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Thread: Series En Fuego

  1. #21
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Inazuma
    And [Casshern Sins is] an original concept.
    I question this statement.

    Series En Fuego to me always meant series that were very popular and garnered a lot of replies. Often they will also be subbed by a speedsubbing group and an "archive" group weeks later, thus creating a need for threads were viewers of only the archival quality would not be spoiled and could remain relevant. These are series that would otherwise get their own subforum, but are not ongoing long series or are frequent recurring series (like Gundam).

    The first step is absolutely that they will gather a large enough following or at least a vocal enough discussion. Series like School Days would have ended up in the subforum.

  2. #22
    We don't actually have any series this season really that can warrant a lot of deep discussion or inquiries, besides imo Tytania. And that's got a lame amount of replies, and people watching it.

    It's a shame though, series like To Aru Majutsu no Index, that should get exposure, don't.

  3. #23
    Quote Originally Posted by animus
    We don't actually have any series this season really that can warrant a lot of deep discussion or inquiries, besides imo Tytania. And that's got a lame amount of replies, and people watching it.

    It's a shame though, series like To Aru Majutsu no Index, that should get exposure, don't.
    We'll see how the next episode goes. Eclipse is subbing it, and they usually release in a timely manner, so it has that going for it. Everyone that is currently watching it seems to enjoy it... but yeah, let's wait and see how the third episode goes.

    Some series take a while before people get engaged on them. I know Gurren Lagann took a while before people gave it a shot. But from the looks of it Chaos:Head is getting a decent following. Casshern Sins seems to be top notch, and Index looks like it will be well liked by most that partcipate in GW.

    Else, we'll wait till the Winter season and pick a series from there.

  4. #24
    Well, Casshern is something original, why because it gets out of the " I'm a hero, I must save." (Bleach, Naruto, ...) He says "Hi", people die, we know shit about whats going, I think that alone is enough to have that series out in the spotlight.

    And, by the way, I gave Ga rei Zero a shot, and well, it's awesome.

    About replies; popular stuff isnt always great. Vampire knight deserves to be En Fuego ? No because even though emo clampish vampire stories are popular, they still are relative shit that won't compare to FLCL, Cowboy Bebop or anything thats absolutly genius.

    TAMI - GRZ - Casshern. Those three things deserve some room, but come on, on what criteria are we gonna chose heh ?
    TAMI is cool, funny guys with weirdos negating their powers.
    GRZ is violent, multi POV story, blood, monster, fights, Yarh.
    Casshern is a mindfuck, kick ass art design, top notch animation and screenplay and best sidechars.

    Good luck with the choosing mods.

  5. #25
    Moderator Emeritus masamuneehs's Avatar
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    a fountain pourin' like an avalanche, comin' down the mountain
    i hate to say it, but no matter how crappy the show is, all that matters for determining whether or not there's enough discussion to warrant it getting a section for Episode by Episode threads (and misc things like theme discussion threads and music release threads) is the popularity.

    just look at the other shows that have sections dedicated to them: Naruto, Bleach, One Piece. The best animes? Please, let's not kid ourselves. But they get plenty of per episode discussion, at least they did the last time I ventured into those sections, which has been a while as I really don't care about any of them any more. (and they are long-running, which helps popularity momentum accumulate)

    We once made sections for 'currently popular' animes, and the two shows featured there were Blood+ and Black Cat. Yeah, not only bad, but they garnered maybe a handful of per episode discussion threads, with only yours truly posting extra threads about themes/characters. When they were merged back into one thread and put back in General Anime (well before they concluded airing), nobody made the slightest peep of protest. Those shows had about as many followers as TotA has now, if that's any idea for how rare a truly 'En Fuego' series is to come across, especially if it'll last inside of 26 episodes.

    Of course, I still post here to tell people to check out shows like Casshern, Tytania, Ga-Rei Zero (and to read about shows like Chaos;Head, which I'm getting later today) so that maybe they'll accumulate enough of a following here to merit En Fuego status.

    If you feel really strongly about episode-by-episode discussion, try grabbing some fans of the series you like from the forums/IRC channels of the fansubbers working on it and try to get them over here.

    Humans are different from animals. We must die for a reason. Now is the time for us to regulate ourselves and reclaim our dignity. The one who holds endless potential and displays his strength and kindness to the world. Only mankind has God, a power that allows us to go above and beyond what we are now, a God that we call "possibility".

  6. #26
    Pirate King ChaosK's Avatar
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    Put Gundam 00 in there. It has a significant amount of viewers/discussion on the forums and it already has a thread for each episode anyway. The move would just be changing its location and giving it more exposure. Also, the mysteries that remain in gundam 00 promote enough discussion to not have to worry about it being abandoned.

    LaZie made this...a long time ago.

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  7. #27
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ChaosK
    Put Gundam 00 in there. It has a significant amount of viewers/discussion on the forums and it already has a thread for each episode anyway. The move would just be changing its location and giving it more exposure. Also, the mysteries that remain in gundam 00 promote enough discussion to not have to worry about it being abandoned.
    Gundam gets its own forum, so it doesn't count. Otherwise, Naruto, Bleach and One Piece would be in En Fuego.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  8. #28
    What do you guys think of this idea? Seen it's quite clear that there are no shows at the level of Code Geass at the moment, how about keeping the section fresh each season? What this would mean is to take Soul Eater off the En Fuego section, since it already served it purpose of making the show a bit more popular, and then give the chance to other series to see if they get a bit of more exposure?

