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Thread: Rebuild of Evangelion

  1. #161

  2. #162
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Finally, good quality (whats the difference in this download now? I downloaded the 4.6 GB-version, this is 8.6.

    Gonna rewatch it tonight, I think. Maybe my NGE-fanatic lil brother wants to watch it, too, would love to see his reactions, haha.

  3. #163
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    this was stupid and pseudo deep, schiller quotes don't make everything more awesome

    a huge letdown

    the time skip is horrible why did they do that, no one gets whats going on anymore
    instead of answering stuff they just wield up more questions.
    it doesn't matter if everything went upside down and shit got real, just pretend everything went according to keikaku and smirk behind folded hands gendo style. Yay

    even the visuals were not as good as I expected, the only scene I really enjoyed watching was right after the fag's head exploded and when 08 shot its pistol during shinji's "abduction" scene
    weird... it also features a head being blown up.. figures
    of course there were more, but the CG felt really awkward in this from time to time, the preview of 4.44 just adds to that.

    conclusion: 3.33 is not worth much until 4.44 especially story wise, so I can't even say whether its bad or good

    and its also interesting to note that shinji is the only likeable character in 3.33, they probably went for that which is okay, but everyone else went right into the "fuck you, you dumb shit" tier

    I don't know if people are aware of this but the preview of 3.0 after 2.22's credits showed scenes that happened during the timeskip. I expected to see that, and got THIS
    Last edited by KrayZ33; Sat, 04-27-2013 at 11:34 AM.

  4. #164
    Meanwhile: Heaven Weeps. Y's Avatar
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    Is this the first Evangelion media you've ever seen?

    I already posted my thoughts on the film but to comment on the home release:

    Obviously literally every scene works better when you can actually see what the hell is going on. I think unlike 2.0 and 1.0 there are no additional scenes at all in the home release (not that the added material substantially changed either prior film). The action sequences that bookend the film are much longer than I remember, probably because I'm actually paying attention to them this time.
    Last edited by Y; Sat, 04-27-2013 at 04:16 PM.

  5. #165
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    no its not the first, but how does that matter, when this was announced I recall something like "different ending, which explains a lot of stuff" - so far the only thing I can see by Kaworu's speeches (edit: and certain scenes) is that the world is repeating itself, cycle after cycle - (edit 2: yet it doesn't reset fully)

    the movies don't work on their own, thats the problem .. there are serious plot holes everywhere atm (I guess they'll announce a new series right after this, if they haven't already)

    for example Kaworu's parts are gibberish if you haven't bothered with the franchise before (not only but especially the movies/tv series)
    Last edited by KrayZ33; Sat, 04-27-2013 at 07:13 PM.

  6. #166
    Meanwhile: Heaven Weeps. Y's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by KrayZ33 View Post
    for example Kaworu's parts are gibberish if you haven't bothered with the franchise before (not only but especially the movies/tv series)
    Well, yes. That's the idea. A lot of Evangelion is incomprehensible except in the twin lenses of metafiction and as an analysis of depression.

    This movie series is definitely not the lead-in to a TV spinoff, especially with 3.0's transition to the fallen, awful future that Shinji has created.


    I feel like my earlier review of the movie gave the impression that I didn't like it, mainly because I wrote it in a very stupid "movie reviewer" style analysis of how enjoyable it was. Also the fact that I watched the cam pretty much ruined everything on the first impression. Like I said it feels like the movie's script was tailor-made for me but something was just "off" about it. That something was the fact that I basically didn't actually watch the movie.
    Last edited by Y; Sat, 04-27-2013 at 06:47 PM.

  7. #167
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Okay, I am horribly disappointed.

    While I know most of this was intentional, but I still cannot help but feel that way. I was glad that in Rebuild 1 and 2 a lot of the more randomly depressing stuff was removed and that the story was better for it, but now we get pure randomly depressing shit. So little happened in the movie that it could have fit in 1/3 of the time that was used. The music and visuals were also inferior to 2.22.

    I was expecting a lot more after 2.22, but I guess this build up also has me expecting about as much for 4. I probably will not be able to hold out for the BD release of 4, so eye cancer is inevitable.

    Thinking back, 2.22 really was the gem of the movie series. It felt 10x better than the first, and like a completely different show from the third. That said, this movie really made me feel a lot of emotions. I'm probably more disappointed in the fact that I did not get what I wanted, even if I know that this may be necessary in the greater scheme of things.

