fed me Indian food, saturated in peanut oil. o.O (He didn't believe that I was actually allergic) I spent the rest of the night throwing up and then he made me sleep on the floor while he watched Star Trek. ...That's a brother for you LOL
    "Leaving hell is not the same as entering it." - Tierce Japhrimel

  8. #68
    Quote Originally Posted by KrayZ33
    they still produce that thing? hmmm how much MB does it have?

    when my 7900GT got owned by the heat, I sent it to Nvidea and they gave me one of the 8000 series because they don't have the old model lol

    weren't you the one who cried "*wooooboo* I have an exam in 2 days and I know nothing"

    I hate those people who say they don't learn or know nothing but get like 90%... it's so obvious they are lying. *grrrr*
    No im sorry its 7950 GTX 512 Mb
    *¤»~†ǁỐỮ|_ÃÑǁ†‼~«¤* - ˜Þ*»¯†

  9. #69
    Awesome user with default custom title XanBcoo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by KitKat
    Incidentally Xan, you could have also merged this with the 'It's a Wonderful Life' thread. I'd completely forgotten about the existence of this one.
    I did merge it with the Wonderful Life thread, but I kept the name Archangel used since I liked it better. Took me ages to find "wonderful life" myself when searching for it.

    <@Terra> he told me this, "man actually meeting terra is so fucking big", and he started crying. Then he bought me hot dogs

  10. #70
    Join Date
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    Birmingham, UK
    I smiled, today.
    I came here, for no real reason, and found this thread on the second page.
    Haunting, dichotomously...

  11. #71

  12. #72
    Banned darkshadow's Avatar
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    wait... kirai is back?

  13. #73
    Join Date
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    Miss me?

    Oh, and I know what I'm talking about
    (You know who you are, I don't >.< )
    Last edited by Kirai no Tenshi; Sun, 05-11-2008 at 07:43 AM.

  14. #74
    Manchester United just won the Premier League title... again .

    Now I'm hoping I'll be smiling again after they win the Champions League Final on 21st May.

  15. #75
    What's up, doc? Animeniax's Avatar
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    I got a big smile from listening to some YUI music and seeing some episodes of an Ueto Aya j-drama. Plus I watched an episode of Kekkon Dekinai Otoko, which always makes me laugh.

    For God will not permit that we shall know what is to come... those who by some sorcery or by some dream might come to pierce the veil that lies so darkly over all that is before them may serve by just that vision to cause that God should wrench the world from its heading and set it upon another course altogether and then where stands the sorcerer? Where the dreamer and his dream?

  16. #76
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Taking your mother out to eat for Mother's Day, jokingly suggesting that we go to Hooters, only to have her take you up on it because it would be "funny."

    ...and then to get a tray that says "Happy Mother's Day" in ketchup.

    Smiles all around.

  17. #77
    Awesome user with default custom title XanBcoo's Avatar
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    Oh man, I weighed myself today and found out I've gained 7 pounds in the past few weeks. I've still got a long way to go before I'm near my target weight, but it feels so damn good to see results from my efforts. I'm ecstatic .

    Also I had my last final today. School's over!

    <@Terra> he told me this, "man actually meeting terra is so fucking big", and he started crying. Then he bought me hot dogs

  18. #78
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    The Post your picture thread today.
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  19. #79
    Yondaime Hokage Psyke's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Animeniax
    I got a big smile from listening to some YUI music and seeing some episodes of an Ueto Aya j-drama. Plus I watched an episode of Kekkon Dekinai Otoko, which always makes me laugh.
    I'm loving Namida Iro, know the lyrics and wish that I can play the guitar.

    My Nike+ sensor package for the Ipod Nano is arriving today, so that's probably going to make me happy.
    "Our hearts are full of memories but not all of them reflect the truth. The heart isn't a recording device. Even important memories change with time. They warp or fade, leaving us with but a shadow of what we hoped to remember." 天の道を行き、全てを司る。これは僕の世界。

  20. #80

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