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Thread: What made you smile today?

  1. #1341
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dragonrage View Post
    Got a Nook Tablet for Valentines
    Moms are the best valentines dates.
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  2. #1342
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu View Post
    Modern (and even semi-modern) studfinders have wiring detection functionality built in. It's pretty easy to get a read off live cables from that distance.
    It's a bathroom wall I was studying. I can actually predict electric wiring quite well, but yeah, it has that functionality as well, as cheap as it was. I'm a bit more worried about water pipes. But mostly I'm worried about the drywall breaking...

  3. #1343
    Drifter dragonrage's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Assertn View Post
    Moms are the best valentines dates.
    lol, cute.

    Kraco, what exactly are you going to put on those shelves.
    ---------------------------- "THE DROPOUT CREW"--------------------------------
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  4. #1344
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco View Post
    But mostly I'm worried about the drywall breaking...
    Sharp drill, go slow, high quality screws, and if you're really worried about it, use some of that blue painter's tape before you drill, then take it off after you're done (who cares if little bits of tape went into the wall with the screws).

  5. #1345
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dragonrage View Post
    Kraco, what exactly are you going to put on those shelves.
    Some random stuff that won't suffer from being stored in the bathroom. The shelf itself (or two of them, should I install both) were made by cannibalizing my old desk and are consequently really heavy. I originally believed the walls separating the bathroom from the rest of the apartment were particle board, not that useless drywall, and thus able to carry any manner of reasonable weight. I guess I could opt to use lighter shelves, but honestly I went through so much work to saw, sand, and repaint the desk board that I can't abandon them.

    But hey, thinking about this isn't making me smile! Only the little stud finder device did!

  6. #1346
    Diego Quality rockmanj's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Animeniax View Post
    Yeah it's pretty awesome what Lin has been doing, plus with his background it makes it even cooler. I can't believe the Rockets let him go, but hindsight is 20/20 as they say.
    Well, I think a guard like Lin would thrive in the D'Antoni system. I actually kind of liked the Knicks' chances this year before they actually started playing. Hopefully Baron can come back and play well and give Lin some time to rest. I am kind of concerned how Carmelo will fit into all of this though.

  7. #1347
    Drifter dragonrage's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco View Post
    Some random stuff that won't suffer from being stored in the bathroom. The shelf itself (or two of them, should I install both) were made by cannibalizing my old desk and are consequently really heavy. I originally believed the walls separating the bathroom from the rest of the apartment were particle board, not that useless drywall, and thus able to carry any manner of reasonable weight. I guess I could opt to use lighter shelves, but honestly I went through so much work to saw, sand, and repaint the desk board that I can't abandon them.

    But hey, thinking about this isn't making me smile! Only the little stud finder device did!

    That's cool. If you found multiple studs you can run a lateral brace (piece of wood horizontally) and use triangle shelf brackets (2 or 3 depending on how long the shelf is) it should comfortable hold more that 80 lbs (including the weight of the wood being used). It won't matter if it's drywall that is exposed to moisture because the weight would be held by the studs and the pressure will be distributed along the drywall by the lateral brace.

    p.s. 80 lbs might be pushing it but will hold anything you decided to put on it.
    ---------------------------- "THE DROPOUT CREW"--------------------------------
    ________Deblas, IfingHateTonTon, RyougaZell, dragonrage.________

    ________ we may fuck up alot but we always pull thru.

  8. #1348
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    Got the new iphone. This is with 3 bars:

    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  9. #1349
    ANBU Captain fahoumh's Avatar
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    You got that on 3G?

  10. #1350
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fahoumh View Post
    You got that on 3G?
    That seems to be the point.

    I get shit 3G/3.5G speeds. It's comparable to dial-up connections - perhaps even less reliable. I don't know which is more to blame: my phone or my country's infrastructure.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  11. #1351
    ANBU Captain fahoumh's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buffalobiian View Post
    That seems to be the point.

    I get shit 3G/3.5G speeds. It's comparable to dial-up connections - perhaps even less reliable. I don't know which is more to blame: my phone or my country's infrastructure.
    Then colour me impressed. I also get shitty speeds on 3G, though I'm not sure if it's the network, the notoriously slow browser on BB's OS5, or my crappy phone (my phone itself, not the model or all BB as a whole).

