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Thread: Soul Eater

  1. #381
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    They are just introducing the possiblity that no one is wholly good and that no one is wholly evil (except for the Kishin). I really enjoy this angle to the story as opposed to the typical forces of good versus the forces of evil.

    We, and the students of Shibusen, really know nothing about Shinigami before he founded Shibusen. He's been around for a very long time, he's been involved directly with killing Arachne, and his rules have been to kill witches without ever explaining why they are evil. We know from the Mifune/Angela situation that not all witches are strictly evil or strictly good, they are a product of their environment. Yet from one angle, Shinigami, who's death scythes require the soul of a witch, is merely using his students to create weapons for him. Can we really say that is all that different from Medusa attempting to awaken the Kishin, or messing with Crona? Is it any different from Arachne making demon weapons or Eibon creating all these devices? We learned from Arache's introduction that both Shinigami and the Witch Queen both want her dead.

    That's what makes it so interesting. We are no longer sure who is the side we should be backing.

    By the way:
    <3 Patty

  2. #382
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Soul Eater: Episode 31

    Aeroflot but staying in the air:

    Episode 31 - Aero

    - - - - - - - - - -

    It's never easy to leave madness behind. Crona wasn't a particularly aggressive person to begin with and thus it's understandable she can't fight back, succumbing to the familiar fear once again. After all, that was what kept her alive and sane enough to function for a long time. It was revealed a few times in this episode her integration to the Academy was only beginning to happen if even that, as she doesn't even understand the concept of friendship yet.

    What is not understandable, though, is how Medusa and other witches can still operate in the town as if nothing has happened, when in fact the worst incident in its history just took place. But nah - no worries. Witches still walk free and unchecked throughout the city, even visiting the whatever basement where Crona lives possibly directly connected to the vaults. Unless Shinigami actually knows everything that happened and is building a trap for Mesuda. Otherwise... They are hopeless boneheads with no chance to win against anybody serious.

  3. #383
    I'll miss the dancing shinigami-sama in the old opening.

  4. #384
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    I'm in agreement with Kraco. It's as if the witches are all super stealthy beings who can walk in and out at their will. As a symbolic city of Order, Death City really isn't doing itself much good letting people in like it's a tourist attraction. Guess everybody's feeling conceited because Shinigami-samma's around (even himself).

    From the sounds of things, Medusa's bite on Stein didn't in fact leave a snake, but now Marie's the one to be infected. I really liked how Bones animated this. As an audience, we really get the feeling of complete helplessness as we watched Crona do that witch's bidding. (I'm really put off by Medua's evil look. It's very unsettling.)

    These turn of events make Marie a much more powerful character now. Whereas before she was simply an airheaded doll, whose good nature kept rubbing off on Stein, her status now reflects everything that Crona's doing. She can be thought of as all the friendship and care Shibusen's offered Crona, and her every appearance now will remind Crona of the very trust and kindness he's betrayed.

    It would be a powerful trigger to pull Crona back if say, Marie protected her from an attack, then detailed a plan for a counter-attack only for it to be ripped apart due to the eavesdropping snake. I would really like to see her acting as the one to "show Crona the light", with Maka&Co there as support, rather than the traditional friends approach. Maybe she can even become a motherly figure to replace Medusa. After all, what Crona's missing most is the correct upbringing.

    And we get fucking Excalibur next week. God I hate him....
    Last edited by Buffalobiian; Wed, 11-05-2008 at 06:53 AM.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  5. #385
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    HQ- Soul Eater Opening 2[Format Mp4 |33.69 MB]

    PaperMoon[Full] Mp3

    Personally i loved the new opening, shows a crazy stein and maka diving inside the madness once again, can't wait to see it.

  6. #386
    I like the new OP song, fits a lot better than TM Revolution

  7. #387
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    ED man. Current ED is the shyte.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  8. #388
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    I also like the ED a lot. It's a really epic sounding song. Though I haven't paid attention to the words, so I don't know what it's telling about, and I might opt not to, to retain the image.

  9. #389
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco
    Unless Shinigami actually knows everything that happened and is building a trap for Mesuda. Otherwise... They are hopeless boneheads with no chance to win against anybody serious.
    Why the hell would he do that? Medusa is weaker than ever, if he knew about her why wouldn't he just go for her asap?