    I wonder what Shinji's role will be now. He is in despair, having found out that sacrificing the world could not even save Rei. Will joining Misato's organization help him? I just hope it does not feel forced. Since it is going to end the story, I hope the final movie will last more than 2 hours to avoid the usual rushed conclusion for anime.

    EDIT: As always, had the people with more information not acted like jack asses, the whole near 4th impact fiasco could have been avoided, just like what happened in the 2nd movie. Misato and Asuka could have at least not vented on the guy who was sent 14 years in the future with no knowledge, no allies and the whole world as his enemy.
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  8. #168
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    "Is it alright to call him Ikari Shinji-kun?"

    Yes, that's who he fucking is. Now give him a debriefing. You're military, right?
    So much stupid shit happened because no one answered his questions.

    "Shinji, the year is XXXX, you have been asleep for 14 years. What is the last thing you remember? Well this is what came afterwards..." Instead the world (what's left of it) got into a big fight about "Pilot Eva/ Don't Pilot Eva"

    Did I mention the fact that nobody (except a selected few) knew saving Rei would trigger some world destruction? You go on about this when shit fucks up? What happened to "OMG please pilot Unit 01 and save our lives!! Eva can't move, we're all doomed!!" You treat someone like ass, then you call him a brat for hightailing out? SOMEONE knows how to think..

    (Asuka, Shinji woke up from a coma to save your ass in space. How about some thanks?)

    I'm interested in knowing how Rei contacted Shinji telepathically. Was that Mk09 Rei, or was it the "original" Rei that we all know? (though really, none of us are sure which clone# she was). Is she residing in Unit 01, or in Shinji himself as well?

    Actually, let's just say I'm interested in everything that wasn't answered - like where that 2nd spear went.. why/who skewered Unit 06 in the first place.. why the black coffin in space?

    I'll have to rewatch this movie again before 4.44 (like I did with 2.22 yesterday), but right now I'm just shaking my head and forgetting that I watched this for a few years.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  9. #169
    That was... awful. I loved the action scenes but jeez. They answered one question in the movie and gave you fifty more. I doubt that it would've killed them to animate 30 more minutes of film dedicated to just the fourteen years in between at some point.

    Then you have everyone being an ass to Shinji. He did nothing wrong. He did what EVERYONE wanted him to do. He killed that angel and saved/assimilated Rei. What kills me is that everyone on that ship knew Gendo's plan excapt Shinji but no one felt the need to comment on it. They just kept giving him the most vague warnings that they could think of.

    Hopefully the fourth movie has more explanation of what we just watched.

  10. #170
    I'm an Evangelion fan, a big one.

    I'll just put this here though :
    It is presented in the series that a pilot can only survive so long inside an EVA unit before he suffocates and dies.
    Then please someone explains how in the fuck he survived in an EVA for 14 years.

    There, I just killed that third movie.
    Source : Evangelion renewal Episode 16 : Time 17min05s

  11. #171
    Meanwhile: Heaven Weeps. Y's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Inazuma View Post
    I'm an Evangelion fan, a big one.

    I'll just put this here though :
    It is presented in the series that a pilot can only survive so long inside an EVA unit before he suffocates and dies.
    Then please someone explains how in the fuck he survived in an EVA for 14 years.

    There, I just killed that third movie.
    Source : Evangelion renewal Episode 16 : Time 17min05s
    If you're a big Evangelion fan, how do you not realize the movies are not the same thing as the TV series? There's no reason to believe any laws set forth in the TV show are still true.

    Additionally, it seems likely that Shinji was absorbed into Unit 01 when he went berserk at the end of 2.22, just like he was in the series. The difference is that Misato, Ritsuko and company took 14 years to run the recovery experiment, instead of the weeks they did in the series. It's also possible that he was able to survive thanks to Unit 01 being awakened the entire time and him being at a state of near godhood. It's also possible he *didn't* survive, and what we see is a cloned Shinji, or that none of the events of the movie are taking place in the real world but are just some projection of Instrumentality. We just don't have enough information.

  12. #172
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    What are those thousands of EVAs that lie around everywhere on earth?

    What´s the current general state of the earth, anyway? The whole planet looks like its done for. Are people still living there? Are the two fighting groups, Misato´s and Gendo´s, the only survivors?