    Just an idea, and would like the thoughts on this from those that discuss Soul Eater...

    So I was thinking of removing Soul Eater, and then adding Chaos;Head and Casshern Sins to Tales of the Abyss which is already there.

    Good idea? Bad?

  9. #29
    Well, removing Soul Eater is a No-no unless it's in order to give it it's own section.

    And about what Masa said, why not having a "Spotlight" subforum together with the En Fuego one ?

  10. #30
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    I don't think it would be wise to remove Soul Eater. Some episode threads haven't got that many posts but some have reached a couple of pages (I guess this depends on the posts/pages setting, though). But anyway, it would be strange to remove it. Especially since I doubt simply placing a series into the Series En Fuego subforum would magically increase the watcher number that much. Maybe it seems redundant to keep a subforum it there are no new series to place there, but also I deem it unreasonable to "force" every season to have exceptional series gathering lots of watchers and discussion.

  11. #31
    Fair enough. The other side of it is that I have no problem removing a show from the En Fuego section if the discussion doesn't go up after a couple of episodes. I don't mind the "forcing" part, if by forcing it the series gets more discussion. And again, if it doesn't work, I have no problems removing it.

    The other idea that I had was to instead of having one child forum for two or three series, to create two or three child forums... one for each series. This will eliminate the problem we sometimes have with one show not having much exposure in the "Last Post" column. This seemed to be a big problem with Code Geass, since Code Geass was always the more active one, Soul Eater and the others were rarely shown there.

    And since these are child forums, it shouldn't clog up the place much. Once a series is over, we just do the usual... merge the threads, and rename the child forum with the next series taking over...

  12. #32
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    If you want people to discuss the episodes of the anime that are added to the section, you should only add series that the forum is passionate about.

    Why not make a poll every new season with the new animes that have come out and let the gotwooters themselves judge if an anime is indeed "en fuego" or not?

  13. #33
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    In the end we still have to guess. There are a lot of series that I myself didn't hop aboard to watch until the fandom had already grown a good discussion. Somewhere around 7 or 8 episodes into the series. Given how easy it is to obtain back episodes, there are tons of series that don't gain a following until well after the fact. Gurren Lagaan was like that. School Days exaggerated it even further. I didn't hop in until episode 5 or 6, but the real discussion in the thread (ultimately doubling the posts in the thread) didn't start until after the series ended.

    So, we're left to guess, and a poll will only bring in the hype vote. There were several series that were hyped this season, and few of them are getting any discussion. We just go with what we expect to be popular, like Tales or some other shonen series.

  14. #34
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    Well every single anime that has been in fuego and earned itself its very own sub-forum has been a shonen anime, that's just the way things are.

    Now, if a mod ( for example Munsu, i think he's do a good job ) made a poll with the new series each season, and maybe even gave away the links to a trailer and how to download the first episode, we would know just how the forum feels about said series and if it should be added to the board or not.

    If you want to be even more precise, make the votes public and make a rule that everyone who votes has to explain in some detail why they voted for that specific anime.

  15. #35
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Only with rare series can people predict even their own actions. Trailers aren't that good, either. Just consider all Hollywood movies: pretty much all the trailers look splendid even if most of the movies suck noodles. Only some series worth their hype are sure bets. Otherwise there's no other choice than to wait and see if the threads gather discussion. Because the amount of discussion is the key here, and nobody can discuss stuff without material to discuss. Those aforementioned hyped series may have pages of discussion even before the first episode, but that's an exception.

    I doubt simpy moving a series to En Fuego will gather any extra posters. Most people never post anyway, so the bulk of the posts is made by the same people, plus a few jokers if it's an exceptional series. I don't see those those (us) same people changing their behavior that much whether its En Fuego or not.

  16. #36
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco
    I doubt simpy moving a series to En Fuego will gather any extra posters. Most people never post anyway,
    Off topic, what's the ratio of lurkers (signed in) vs posters visiting anime threads on average? (not per visit, just no. of members). Is it possible to find such statistics?

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  17. #37
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    Personnally... only Code Geass has fallen on such category. The other series on fuego haven't sparked my interest.

    I still wish they would just have sent all the geass threads to a 'old fuego' sub-forum instead of merging, but I guess policies are policies.

    Geass R2 alone had 1700+ replies.

    Soul Eater and Tales of the Abbys together have 500 until now. To be fair, Abbys is new, but Soul Eater has been around for a while already (30 episodes)

  18. #38
    I agree, I feel that CG might fade to obscurity in the General Anime section and be complete missed out by new anime watchers. I wouldnt mind a "old fuego" subforum as Ryoga has suggested or like a "gotwoot favorites thread".
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  19. #39
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    But wasn't this the whole point of the En Fuego? I really don't mind it being put into one thread, since it makes for good archiving. The point of breaking it into specific episode threads was so we didn't have one massive thread to navigate through as we posted, and it also served as a spoiler warning in its own right for those watching non-gg-eclipse releases. Now that it's over, it only makes sense to make it whole again, and make room for more.

    Only issue I have with the merging is that all the other info's scrambled, namely the music releases. I blame the search engine for that.

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  20. #40
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    We still need to discuss future Picture Dramas of Code Geass (#3 has Kallen losing her clothes in front of Lelouch AGAIN, and #4 has Kallen and CC acting as Harem Ladies)... so... Code Geass isn't really 'finished'

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