  12. #1352
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    My phone gets crappy speeds on 3G because my data packet with the operator limits it to 384kbit/s... My 3G USB wireless modem for the laptop gets speeds that look very much st33v's speeds, though, since it has no contract restrictions, only those dictated by the device and the network (and the networks are always overbooked, naturally, for maximum profits).

  13. #1353
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    I put Vita as my wallpaper on my PS Vita. It was obligatory, as I am a Nanoha fan.

  14. #1354
    What's up, doc? Animeniax's Avatar
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    I've been having problems with fruit flies in the kitchen because I'm bad about taking out the trash bag when it's got bad stuff in it. I was going to buy a fly trap with sticky tape, but found a natural remedy online instead. Pour some honey and apple cider vinegar in a jar and let the bastards fly in, then cap it and watch them drown in the sweet and sour pool of death. Once they get coated with the goo, there's no way for them to escape!

    For God will not permit that we shall know what is to come... those who by some sorcery or by some dream might come to pierce the veil that lies so darkly over all that is before them may serve by just that vision to cause that God should wrench the world from its heading and set it upon another course altogether and then where stands the sorcerer? Where the dreamer and his dream?

  15. #1355
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Animeniax View Post
    I've been having problems with fruit flies in the kitchen because I'm bad about taking out the trash bag when it's got bad stuff in it. I was going to buy a fly trap with sticky tape, but found a natural remedy online instead. Pour some honey and apple cider vinegar in a jar and let the bastards fly in, then cap it and watch them drown in the sweet and sour pool of death. Once they get coated with the goo, there's no way for them to escape!
    Does that work without the capping step?

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  16. #1356
    What's up, doc? Animeniax's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buffalobiian View Post
    Does that work without the capping step?
    Unfortunately no, so you have to keep your eye on it. I've seen other homemade traps where you cut the top off a small juice bottle then invert it into the bottom half, making a funnel that is easy for the buggers to enter, but hard to get out.


    But it is entertaining to watch them enter the trap and wait for the perfect moment to spring it on them. Makes it hard to read though while waiting.

    For God will not permit that we shall know what is to come... those who by some sorcery or by some dream might come to pierce the veil that lies so darkly over all that is before them may serve by just that vision to cause that God should wrench the world from its heading and set it upon another course altogether and then where stands the sorcerer? Where the dreamer and his dream?

  17. #1357
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Hmm. I'll stick with taking out the trash every night instead then.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  18. #1358
    What's up, doc? Animeniax's Avatar
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    Waste of bags and time. It usually takes me a good week to fill half a 13 gallon (49L) bag. I compost and recycle to the point that not much goes into the kitchen garbage except stuff that attracts bugs, like protein-based food scraps and bone.

    What made me smile: was playing ME3 multiplayer and pissing off this Australian guy so bad it was hilarious. Of course this db was a loudmouth talking and giving orders over voice the entire game. So I went rambo solo style and pissed him off a lot. It was great.

    For God will not permit that we shall know what is to come... those who by some sorcery or by some dream might come to pierce the veil that lies so darkly over all that is before them may serve by just that vision to cause that God should wrench the world from its heading and set it upon another course altogether and then where stands the sorcerer? Where the dreamer and his dream?

  19. #1359
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Animeniax
    Waste of bags and time. It usually takes me a good week to fill half a 13 gallon (49L) bag. I compost and recycle to the point that not much goes into the kitchen garbage except stuff that attracts bugs, like protein-based food scraps and bone.
    I use a shopping bag as a small bin liner. It probably holds no more than 3-5L, so that does me fine. I recycle as well, but don't compost. Flies aren't a problem with an intact flyscreen and all for all our windows/doors, but I'd imagine roaches would be - hence why I throw shit out after dinner is done and all.

    I wasn't the guy playing ME3 with you, just so you know.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  20. #1360
    ANBU Captain fahoumh's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Animeniax View Post
    I've been having problems with fruit flies in the kitchen because I'm bad about taking out the trash bag when it's got bad stuff in it. I was going to buy a fly trap with sticky tape, but found a natural remedy online instead. Pour some honey and apple cider vinegar in a jar and let the bastards fly in, then cap it and watch them drown in the sweet and sour pool of death. Once they get coated with the goo, there's no way for them to escape!
    I've heard you can cover the top with plastic wrap and poke some holes; apparently the fruit flies can get in but can't get back out through those holes.

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