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Thread: Allison to Lillia

  1. #141
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    -Are the studio staff animating Naruto watching this? Because this is how stare-downs are done! This show's always found ways to mix in slow paced scenes enjoyably, whether by genre handicap or other means.

    -It was sort of obvious they're not after the queen last episode, but some things don't quite add up. Firstly, if their target was Treize, why would the guy in brown say "too bad" when he was left behind on the second train last ep? If their plan was to lure the security away, then wanting Treize to go with them doesn't make sense, meaning he's probably not their target.

    Capturing Lillia, on the other hand makes even less sense. She's got no real political influence (yet), and her mother seems to be a rather high ranking pilot (but no more). Holding her hostage because she's liked by Treize hints the real target's him.

    -I guess the next episode will show, but this seems to be an awfully complicated plan just to score a hit.

    -I liked how Lillia's (seemingly) oblivious to Treize's situation/feelings right up to the final episode (even to the preview), keeping it consistent with Allison&Wil.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  2. #142
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Why on earth did Allison and Treize run after the train and not capture the dude delaying Treize? I'm sure they could have got something out of him with a little punching.

    Anyway, I think the target might still be the princess. Just the prison dude concocted a really twisted and indirect plot of getting her. Maybe he didn't trust in their chances of succeeding in assassinating her while she was properly guarded on her own train, and so he calculated it so that she would be coming along with Travas to rescue Treize and Lillia. When that happens, it would be the prison dude's playground this time. Quite a risk to take, in any case.

  3. #143
    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco
    Why on earth did Allison and Treize run after the train and not capture the dude delaying Treize? I'm sure they could have got something out of him with a little punching.

    Anyway, I think the target might still be the princess. Just the prison dude concocted a really twisted and indirect plot of getting her. Maybe he didn't trust in their chances of succeeding in assassinating her while she was properly guarded on her own train, and so he calculated it so that she would be coming along with Travas to rescue Treize and Lillia. When that happens, it would be the prison dude's playground this time. Quite a risk to take, in any case.
    Na', I'm pretty sure that Treize is the target...

    I'm confused about Ann though... was she part of the plot? At first I thought she was, but seeing how the events transpired afterward I'm leaning towards no.

  4. #144
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    The end is near when the end is here:

    Episode 26 Final - AniYoshi

    - - - - - - - - -

    Edit: No need to spend two thoughts into deciding where the focus was in this last episode. The action was dodgy at best and made little sense if any at all, but I liked the moments between Lillia and Treize as well as the total circle of the series with Treize "dying". Even though it probably won't be as official and secretive as in the Wil/Travas case.

    It's funny they didn't even bother to explain how #42 had planned to survive the crash (and how Treize obviously survived it as well), but then again, being 42, he must have known everything, escape routes included. Nor was it explained who the heck the princess's fan was, and why he was involved in this all.

    Well, what is important is that Treize and Lillia got each other, of course. Nothing else matters.
    Last edited by Kraco; Sat, 12-20-2008 at 02:25 PM.

  5. #145
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    I'm hoping for a batch dl to arrive soon so that I can watch that one When I realized it could be fun, it was too late to participate

    All the things I really like to do are either illegal, immoral, or fattening. And then: Golf.

  6. #146
    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco
    The end is near when the end is here:

    Episode 26 Final - AniYoshi

    - - - - - - - - -

    Edit: No need to spend two thoughts into deciding where the focus was in this last episode. The action was dodgy at best and made little sense if any at all, but I liked the moments between Lillia and Treize as well as the total circle of the series with Treize "dying". Even though it probably won't be as official and secretive as in the Wil/Travas case.

    It's funny they didn't even bother to explain how #42 had planned to survive the crash (and how Treize obviously survived it as well), but then again, being 42, he must have known everything, escape routes included. Nor was it explained who the heck the princess's fan was, and why he was involved in this all.

    Well, what is important is that Treize and Lillia got each other, of course. Nothing else matters.
    The climaxes in this series have always sucked... don't know why we should've expected any better. I liked the Wil & Allison ending better, with them getting married and all. This storyline could've done with a couple of more episodes... I certainly wanted her to learn about Travas being her father and stuff. Also, I didn't like how Treize's sister was non-existant in this series, would've liked to see some interaction between Lillia and her since she was rooting for the Queen.

  7. #147
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Yeah, this really felt like cut short, and no way the director could help it. Treize's sister was indeed marginalized terribly. And like you said, so many loose threads were left hanging it's not ever funny. They would have needed two eps to sort them all out - or at least one if they borrowed a director from Code Geass...

  8. #148
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Munsu
    The climaxes in this series have always sucked... don't know why we should've expected any better.
    Neither do I, but I had high expectations anyway, only to be reminded this is, after all, Allion&Lillia .

    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco
    And like you said, so many loose threads were left hanging it's not ever funny
    On the contrary, the head-scratchers this episode were so outrageous I was bordering on laughter. #42 was a sophisticated criminal......what was he, a train mechanic? Treize's fury of punches were easily read, but a wide swinging kick from an airplane was not

    The parents didn't do much better...For a natural marksman and trained soldier, Wil sure took his time to aim...with an SMG? And Allison's flying through the woods had little point beside showing off a bit of skill, and maybe dying in the process.

    I'm not even going to touch on how Treize survived and evaded aerial detection.

    Anti-climaxes are nothing new, but they did save a show's worth of plotholes for this one finale.

    All that aside, I liked the other bits. Maybe not so much the confession though, since Mr 42 made it a little awkward. He was more facilitating their get-together than a Death God.

    Treize's "death scene" was really well done, and was emotionally the highest peak in this second half of the show. As much as the sound helped, it was the lack of it right that moment which created the shock factor.

    Comparing both halves, I too enjoyed Allison&Wil more, because there was actual tension(If anything in this series can be labeled as such) between the frustrated Allison and (seemingly) oblivious Wil, while Treize and Lillia have pretty much cruised through their arcs with zero character development. Partially, that's why the first half felt more "conclusive", as things actually happened. Still, the school dance can be thought of as Lillia's wedding equivalent, and Treize taking the initiative, though not as dramatic, is proof enough he's made his choice.

    26 episodes isn't exactly long by anime standards. Looking back at how everything started however (thanks to the biplane flashback), it certainly has felt like an adventure. Starting at an orphanage reunion, we've flown, skied, swam and train-ridden not only across both countries, but from one generation to the next, with the latter in essence re-living the first. That in particular was a nice feature, paying homage to their parents, but also lacked originality somewhat.

    Climax(es) are nonexistent, but one thing the studio did get right was pacing. Steady, consistent pacing (mimicking the slow and steady footsteps of travelers), Allison&Lillia has definitely captured the essence of the adventure genre.

    A refreshing change from the latest anime trends, Allison&Lillia has its highs just as it has lows. Likable characters, easy yet steady pacing and ever-changing scenery has pulled it through sub-par climaxes from start to finish.

    Final impressions: "It's been a fun ride".

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  9. #149
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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