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Thread: Soul Eater

  1. #361
    I believe Soul Protect was said to be quite a high level Witch magic spell.

  2. #362

    Soul Eater Episode 29

    Episode 29 by tadashi

    Surprise, surprise tadashi is first this week.

  3. #363
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Aero takes second place:

    [Aero Subs] Soul Eater - 29 HD

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  4. #364
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Looks like Stein thought their only hope was cooperation, like I said in an earlier thread, but after this ep I think it's not an option after all... Still, it's good to know Black Star is kicking ass. But he should really train together with Tsubaki and seek stronger opponents. You'd think with the madness spreading around it wouldn't be impossible to find people who are actually worth fighting, even if the school didn't offer them. Though with Stein affected by the madness as well, maybe he should concentrate on fighting him with Tsubaki. If he could fight against unarmed Stein with Tsubaki, he would already know he kicks some serious ass.

  5. #365
    The level of fail exhibited by Maka and Soul recently has been pretty impressive. I'm somewhat amazed they managed to get their hands on 99 evil souls. I'd love to chock it up to black blood interference or something but at this point all I see is them just plain sucking in terms of both technique and power compared to pretty much everyone else. Maka is still smart which is probably the only thing that keeps them alive in battle but without some form of powerup I can't see how Soul and Maka are supposed to hurt anyone without whipping out a witch hunter.

  6. #366
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    While I don't deny they seem artificially weak right now, it's also partly due to the enemies they have been fighting lately. Like the chainsaw guy who probably is closer to Stein in combat prowess. If you consider that Maka and Soul's hardest enemies inside that 99 evil souls group probably were no tougher than that lighting pair, whose asses Black Star kicked in half a second, it gives some perspective.

    Black Star and Tsubaki are also quite hard to judge. Black Star is undeniably quite a mofo already (and Tsubaki as well with her various forms) but he's also an idiot, which creates huge inconsistency in his power level. However, we saw now that he can't even get close to Stein and based on the Medusa fight, while Stein won it technically, being at the level Stein was back then isn't nearly enough to ensure a victory. So, I'd say the students are all weak.

  7. #367
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    That's why they are students. Think about some of the death scythes we've seen in action in comparison.

    Justin doesn't even need a technician to wield him, he can accomplish nearly everything on his own...which is similar to the way chainsaw guy works. The difference is Justin practically wiped the floor with him without breaking a sweat. Azusa does require someone to fire her, but on the other hand, she only need to resonant with someone to see everything near them.

    Kraco explained BlackStar well, but there's also Kidd to contend with. Kidd is perhaps the most technically inclined of the main cast, but is artificially hobbled by his severe OCD. That trio can function dramatically differently, since the two Thomson sisters are not only skilled at, but very used to wielding each other in Kidd's place. In that way, Stein's lesson would be a little different. Kidd can use similar powers to BlackStar and Stein (not needing to use a weapon) and Liz and Patty are synchronized with him enough to function independent of him.

    That brings us back to Maka and Soul. Yes, they don't stand out. I've always liked that they are more of the "normal" pair of the three main partnerships. This episode showed how they stand out in comparison to the others though. All of the events in the series have only drawn Soul and Maka closer together (not romantically) in terms of their partnership. Particularly how Maka and Soul trusted each other so explicitly that Maka was not only able to defeat Crona, but actually befriend her.

    Kidd and the Thomson sisters are very close. Liz and Patty are very grateful to Kidd for the live he pulled them out of (potentially becoming demon souls themselves) but they are still a little apart from each other. Liz and Patty generally do their own thing all the time, neither of them pay attention in class or even care, but they come together when they need to.

    As this episode showed in contrast to Maka and Soul, BlackStar and Tsubaki are growing apart. BlackStar was very shaken by his defeat by Mifune. He's obviously been training as much as possible in order to be able to defeat him. He viewed his failure as his own weakness, something he needs to get better at. He obviously wasn't speaking very much to Tsubaki about what he had been doing (huge contrast to Maka and Soul, who live together) and their relationship is beginning to break down. Compare this to how BlackStar trusted in Tsubaki when dealing with her now-demonic brother. Their relationship no longer goes both ways.

