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Thread: Soul Eater

  1. #641
    Lol Darth: Have you not been paying attention to the threads in the General Anime board other than these Soul Eater ones?

    Anyway I'm starting to think maybe Tsubaki & Hanatsuki are rebelling against the lameness of this ending by not subbing it, I think that would be hilarious.

  2. #642
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Yukimura
    Anyway I'm starting to think maybe Tsubaki & Hanatsuki are rebelling against the lameness of this ending by not subbing it, I think that would be hilarious.
    That'll still be a bitch though.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  3. #643

  4. #644
    Rats! Well at least now you can all enjoy the pretty awesome first 3/4 of the finale.

  5. #645
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quite a disappointing end. While you could say courage is the perfect poison against fear driven demon gods, it still does little to explain how it all worked. Right now Asura made a lot more sense, despite being the insane one, than Maka - or what actually happened.

    If they had at least left the other ones dead and Maka alone alive with her courage, it would have been a lot more badass and meaningful ending. It would have given this courage a lot more emphasis as well if she could have kept going after burying her team mates. But this way... It was an ending worse than some Naruto fillers have had.

    I guess I'll eventually return to read the manga.

  6. #646
    Well, the beginning was good, lots of action. The only thing I'm confused about is why Maka had scythes protruding from her body. Did she inherit it from Spirit? If so, doesn't that make her a weapon, too? Anyway, Asura went on a philosophical route and monolouged all episode about the concept of "fear", only to be beaten by "courage". Now, I can't get the word "courage" out of my head.
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  7. #647
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nadouku
    Well, the beginning was good, lots of action. The only thing I'm confused about is why Maka had scythes protruding from her body. Did she inherit it from Spirit? If so, doesn't that make her a weapon, too?
    Asura just said she's a weapon who chose the path of a Meister, which explains this well enough. Like Yuki said, the first 3/4 of this episode was awesome. Evil monologue, trump card doesn't work, hidden ability release!, all that sort of stuff that gets you going.

    It does suck how everything just seemed to end with courage. I wouldn't have minded if they went for a different Deus Ex Mama route, coming in with an anti-madness wavelength? At least that makes more sense.

    I'll just settle with their point of To Not Understand = To Fear, and having Asura lost his power due to losing certainty in the whole thing. Seriously, who else got annoyed when he cracked like some kid?

    Summary: Meh ending to a solid series. I'd still recommend it, and I'll probably move onto the manga in a week or so.

    (Oh, and I lolled at some guy's comment of betting on a manga-faithful remake 2-3 years later )

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  8. #648
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    Jesus Christ that was disappointing

    And what really pisses me off is all the potential it had. Midway, while he was torturing her, i was already envisioning a black blood crazed Maka fighting back insanity with insanity and somehow becoming the new kishin after his defeat

    And then it all ends with a sucker punch :/

    Anyway. I'm going with she busted her anti demon wavelength through that punch just like Black Star does and the internal damage made him explode

    It also explains how he seemed to "crack" from the damage

    Now back to reading the manga

  9. #649
    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco
    It was an ending worse than some Naruto fillers have had.
    Harsh but probably true.

    I can't really disagree that the first 3/4 were good, followed by an anticlimactic ending. I mean, just courage? I wouldn't mind if it was courage along with a little bit of badass Maka move, but apparently that wasn't possible. They could have done so much more, and it's a shame, as most of the series was highly entertaining.

  10. #650
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    It's been said, first 3/4ths was good.

    But I actually didn't mind the end either. The fact that the demon god is such a coward and he can't understand someone who really has courage. The thing that ruins it is Asura's personality change. If they'd just has him go apeshit before falling apart, that would have been cool, but instead, they had him regress to a snotty 10 year old, and that kind of ruins the tension. If they'd just had Asura fall apart mentally you would still be afraid he might just obliterate everything around him or something instead of letting himself get hit, you wouldn't know until the end.

    Instead it's just like, "Wow, that guy's a douche. Would you just hit him or something."

    I liked the message though. Asura: "You can't fight insanity. It's inside everyone." Maka: "So is courage."

    It was dissapointing though that this big reveal that Maka is a Weapon didn't actually amount to anything. It was cool and all, but she still got beat in 15 seconds.