    I enjoyed watching this movie, it´s pretty much the pinnacle of japanese animation art. But damn, so many questions. We´ll probably never get it, but I´d love to get insight into the very basics of what is going on there. WHERE DO THE ANGELS COME FROM? What is the dead sea scroll? Why is ANYTHING even a thing here?

    On another note, one sentence that had me remember it was "the power to kill god". What god? Is it a mere phrase they´re using, or do they mean it, "kill god"? Surely, angels are real. So why not god, too?
    Following that, the original anime ended with Shinji being god! Remember that super-psycho ending, Shinji floating on top of a small version of the earth, then other characters appearing around him and clapping? What if Shinji is "god"? Even moreso, what if Gendo Ikari knows about that? He seems to know a lot. And frankly, it´d make so much more sense for him to use Shinji as a pilot. I mean, would he use him just because he´s his son? Nah, not plausible. It makes more sense that Shinji IS important. That would be highly ironic then, since Misato only had to kill Shinji to end it all, but since she didn´t know who Shinji really was ...
    Okay, just speculation. But still.

    This movie is disappointing in terms of plot. But that´s because it´s a transitional piece. It´s the link between movie two and the final fourth movie. So I´ll judge it when I´ve seen it all. That´s like the Hobbit-movie. Watching The Hobbit 1 wasn´t reallly satisfying. But I´m convinced that once all 3 movies are out and you watch it in one go, it´ll be a perfect journey. I´m giving NGE the same chance.

  13. #173
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Asuka might be crabby, but she still wants to ride Shinji's "bologna pony." (Thank you ADV Dub!) Some things change, some things just stay the same.

    I was a little confused as to who was controlling all the hostile Angels toward the beginning. Gendo, SEELE, or were they just acting on their own?

    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli View Post
    What are those thousands of EVAs that lie around everywhere on earth?

    What´s the current general state of the earth, anyway? The whole planet looks like its done for. Are people still living there? Are the two fighting groups, Misato´s and Gendo´s, the only survivors?
    We're led to believe those are collections of what used to be humans, now failed half-complete aspects of Instrumentality, as the Third Impact was aborted right as it neared completion, the same way the Fourth was just aborted.

    The surface is generally fucked, and toxic to anyone who isn't "cursed" to be an Eva pilot as Asuka put it. Whatever piloting an Eva does mutates their bodies in such a way that you can survive on the surface, at the very least near the Near-Third Impact site. Presumably, far away from that site, perhaps close to the Second Impact site or high in the atmosphere, normal humans can survive (as WILLE does as they build their Eva/Dragon/SuperDimensionalFortress). The toxicity is caused by whatever the "L Barrier Density" is.

    Quote Originally Posted by Buffalobiian View Post
    I'm interested in knowing how Rei contacted Shinji telepathically. Was that Mk09 Rei, or was it the "original" Rei that we all know? (though really, none of us are sure which clone# she was). Is she residing in Unit 01, or in Shinji himself as well?
    My guess is Rei is still inside Unit 01, remerged with Yui as she's supposed to be. She in turn is linked to the other Rei (Mk09) telepathically, probably through Shinji. While she (Mk09) was essentially a blank slate, Asuka seems to have smacked her out of her mindless doll phase, and possibly relinked her with the Yui/Rei Consciousness.

    Or is Yui not inside Unit 01 this time around? That part was a little hard to follow. Either way, Rei (reunited with Yui's soul or otherwise) is in Unit 01, the Wunder.

  14. #174
    Photoshop Hero Alhuin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu View Post
    Or is Yui not inside Unit 01 this time around? That part was a little hard to follow.
    I'm pretty sure the old guy that played Shogi with Shinji said that her soul was inside Unit 01. She used herself as an experiment to test human control of the Eva, but once near the core, she disappeared and her soul became bonded/linked with Unit 01. At least, that's how I understood the explanation. I assume Lilith is what became of the Eva that Yui was experimenting with, because of the giant head that looks like her, which presumably goes with the giant headless body that the spears were resting in.

    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu View Post
    The surface is generally fucked, and toxic to anyone who isn't "cursed" to be an Eva pilot as Asuka put it.
    If this is true (which I'm sure it is), I wonder why Shinji had to wear a biohazard suit when being shown the "truth of the world".

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  15. #175
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alhuin View Post
    If this is true (which I'm sure it is), I wonder why Shinji had to wear a biohazard suit when being shown the "truth of the world".
    Kaworu was just messing with him, like he was the entire time. It was all set up to manipulate Shinji and guilt him into "fixing" everything.

