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Thread: Allison to Lillia

  1. #121
    I take it you guys are watching the AniYoshi version still? Good, that way I wont get spoiled.

    I want Treize to tell his secret already, I've always kinda hated this plot devices kinda like masked heroes being unable to tell the truth to people they're close to.

    I want to see Wil in action though, so I hope he gets there in time to kick some ass.

  2. #122

  3. #123
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    A really good episode. Though it had too few explosions, considering the amount of dynamite at their disposal, but I guess it can't be helped since their aim was to save people. It's also nicely realistic how their little rescue operation didn't proceed smoothly or according to the plan as they aren't any pros. The confession game also progressed and it'd be a miracle in itself if it isn't solved soon.

  4. #124
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    This show really does a good job at building tension, even if they often end them in the most anti-climatic ways possible. The wardrobe scene and the dynamite scene were both done well, and both times I was thinking "Oh Sh*t, they've found them!!" I almost had the same feeling when the guy went to snipe Treize, if it wasn't so obvious that it hit his gun .

    I hope the man in white featured in the preview means we'll finally get some Wil/Travis action. It'll be interesting to see what a few years in the army, even if it's the Intelligence Service, has taught him in terms of close combat training. Maybe even some of that sharp shooting we've always been told about, but rarely shown.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  5. #125
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Bond, Treize Bond:

    Epsiode 22 - AniYoshi

  6. #126

  7. #127
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    It's starting to look like Treize's confession is going to be the culmination of this Lillia half of the series, so much they are pushing it towards the end of the series. Not that I'm complaining, considering what manner of a series this is. It's to be expected.

    Kind of funny and nice how it's again a train where the big things will happen, or start to happen, just like in the Allison portion.

  8. #128
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Drama on the tracks:

    Episode 24 - AniYoshi

  9. #129
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    It's pleasing to see that years of training has taught Travas some close combat skills, while Lillia managed to be quite the marksman (assuming she did, in fact, aim to miss).

    Like Kraco said, despite the initial airplane settings in the initial arcs (and trailers), the climaxes of this show are actually on trains, with both Allison and Lillia stories mirroring each other (both had an initial airplane arc, followed by a royal family conspiracy, and ending on a train.)

    Matilda turned out to be a really gentle character, and the way she felt for Lillia makes me wonder if she'll declare Travas KIA to grant them some happiness.

    (Claire too, was surprisingly soft when she learned Lillia wasn't the princess, or before that even. I suppose that was kind of necessary to make her more forgivable by the end of it. What I didn't quite understand was why the royal family of Ikstova didn't want the valley to be used during the war. I always thought Ikstova was allied with Roxche.

    Edit: replaced all "Treize" with "Travas"
    Last edited by Buffalobiian; Wed, 12-03-2008 at 02:29 AM.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  10. #130
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buffalobiian
    Matilda turned out to be a really gentle character, and the way she felt for Lillia makes me wonder if she'll declare Treize KIA to grant them some happiness.
    Declare Treize dead? Surely not. That would mean Treize would need to assume a new identity and cut his ties with his parents and sister. Matilda doesn't actually need to do anything but make sure Treize doesn't choose her because of political reasons. She seems to possess some good intel figuring out immediately Lillia was Travas's daughter, so who knows, she might already know or guess Treize really loves Lillia.

    Oh... Maybe you by mistake called Travas Treize? But that would be no good, either, because the man works for the intelligence and I doubt they would fail to notice the real situation. She could, perhaps, affect things so Travas would retire earlier. But I doubt the man himself wants to do that yet.

    When Matilda suddenly stood up in front of Lillia, I thought for a moment she was going to reveal to Lillia her old man actually lives.

    Quote Originally Posted by Buffalobiian
    What I didn't quite understand was why the royal family of Ikstova didn't want the valley to be used during the war. I always thought Ikstova was allied with Roxche.
    Maybe they both wanted to make sure those primitive people there wouldn't be relocated and wanted to maintain the status quo in the war situation. That in itself would of course be already a treason of a sort, but who knows, maybe they were that kind of people, pacifists or had ancient ties with Sou Beil.

  11. #131
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Yeah, I mean Travas. That's what happens when A-yoshi stalls the show for a month or two

    I suppose you're right in that Travas probably won't want to leave so soon. After all, he was the one who made the decision to serve the country, not hers. Interestingly, Wil Schultz was a citizen of Roxche, not Sou-Beil.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  12. #132
    24 was a good episode, next one looks like it'll have a ton of action. But man, Lillia has been completely useless in this second half of the series. Allison is 10 times the character she is.

  13. #133
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    She does seem a little that way. During the Allison arcs, Allison took the offensive romantically speaking and air combat-wise, while Wil had his deductive abilities, and the occasional show of sharpshooting. In the Lillia parts, Treize takes on the romantic leader, pilot and deductive mind, leaving Lillia seemingly only inheriting Travas' eyes & hair, and Allison's impulsiveness and spunk. Actually, I dare say Treize probably has more courage than Lillia, mainly due to his upbringing.

    Still, I can't bring myself to hate her, despite all that.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  14. #134
    I don't hate her or anything... just saying she's useless. But as much as Wil seemed like an idiot, he pulled through when it counted.

  15. #135
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Hmm... I actually never thought about it but you are right. I guess I didn't realise it because I still don't hate her character, just like Buffalobiian said. In her defense it needs to be said, though, that unlike Allison Lillia has so far got little do with anything that's going on. In other words, they aren't her "projects" and moreover she's surrounded with people who actually know pretty much everything that's going on and can thus easily act accordingly. Back with Wil and Allison, those two weren't in such a sheltered situation or they even were knowingly risking themselves.

  16. #136
    They should just have her doing the Lillia Kick more often in a couple of baddies here and there. That should take care of it.

    This is nothing really to do with her character, but more with what they're doing with her... would like to see her in a more active role. The last arc would've been a good time to showcase her a bit more when she got separated from Treize, but she got herself kidnapped.

    Maybe in this arc she'll find herself alone once again, and maybe do something worthwhile to solve a crisis. But she's a common civilian, so can't expect much... Daughter of two kick ass military men, she should be kickass herself.

  17. #137
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Munsu
    Daughter of two kick ass military men, she should be kickass herself.
    About that, did they ever mention if Allison kept in touch with her father? Or if Lillia knew her grandfather? I suppose, as is the case of Wil, they had to keep it hidden. You really have to feel for Lillia, being in that situation. I find it, not so much odd, but interesting that Allison hasn't pained to tell Lillia the truth. If she did, they never showed it.

    (I'll assume Munsu meant Lillia was the descendant of two military men )

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  18. #138
    Wil and Allison are both military people... and Lillia is their daughter...

    As for Allison's father, not sure if they have made mention of it.

  19. #139
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Yeah, I was hinting at the men part... still, not as confusing as my typo

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  20. #140

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