  11. #651
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    Lets use this as an excuse to start reading up on the manga

    If you liked, let's say, the first 30 episodes of this anime and parts of the following eps then you might enjoy this ( just try it since the manga thread is dying and needs help )

  12. #652
    Wow, everyone hates the ending? I loved it. Besides the fact that he was weakened considerably after everyone had their piece of him, courage beating out the influence of fear/ambiguity makes perfect sense to me. I wouldn't call that a deus ex machina. Maka waking up to find out that she had passed out and it was all a dream would be a worser ending. The fact that the show used forces (fear, courage) that are found in everyone to influence the mental state of the world was amazing. The whole time fear and insanity were going to take over the world, and we completely forgot about the antithesis of that.

    I also thought the various twists and power ups were AMAZING! I wondering when Kid would get that much needed power boost.

    What, you guys expected Maka to hit him really hard with a scythe to win the battle?

    <3 Soul Eater. I'd love a second season, but according to Yuki it's diverged from the manga. I guess I'll just start reading the manga then..!
    Last edited by Sapphire; Sat, 05-23-2009 at 02:17 PM.
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  13. #653
    Awesome user with default custom title poopdeville's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco
    Quite a disappointing end. While you could say courage is the perfect poison against fear driven demon gods, it still does little to explain how it all worked. Right now Asura made a lot more sense, despite being the insane one, than Maka - or what actually happened.
    I think it is important to remember that Asura's motivation was his fear of dying. He only conquered this fear by eating souls. Fear was his biggest weakness, and he thought he completely eliminated his fear when he became strong enough to beat Reaper-sama.

    Maka did succumb to Asura's insanity. But her insanity made her strong against Asura, since her insanity manifested itself as irrational courage. This freaked Asura out. He thought he was the only one strong enough to not fear death. He realized Maka wasn't afraid either, and began to fear her strength. His fear undermined the basis of his powers.
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  14. #654
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Asura was strong enough to defend against Shinigami's punches. One punch from Maka broke him. That's the one thing that I say makes no sense. At most Maka's courage should have made her able to face Asura but I fail to see how it makes her powerful enough to beat a dude of his calibre. A coward could be driving a tank and be mortally afraid of a mofo rifleman, but the coward is still inside a tank and the mofo outside of it, and no matter how brave the mofo is, his bullets only scrape the paint from the surface of the tank.

  15. #655
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    If you go with my theory that the punch containing her "courage" allowed her to project her anti-demon wavelength and cause internal damage, much like Black Star and Stein are able to

    The way how his head sort of implodes after the hit supports this

  16. #656
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Archangel
    If you go with my theory that the punch containing her "courage" allowed her to project her anti-demon wavelength and cause internal damage, much like Black Star and Stein are able to

    The way how his head sort of implodes after the hit supports this
    Asura was a coward and needed to check everything and details to have enough confidence.
    He needs to be sure he'll win before engaging a fight.

    When Maka showed courage when she's so weak, his confidence broke immediately since he's got so little of that.

    When his confidence breaks, he loses control and his fears weakens him. It's as his fears consumed his powers.

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  17. #657
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    That sounds somewhat plausible, but considering he used to be a dude fighting alongside Shinigami in ye olde times, he should have had some baseline power level probably far above the kids'. It's somewhat unlikely his whole sum of abilities was 100% tied to his confidence, plus his confidence 100% broken at that moment.

  18. #658
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco
    That sounds somewhat plausible, but considering he used to be a dude fighting alongside Shinigami in ye olde times, he should have had some baseline power level probably far above the kids'. It's somewhat unlikely his whole sum of abilities was 100% tied to his confidence, plus his confidence 100% broken at that moment.
    Of course Maka progressing during the fight is probably also another factor.

    These are only speculations for a particular event that seems a little weak, but was almost obligatory to end a shonen show on a positive win.

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  19. #659
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by David75
    When his confidence breaks, he loses control and his fears weakens him. It's as his fears consumed his powers.
    To be weakened enough that a "Maka punch" completely destroys him?

    I find that hard to believe.

  20. #660
    Operating on the assumption that Shinigami is powerful as hell, there is no way that Kishin got out of that battle completely unscathed. The previous battles established the plausibility that he was weakened enough to be pushed around by the Shibusen students and actually be negatively affected -at all-. Maka's huge powerup and "mood change" was evidently enough to finish him off. Makes sense to me~

    Personally, I think if you can believe the plot point that 'insanity' slash fear is spreading throughout the world and is literally destroying awesome, strong characters like Stein, then to me it's not so irrational that the demise of a completely insane and frightened character was because of a simple thing such as courage.

    Anyone remember how the Chrona Maka fight ended? A hug for God's sakes. lol!!!!
    "Leaving hell is not the same as entering it." - Tierce Japhrimel

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