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I'm really glad that Asuka is no longer obsessed with Kaji.
One of the best additions character wise for me is Shinji's interest and ability in cooking. This really gave him a different facet as a character (makes him caring and seem less selfish) and a useful ability aside from piloting. I am of course a bit biased since I love to cook as well.
Agreed, although in essence Shinji is as broken as he ever was small changes in his personality and interactions with others made him much more bearable to cheer on. Not only that, but the final scene was just pure win. I strongly wish that his developments continues on this course throughout the next 2 movies, with a finale of him piercing through the heavens with his GAR-Field ( i made a funneh! )
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Although a minor character, I was happy to see Touji reuniting with his little sister since, this time around, he wasn't choosen. We never got to see this meeting on the original series thanks to the tragedy that fell upon him. Though I must admit I was gaping at the screen when they said Asuka was riding Eva 03 this time around. I knew what was coming. I knew she couldn't just die like that. But even so it was intense watching the scene. Specially when Dummy Plug Eva broke the plug.
I considered it but never got too worried, a character such as Asuka with that much of a following would never be killed off this early on. In contrast, i almost pissed my pants every minute Rei got an inch closer to death thinking we'd be presented with mindless drone number 3 all over again.
The really impressive part was how even without Shinji's realization of Touji being the fourth child followed by his scream of agony AND already basically knowing what was going to happen, they still managed to make that scene every bit as disturbing and marking as the original
I'm usually quite the fan of the harem genre but this apparent change from familiar to romantic love between Shinji and Rei ( just my view on it, some might disagree ) makes me think that they might not follow the previous clone plotline to the letter
For all you Mari haters out there, quality over quantity is what i have to say. I can't wait for some more character development but for now what i see is what i love, time to start dishing out avatars, sigs and banners in the truest fanboyish fashion