  10. #390
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Because they have no idea where she stands in the scheme of things.

    Recall that there is already a "murder triangle" between Shinigami, the revived Arachne, and the witch queen, Madam Demona. Each one hates the other two for separate reasons.

    Medusa stands in the middle, or potentially worse than all three. Arachne seems to hate her, she's on thin ice with Madam Demona, and of course Shinigami hates her. But her true motives remain a mystery.

  11. #391
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu
    Because they have no idea where she stands in the scheme of things.

    Recall that there is already a "murder triangle" between Shinigami, the revived Arachne, and the witch queen, Madam Demona. Each one hates the other two for separate reasons.

    Medusa stands in the middle, or potentially worse than all three. Arachne seems to hate her, she's on thin ice with Madam Demona, and of course Shinigami hates her. But her true motives remain a mystery.
    Whatever it is i doubt it will benefit anyone else other than herself. Not to mention that with stein this close to insanity she could very well be the last spill that tilts the coup.

  12. #392
    RIP SOUL'd OUT :( Marik's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buffalobiian
    ED man. Current ED is the shyte.
    Indeed. I didn't expect Tricky Diggy-MO's first single to be this good, 11/26 can't come soon enough. I'm just sad that the S.O Triangle is done. I posted the PV in the ep 30 thread, check it out.

  13. #393

  14. #394
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    Bah it's an excalibut ep... i might download it just to watch the preview.

  15. #395
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Actually this episode was somewhat watchable despite the abominable Excalibur, mainly because of Black Star and the others. Though of course still nothing to tell the Grim Reaper about when he finally comes to claim your soul. The next ep looks very promising based on the preview, however.

    I wish we would get more Black Star and Tsubaki interaction. Based on the recent episodes there should exist an unresolved issue between them, and since I like Tsubaki so much (and Black Star kicks ass as well), I can't wait to see if it's going to be the topic of an episode at some point soon.

  16. #396
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Despite being the most tuned meister of the three, let's say, it looks like Maka's the one who'll have trouble performing Chain Resonance next episode, while Black Star'll be the first to catch on. It's good that they'll finally start working as a team after the first half was about individual development. Strong as they may be, I find their skills are really one-sided, except maybe Black*Star, thanks to Tsubaki's polymorph.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  17. #397
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    I too am looking for more explanation on the Tsubaki/BlackStar front. If Arachne was really behind the creation of Tsubaki's Demon Weapon family line, then this issue should be more important while Arachne is still the focus.

    I wouldn't mind seeing Marie's true form either though. I'm sure it is a warhammer given her last name, but she's just been spending time being cutesy and keeping Stein sane instead of showing off her absurd strength. Justin and Asuza have already had their time to shine. I'm also really curious about her eyepatch. Maybe there's no special meaning to it, or my mind is still stuck between Ikkitousen, Bleach and ef.

    As for this episode, I can't get enough of the disgusted look everyone gets from Excalibur. Makes me laugh every time.

  18. #398
    ANBU NeoBear's Avatar
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    5:20 most random moment ever lol
    Favorite Gotwoot Mod moment: "Why is everyone in that show black? The art and music are pretty good, and the voice acting is alrite as well......but i can't stand that guy who follows afro around. Hes so, well, black, for the lack of a better term (well thats not true, there is a better term, but i wont use it here)" Assassin

    i was raised by this woman =O

  19. #399
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buffalobiian
    Despite being the most tuned meister of the three, let's say, it looks like Maka's the one who'll have trouble performing Chain Resonance next episode, while Black Star'll be the first to catch on.
    Wow i'm sorry but i completely disagree with that one Bill

    As far as i can tell Chain Resonance is based on having all souls on the same wavelength of power, so that means that black Star will have to sincro with this team by making his soul release the exact same amount of energy as the other 2, making his not the leader but an equal to the others, and that is something he just can't do.

    I'm sure they'll be able to do it eventually but if there is gonna be a black sheep in this group it's gonna be black star.

  20. #400
    Now that I think about it, this OP song kinda reminds me of Ash like Snow (Gundam 00 First Season's OP 2).

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