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Thread: Naruto Chapter 397

  1. #61
    Easy explanation: instead of Cut+Paste Itachi did Copy+Paste.

    I don't see why Itachi would have had to lose his own abilities when he imbued them into Sasuke. Very little about this situation makes any sense right now. A 0 effort technique transfer is unprecedented in the series so trying to apply rules or boundaries to what may or may not have happened seems pointless.

    I hope it turns out to be the case that Itachi used the chakra manipulation aspect of genjutsu to induce Mangekyou in Sasuke's eyes. An explanation like that would fit with what we already know about the Narutoverse and I would prefer not to have to swallow another pill of Deus ex Sharingan when a more generic explanation is viable as well.

  2. #62
    Quote Originally Posted by Darthmoe
    Am i the only one more interested in Pain's true identity and what else Jiraiya found out before dying and put on that frog's back!?!?
    No your not alone. I am also wondering about that. I am also wondering what happened between Kisame and the rest of Sasuke's team after he left.

  3. #63
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    Don't's not actually a technique transfer, but rather a "seal" of sorts.

    Sasuke doesn't have any control over amaterasu, it just triggers automatically at the presence of madara.
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  4. #64
    Why is there even an argument about when Itachi transfered the techniques?

    First of all, "when" is completely irrelevant in relation to "what", "why" and "how". Secondly, the fact that Madara blatantly stated that Itachi did something to Sasuke just before he died and then Sasuke had that little flashback of the forehead poke, should pretty much put the nail in the coffin on the "when" debate.

  5. #65
    shit, I'm so excited for the next chapter!
    Does anyone know when chapters usually come out ?

  6. #66
    Am I the only one that thinks that back in Chapter 366 that there was more to the conversation between Naruto and Itachi than we saw. Maybe Itachi didn't just do something to Sasuke but to Naruto as well (which would partly explain him being injured prior to the fight with Sasuke). If Itachi really did want to protect his brother I doubt that the only thing he did before he died was give Sasuke amaterasu.

    Not only that it's perfectly possible that Naruto doesn't even know something was done/given/said to him, Itachi could of just trapped him in a genjutsu (since we all know how hopeless Naruto is) and done/given/said something to Naruto that is going to be triggered at a latter date (simmilar to how amaterasu is triggered).

    If Itachi did do something to Naruto or perhaps gave him something (at the point I'm thinking if he did give something to him it will probably be sealed within him, because lets face it at this point Naruto is little more than a good place to store something powerful) then it could explain why he was hurt at the start of the fight since sealing/transferal techniques ussually take more effort/have serious side effects in the Narutoverse.

  7. #67
    Quote Originally Posted by February
    shit, I'm so excited for the next chapter!
    Does anyone know when chapters usually come out ?
    Next Chapter comes next week. This week is nothing.

    usually Naruto chapters come out on friday (GMT+1)

  8. #68
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Darthmoe
    Am i the only one more interested in Pain's true identity and what else Jiraiya found out before dying and put on that frog's back!?!?
    Nope, I also detest everything about the uchiha and their sharingan shannigans.
    but as long as Kishi cares more about complicating Sasuke's backstory and giving the sharingan eyes more absurd abilities, we will have to wait for 2009 to see what's going on with Naruto's storyline.

    however, I did enjoy this chapter, a sadistic, 'told you so', enjoyment.

    Sasuke: Finally, I killed my Nemsis, avenged my family death, and brought peace to my troubled soul. Now I can concentrate on making millions of Dollars from a book and movie about my dead family, and making thousends of babies with my groopies to revive my noble clan.
    Tobi: ahm, no.
    Sasuke: stop fuckin' with me!
    Tobi: True shit, Itachi was actually playing you all this time, you've been punk'd! man.
    Sasuke: shit.

  9. #69
    Awesome user with default custom title Uchiha Barles's Avatar
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    For awhile I really wanted it to get back to Naruto's story, as Sasuke's was blowing big time, and not in the less gay way either. Not a fan of the new powers of the Sharingan, as now, the Uchiha can take out Superman. However, this is quite a nice development, I have to agree. Sasuke's screwed, and I'm popping the popcorn, popping the pop, and sitting back in a front row lazyboy to watch the emotional and mental carnage that's about to ensue.

  10. #70
    Madara did not take over obito, obito is not madara, end of story.

  11. #71
    Quote Originally Posted by Krbadass
    Madara did not take over obito, obito is not madara, end of story.
    Thank you

  12. #72
    Quote Originally Posted by Krbadass
    Madara did not take over obito, obito is not madara, end of story.
    Well... I'm convinced. Can't really argue with such a well-thought out and evidence-filled statement such as that one.

  13. #73
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    Krbadass is back? and he reads the manga?
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  14. #74
    I don't think that Itachi was "good" or "evil" - he merely had his own goals and folowed them and, by what I saw in the last chapter, it looks like those goals were killing Madara. Ofcorse, if could be something completely different - we can't say untill we see it, and I bet it will either something no one thought of, or something so obvious, that everyone thought of, but never considered it could actually happen. Anyway, we'll find out in a couple of days anyway

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