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Thread: Bleach Chapter -106

  1. #21
    Where are you guys coming up with the idea that Isshin lost his powers?

  2. #22
    There is a point where Uryuu's dad asks Isshin that has he got his powers back, to which Isshin says yes.

  3. #23
    indeed...and also DB_Hunter, ichigo's mom was never a shinigami. he couldn't see ghosts otherwise she would've known what grand fishers decoy really was.

  4. #24
    Hmm, interesting... I never got that impression. You guys remember the specific chapter this takes place?

  5. #25
    Quote Originally Posted by Assassin
    indeed...and also DB_Hunter, ichigo's mom was never a shinigami. he couldn't see ghosts otherwise she would've known what grand fishers decoy really was.
    Well it could be that if she lost her powers and was only starting to get them back, she wasn't able to tell the difference between a decoy and the real thing.

  6. #26
    that seems highly unlikely....even without her power, she should've known better. besides, i really doubt both his parents would've been banished shinigami.

  7. #27
    It is more likely that Isshin was apart of the zero squad as you would not want people knowing of him and this squad seems to be real secretive. Kisuke probably came in contact with him in these circumstances then. I think Ichigo's mother would be a normal human, and when Isshin was banished he met her in the real world or something.

    Isshin being in the zero squad can also be the reason why the white 'captain' cloak is only on the one shoulder and not the whole robe.

    Kurotsuchi being a locked up prisoner is a nice touch, making him appear as a 'dangerous element' which is true enough with his style and techniques that he's created and his way of work.

  8. #28
    i've always wondered why SS lets him do all the fucked up things he does, all those little experiments....especially if he was considered dangerous even before all the captain stuff happened.

    also, what do you think he was like in the real world? he would've been alive during the 1700-1800's at the maybe he was one of those crazy doctors or scientists that.

  9. #29
    I think Ichigo's mother would be a normal human, and when Isshin was banished he met her in the real world or something.
    I agree she was probably a normal human. But maybe she is the reason he was banished? He has some mission in the real world, sees her, and falls in love. Then wants to stay with her and says shove it to SS? Sounds like something he would do.

  10. #30
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Crazy Idea concernning the magic stone, Ishin and Kiesuke.

    Kiesuke uses the magic ball on Isshin and his wife, 20 years ago, when they move to the human realm, the magic ball has only half the effects on them, which leaves them unavailable to use thier powers, but able to sense spirits and co. then ichigo's mother gets herself killed and other shit happens. Isshin goes to Kisuke and reclaims the power.
    Kisuke figures out that his wacky mushroom is still imperfect, so he implants it into a gigai, which has better human trasformation results.

    I'll just keep on rumbling, stop me when I get too unreasonable.
    beacuse of his previous line of work, Kisuke decides to end the war between SS and HM on his own, by turnning everybody into hmn, but he only knows how to convert shingamis into mortals, so he lures Aizen (who is already obsessed to powerup himself) to practise on creating Hollow-shingami Hybrids, which in time, Kisuke will turn into mortals with his humanwand.
    yep, I just hit the fan with the shit, who cares.

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