Quote Originally Posted by Buffalobiian View Post
Amazon sounds awesome. They need to come to Australia sometime.
Amazon is the online Walmart... running Mom and Pop stores and local retailers out of business because they cannot compete with Amazon's prices and free shipping. When you order from Amazon you don't have to pay sales tax unless you're in California (I think), so you save even more.

While it's nice to save money now, you're supporting a monster that will makes things more expensive and quality of life worse in the long run.

Quote Originally Posted by XanBcoo View Post
I was checking off students' papers today with a red pen making whip sounds whenever I made a check mark. Got called a dork by this one girl who meant it as a strange compliment.

"I just said you were a dork, Mister."

She said it's cool that a teacher can be "that way".
That sounds like one super rewarding job. We all should strive for careers that do more than just make us money.