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Thread: Soul Eater

  1. #401
    The Dark Dragon. Dark Dragon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by animus
    Now that I think about it, this OP song kinda reminds me of Ash like Snow (Gundam 00 First Season's OP 2).
    It's not surprising since it's the same person singing both song.

    The lead singer for the brilliant green (the band that did Ash for Snow) is Tomoko Kawase.

    Tomoko Kawase release her singles under the name Tommyheavenly6.

  2. #402
    Ah, that's why. Thought they were different when I saw different artists under Gendou.

  3. #403
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Archangel
    Wow i'm sorry but i completely disagree with that one Bill

    As far as i can tell Chain Resonance is based on having all souls on the same wavelength of power, so that means that black Star will have to sincro with this team by making his soul release the exact same amount of energy as the other 2, making his not the leader but an equal to the others, and that is something he just can't do.

    I'm sure they'll be able to do it eventually but if there is gonna be a black sheep in this group it's gonna be black star.
    That makes sense too. I got my idea from seeing Black Star and Kid resonating, then seeing Maka frustrated. Maybe it's because they couldn't do it that she's frustrated

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  4. #404
    RIP SOUL'd OUT :( Marik's Avatar
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  5. #405
    The Dark Dragon. Dark Dragon's Avatar
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    That was very good for a first release, definitely higher quality than your average speed sub. They didn't do the karaoke for the ending song but i'm sure they'll get to it eventually. If these guys keep this kind of quality with every release i'm definitely downloading from them especially since they have DDL options.

  6. #406
    Good introduction episode for WAR between Arachnophobia and Shibusen.

    Black star looked like demon for a moment.

    "Life is hilariously cruel" by Bender

  7. #407
    Wow, DDL for a full episode? Don't see that lasting very long, heh.

  8. #408
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Damn, this was an excellent episode. I loved it. Black Star and Maka's initial clash was a bit on the rough side, but if you imagine they had already failed numerous times before this episode and now the deadline was right in front of them, it's very understandable how emotions could run high. And those emotions and their personalities were depicted bloody nicely.

    Black Star and Tsubaki continue to kick more and more ass. Based on that one past episode I thought there would be some small rift between them, but it seems I was underestimating them both. Well, they aren't either that easy to judge beyond their simple enough surface: Black Star would take any personal risk to get stronger and Tsubaki would endlessly support him. That's why I think that scene in Tsubaki's inner world was so interesting: It partially reverses the roles forcing Black Star to try to understand Tsubaki, who least of all draws any attention to herself (other than being hot) and hasn't generally talked about herself too much, nor have we seen much of her past or personality aside from the demon blade arc.

  9. #409
    Ugh pesky C&D's suck all the fun out of everything, only the best groups ever seem to stop so we get left with slightly less awesome releases that are still HD source and thus generally superior to whatever the U.S distributors will put out in 6-18 months. Plus I think in this case Funimation hasn't even licensed the show but is just stick waving for the Japanese because they can.

    Anyway nice ep, though I really feel like I missed an episode or something. Who is this black kid with the little kids that's been showing up more and more? Was he ever formally introduced? I remember he was listed with Blackstar and Kid as one of the strongest in the school when they were fighting Excalibur but where did he come from?

  10. #410
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Well, well, isn't that some shitty news, though considering how excellent a series this is, I suppose not amazingly unexpected. Aero is good enough for watching, so there's still some hope left. And then there's always the possibility of acquiring a raw and muxing in Tadashi's sub if indeed Tadashi keeps releasing them. Though raws oft require reencoding, which sucks major ass, and since I've no experience of encoding h264, I'd rather not.

  11. #411
    Awesome user with default custom title darkmetal505's Avatar
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  12. #412
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    Oh how i have been waiting for this! I started to think we would never get another Soul Eater episode again. thx for this

  13. #413
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Things are getting pretty heated. A major battle between Arachne and Shibusen's forces. It was also a good detail they gave a little screentime to other students as well. While I mainly want to see the three usual pairs in action, it's not bad to see others shortly as well, to gain more perspective.

    I actually watched this episode with Anonymous's subs, only using Hatsuyuki's release for the video and audio.

  14. #414
    Excuse me sir, this was awesome. The variety of weapons and powers is fantastic, unlike some other mainstream anime about to reach 200 eps. This is still a warm up ep, not an actual combat ep. 35 Bring it.

  15. #415
    RIP SOUL'd OUT :( Marik's Avatar
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    Soul Eater: Episode 35

    Last edited by Marik; Wed, 12-03-2008 at 05:38 PM.

  16. #416
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    The one thing I didn't like about this was how even Black Star's demon blade didn't seem to have any effect on Mosquito. It kinds of cheapens it. But I guess it can't be helped since the dude seems to be Arachne's right-hand man, so he needs to be really tough. But fact dictated by the story doesn't change the fact that so far the demon blade hasn't really played much of a role in anything. But on the other hand, I kind of like this manner of asymmetry compared to the usual shounen way of very linear progression in both enemies and heroes' own skills (aside from a possible defeat at enemy boss's hands to create the initial motivation).

    Regardless, I like how Black Star gets on his face those same kind of marks that "corrupt" Tsubaki when she switches to the demonic powers.

    Edit: Oh, almost forgot to mention how hilarious it was to watch Stein cracking. It was executed really well. I wonder if he's a goner for good.
    Last edited by Kraco; Mon, 12-01-2008 at 04:21 PM.

  17. #417
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Hatsuyuki's release was of marginal quality. The QC was really bad, and the video didn't look that great either. It almost looked like the "HD" version was just an upscale.

    Subbing issues aside, the episode was awesome. I was wondering what Kim and Jacquline did (and which of them was even the Meistar/Weapon). They certainly didn't disappoint, very neat how well balanced that trio is. Kilik being the fulcrum between the Kim and Ox pairs, and it was pretty obvious why he was considered a rival of BlackStar.

    It really makes me wonder what happened to Mary and Stein. (Using "Mary" because I think it should be obvious that her first name is a reference to Mary Shelley due to her relationship with Stein.)

    Justin is kind of a moron, comedy relief despite how freaking badass he can be.

  18. #418
    Yeah, it's upscaled and encoded awfully. The HD looks like shit.

  19. #419
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Hatsuyuki's 720p in under 200MB in itself doesn't look too promising even if we aren't talking about any Karas level of graphics. The ~340MB Anonymous release's video looked comparable to the quality in the usual pre-C&D releases.

    Episode 34 - Anonymous

  20. #420
    For the sake of variety
    Soul Eater 34 - [SEF] (MegaUpload)
    Soul Eater 34 - [SEF] (Torrent)

    I don't know why this groups torrents never seem to make it to TokyoTosho but they do exist and seem to be better than Hatsuyuki at least in terms of QC and Editing. They also bad mouthed the Anonymous translation so go figure. Also they seem to be behind on their mp4 encodes, choosing releasing 720p XviD-MP3 encodes first.

    Anyway cool ep indeed, who would have thought a lantern could be a weapon. And I'm kind of confused by all this apparent cooperation between Old Time Shinigami and witches. If DeathScythes require the soul of a witch to be formed were there no DeathScythes way back when? I would think the witches would be reluctant work with a guy who used the corpses of their fellows to Shinigami to make weapons.
    Last edited by Yukimura; Tue, 12-02-2008 at 04:31 PM.

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