    Shinji may not have believed Asuka when she mentioned that their bodies have been altered. If Shinji believed he was still human, he would be doing his part to restore humanity. Now that he knows he isn't, that all Eva pilots are already closer to deities than than are humans, his perception should be different once he stops being a puddle on the floor and constantly curling into fetal position.

    Of course, Mari is absolutely insane who knows.

  16. #176
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    Evangelion is its own world with its own rules and its own logic. I had forgotten how much i hate that shit.

    Pretentious crap that thinks itself too good to plainly explain any concept it tries to portray, at least the other 2 had better action scenes.

  17. #177
    Best part of the movie was Mari's boobs jiggling. Yep, that's it.

  18. #178
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    I loved Asuka at the end of 2.22 (enough to dream about her and make a crap ton of sigs and avatars), but I pretty much loathe her right now.

    She kept calling a 14 year old boy a kid, and thinks it was an insult of some sort instead of a statement of fact. Sigh.

    At least Mari was still Mari, even if her role was mainly to humanize the raving red lunatic.

    It really broke my heart to find out that Ayanami Rei is gone. I think part of the reason I really liked 2.22 was because it developed Rei so well, then she is suddenly melted into a ship battery. Shinji was probably at least a little in love with her as well, considering he suffered that much just to try and save her.

    How the hell do you even get someone who just lost his entire world and is wrongly blamed for it to get back up again? (...I bet some people thought about a foursome with the EVA pilots)

    Oh and there was another thing that I REALLY REALLY hated. Why the hell did they decide to give an EVA funnels??

    EDIT: At first I thought about the possiblity of Rei having been extracted from Unit-01 and placed in the tube tank show in the movie, but that hope seems to be dashed by the fact that Unit-01 has 0% synchro with Shinji. That would make sense if Rei was in there, because she wanted a world where Shinji no longer needs to pilot an EVA.
    Last edited by shinta|hikari; Sun, 04-28-2013 at 08:02 PM.
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  19. #179
    Nanomachines, son. Xelbair's Avatar
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    I've finally seen Eva 3.33

    I'm not gonna repeat what most ppl in here said(I'm with the Y's group that enjoyed the movie and wasn't disappointed) so I'll just elaborate on some parts:

    Quote Originally Posted by Buffalobiian View Post
    "Is it alright to call him Ikari Shinji-kun?"

    Yes, that's who he fucking is. Now give him a debriefing. You're military, right?
    So much stupid shit happened because no one answered his questions.

    "Shinji, the year is XXXX, you have been asleep for 14 years. What is the last thing you remember? Well this is what came afterwards..." Instead the world (what's left of it) got into a big fight about "Pilot Eva/ Don't Pilot Eva"
    1) they weren't sure if he was REALLY Shinji
    2) Lack of Trust
    3) imagine that someone unwillingly killed everyone you knew/loved/cared about. and he has no recollection of doing so. Do you think it would be simple to just debrief him like that?

    somehow i didn't get the meta-idea about Curse of Eva .. but damn it was so obvious(and true).

    Funny thing that despite all Genou's scheming(and usurping the power as Y said) everything went according to Seele's plan up until closure of the Gate. Also I think that Kawrou had his own agenda that was unrelated to both of them(Seele and Gendou) - but he pushed Shinji a bit too much and it backfired.
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  20. #180
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Xel
    1) they weren't sure if he was REALLY Shinji
    2) Lack of Trust
    3) imagine that someone unwillingly killed everyone you knew/loved/cared about. and he has no recollection of doing so. Do you think it would be simple to just debrief him like that?
    Their doubt stemmed more from the idea that they were pissed off at him. There was no real reason to doubt him after they did all of their tests and nothing was found to be abnormal.

    @3) Yes, I would debrief him. Firstly, as I said - practically no one (ie, no one who actually hates him for what he did) foresaw these events. No one thinks or knew beforehand that "Saving Rei would kill everybody, so we'd better not." Based on that fact alone, you don't condemn the guy who did it.

    Then you have this: kid wakes up and knows nothing. You are going to tell him nothing about the past, treat him like ass and say "Don't pilot Eva" to an Eva pilot. What do you think he's going to do? Obviously "I'll find out for myself, fuck you and I'm gonna get an Eva" didn't occur to them. But it should've.

    It doesn't matter whether you still liked or hated Shinji.

    As the saying goes, "Keep your friends close. Keep your enemies closer."

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