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Thread: Naruto Shippuuden Episode 55

  1. #81
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Much like how Lee has incredible stamina so he has tons of chakra.

    EDIT: Oh it was a chakra defect, my bad.
    <img src= border=0 alt= />

  2. #82
    The Fallen Abdula's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco
    I even dare say Kakashi would have more stamina and chakra if he used more time training like his arch rival Gai and less time reading icha icha paradise...
    Yeah I remember back during the chuunin exam when he was about to teach Sasuke the chidori he was climbing a cliff one handed and he mentioned he was training to improve his stamina. I would imagine that he was doing alot of training during the time skip as well seeing as he is able to use MS 3 times in one day along with extended use of the sharingan and raikiri and all so he definitely improved alot in that regard.
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  3. #83
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Uchiha Barles
    When I think "stamina", I think endurance. That would be an attribute whose extent depends on a person's muscle and cardiovascular fitness. Can you trade in "endurance" for more chakra? Like, you can generate extra chakra at the expense of becoming more tired?
    Its probably the same as it is in Fate/Stay Night

    When Shirou was fighting Rin, he had no magical energy (chakra) left, but he still was able to run and not even a bit exhausted (because he trained his body very well)
    Rin, who had lots of magical energy left (because she trained her magic circuit very well), was exhausted because they ran so much.

    When Shirou fought Archer in the game... he reproduced his swords more than just 8 times (which is his limit, like kakashi is able to do his chidori only 4 times for example, shirou can only reproduce a certain amount of swords)
    Well he kept reproducing and reproducing and his body was tearing apart from the side effects because his Magic Circuit (chakra circuit) was totally overused.
    So he forced his body and created magic (chakra) and was able to defeat him, while his body was totally destroyed (a side effect much like in naruto)

    so if you have high stamina (yes, endurance is certainly the better word to use, you can still fight, even without chakra/magic)

    wasn't it even mentioned in naruto, that it is exactly the same?
    You can train the amount of chakra you posses (or at least it grows when you get older, since kakashi said "so 2 chidoris is your limit with your current chakra capacity) and your stamina (endurance). If you overuse your Chakra Limit its said that you will probably die (kakshi said "the third chidori will not happen ok? you will die if you do it!", so its possible even if he is out of chakra) its pretty much the same with Shirou reproducing swords over his limit.

    Since Shirou has Saber's scabbard in him, his wounds heal extremely fast, that is why he can reproduce and reproduce more and more swords without dying and endure the pain (also, his willpower to defeat Archer should be considered too)
    Isn't it kinda the same with Naruto and the Demon fox? When naruto trained so hard, the demon fox healed the wounds from using too much chakra thats why he didn't feel pain on the next day and was able to train again...
    Last edited by KrayZ33; Wed, 04-23-2008 at 10:13 AM.

  4. #84
    Awesome user with default custom title Uchiha Barles's Avatar
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    Alright, these explanations make better sense, and I'm taking it all these are also speculation. I'm inclined to add this to Kraco and KraZ's interpretation: If the chakra contained in the body is COMPLETELY used up, then they're dead. There's probably some kind of mechanism involved to prevent that from happening, much like the mechanism in place to prevent someone from using more than a certain percentage of the power that the person's muscles can generate. The amount of chakra that is left when the mechanism activates is well above the amount that would cause a ninja to die. With good stamina, it's possible to squeeze out some amount of chakra despite the preventative measure in place, and so long as the ninja doesn't use too much chakra beyond the cut off, or completely empties himself out, then he ought to survive.

    Oh...and NOW I think I recall a display of chakra and stamina being linked in the anime. When Sasuke fought in the preliminaries against a ninja that stole his chakra, he seemed to lose stamina as well. The stamina loss might be due to other effects of the technique, but this is the closest I'm recalling.

  5. #85
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Uchiha Barles
    If the chakra contained in the body is COMPLETELY used up, then they're dead. There's probably some kind of mechanism involved to prevent that from happening, much like the mechanism in place to prevent someone from using more than a certain percentage of the power that the person's muscles can generate. .
    Well i think its more like the muscles and organs "need" chakra to work in the first place... since the heart generates it its very likely...

    So if the user drains chakra from his muscles and organs, he will suffer heavy damage, from the side effects
    Ya, this way if someone uses up all of his chakra, he will die, because his organs, muscles simply everything, will stop functioning.
    Thats what I believe is the case.

    I think medic-nins infuse chakra to the victims they want to heal.. this is could be wrong though... but well, it does LOOK like they do it ^^
    The cells use the extra amount of chakra, provide by the medic, to regenerate themselves faster etc.

  6. #86
    I wish I could get it from another fansub besides Dattebayo. I always get an error message even if I click on the file (only for these recent widescreen movie files)..Then it will close all open folders

    Same thing happens to new Bleach movie file codec widescreen version.

  7. #87
    Chuunin Chiodos's Avatar
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    I really don't have the best answer on that but..

    ..try search for "Windows Media Player Classic" and "WMPC Codec Package".

    Might work out the kinks. If not then...
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  8. #88
    The Fallen Abdula's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Uchiha Barles
    Oh...and NOW I think I recall a display of chakra and stamina being linked in the anime. When Sasuke fought in the preliminaries against a ninja that stole his chakra, he seemed to lose stamina as well. The stamina loss might be due to other effects of the technique, but this is the closest I'm recalling.
    There are two other examples. One would be when Jirobo trapped Naruto and the others in his clay prison he was sucking up their chakra yet it seems they were loosing all their stamina as well. The other would be when Shikamaru was hit by Tayuya attacks from those spirit like creatures Shikamaru specifically said that he was loosing his stamina when they touched him yet it was said that what the creatures feed on is energy(chakra).
    Dreaming impossible dreams.
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