    So what precisely is the problem with this? Mifune told BlackStar exactly how he would be able to defeat him the next time they faced off. Mifune told BlackStar that he and Tsubaki should begin exploring her abilities to their fullest, in order to find more hidden facets of her abilities that might strengthen her more. He recognized that Tsubaki had become a complete demon weapon the same way Mosquito recognized her heritage, but Mifune told BlackStar that neither of them fully realized how much stronger she may have become yet. Instead, BlackStar thinks it is his fault.

    That breakdown in trust is what will hurt them. Maka and Soul however, while slowly, are going to surpass them. The classic case of the tortoise and the hare. The only thing Maka is lacking is confidence and minor technical aptitude. Soul's personality can easily support her, as long as he thinks it is "cool."


    In other facets of this episode, chibi-Medusa is beyond cute. I'm very glad to have her back, the show just isn't the same without her.

  8. #368
    Jounin oyabun's Avatar
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    Soul's attitude of being "cool" has diminished. I kinda like his mindset about it.

    Thanks shinta|hikari for the sig.

  9. #369
    RIP SOUL'd OUT :( Marik's Avatar
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  10. #370
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    Just a little theory, maybe the reason for Stein's rapid descent to madness is not only due to Asura's wavelength but also to that last attack from Medusa when they fought, that would also explain why he keeps seeing her everywhere.

    As for the episode, kind of slow and i'm really getting tired of seeing Maka and Soul failing so much, those guys need a powerup asap ( and i hope it has something to do with the black blood )

    In other news, i'm sick of this opening, get a new one!!

  11. #371
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Archangel
    Just a little theory, maybe the reason for Stein's rapid descent to madness is not only due to Asura's wavelength but also to that last attack from Medusa when they fought, that would also explain why he keeps seeing her everywhere.
    I'm not too sure of this. Basically Stein, a body modifier himself, should be able to remove whatever Medusa might have injected into him - that is, if he wanted to, which is not given. So, his visions of Medusa might be either a simple result of madness or some sort of a connection he willingly chooses not to remove (Medusa is so hot that I wouldn't blame him).

  12. #372
    Chibi Medusa is pretty freaking cute.

  13. #373
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    Too bad her new form ends any possibility of coupling her with Stein... or does it?

    Stein, the pedo technician

  14. #374
    Jounin oyabun's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by animus
    Chibi Medusa is pretty freaking cute.
    Yes she is. Loli medusa should stay that way.

    Thanks shinta|hikari for the sig.

  15. #375
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Soul Eater: Episode 30

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  16. #376
    Was just about to make a thread. Damn you!

  17. #377

  18. #378
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by animus
    Was just about to make a thread. Damn you!
    . This seems to have happened a few times already.

    I openly welcome three-way battles. It keeps things moving, and there's bound to be potential allies and backstabbing.

    What's interesting now is Eibon's connection with Shinigami. Before, we could palm off Sid's disconcern for Shinigami collecting demon tools as simply faith and obedience. But with this timely killing and secretive attitude, he's bound to know something. What's more is Shinigami's relationship with Eibon isn't something they'd like a lot of people to know about, again keeping it all fishy.

    All that will be put aside next week though, as Crona finally has to choose sides with Medusa's appearance. Normally, I'd predict her to stay on the good side without a doubt, but this is Medusa we're talking about. Super brain-messing and blackmailing snakes really makes things hard. Judging from the preview, it even looks like Crona's given a mission to poison Maka with a snake. I'll be expecting a good show.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  19. #379
    RIP SOUL'd OUT :( Marik's Avatar
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    I've been at the hospital a lot lately so I haven't been posting, but I wanted to post this.

    Soul Eater ED 3 - Bakuso yume Uta by SOUL'd OUT's Main MC Diggy-MO' (PV)

  20. #380
    I'm not sure if I'm liking the possible evil-Shibusen angle. Seems like it was just tacked on, and felt so much different than the previous episode.

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