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Thread: Book: Anita Blake: Vampire Hunter

  1. #41
    I like Minias, he's a typical badass, and I like typical badasses. Al has already be revealed as a relative poser (at least by the end of Few Demons More) so he lost a lot of my respect. But I still like how he just goes around and ruins everyone's day and laughs in their faces aboutr it. His behavior in Few Demons More often cracked me up. Newt's crazy is an excellent blend too, but she needs to either snap out of it or snap and do something else crazy or I'm going to be bored with her.

    Oh , and I propose this thread be renamed the Mature Fantasy Thread since that's pretty much what we talk about, not just Anita Blake. I would say Urban Fantasy but that would kick out the Black Jewels and Noble Dead Sagas.

  2. #42
    Sure why not.

    At the current time I'm merely not in the mood for Bishop. Though she is proficient at first and third person, I think her writing style lacks a sense of mood, description, and detail, thus causing it to read more like a history book of what happened than something more personal. So though I can clearly tell that some characters are badass, I lack the feeling of compassion and am thus apathetic. This causes me to lose a sense of atmosphere, setting, and tone along with it's various connotations as well. (I just randomly woke up and wrote this lol). Maybe later I will be in the mood for such a narrative.

    The funny thing about Newt is I understand everything she's talking about. How can Rache think she's crazy? It makes sense once you keep reading. "Maybe they changed the past and didn't tell me" *cough Minaes and forgetting potions*

    srsly, who the eff killed Kisten? D: (Not that I want to know Rly, just expressing concern lol) *no spoilz plz lol!* Oh and Yuki, if I -do- end up reading it, I won't spoil until you finish.
    "Leaving hell is not the same as entering it." - Tierce Japhrimel

  3. #43
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    I was surprised they killed Kisten off that early, but to be honest I really didn't care.

    "Wow, they killed him off, that was kind of unnecessary," is a fair approximation of what I thought when I read it. His death really didn't mean anything other than to disrupt Rachel's life so she could find someone else, pretty much the same thing they did with Nick running away because he didn't like getting epileptic. Though Kisten's character wasn't really going anywhere.

    Kisten's death also happens so quickly that it seems more like Harrison thought it up last minute.

    His death was probably the most ambivalent I've ever felt about a primary character's death.

  4. #44
    I completely agree with you, though I probably miss Kist a bit more. Those are the best deaths to have in a novel, though. Deaths with some connections to the Main Character and still some loose strings to tie up. I find it hilarious that Yuki calls him a poser, but I still liked him. But interestingly enough, I liked Nick a bit more, because he's such a lying slinky jerk. I didn't dislike Kist though. I like Ivy less.

    It seems like Matalina's sickness was randomly mentioned and for the most part ignored. Jenks: "I'm going to show this to Matalina! That'll get her moving around." <<Uhh, okay? Whatever back to Rach getting attacked lol, I don't expect it to be any other way since Matalina isn't really major, but I'm still surprised.
    "Leaving hell is not the same as entering it." - Tierce Japhrimel

  5. #45
    All I want to say is Harrison is possibly one of the best authors ever. She's easily on my top... 3 list? And I've read a -lot- of books. She is truly talented to plan her plots 3, hell SEVEN books AT LEAST in advance and still keep us all stringing along, guessing what is going to happen/what really happened without any plot holes, and shocking and reminding us of mysteries and connections from her very first books, and discovering more and more about her world. Wow. She's amazing. *gushes*
    "Leaving hell is not the same as entering it." - Tierce Japhrimel

  6. #46
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    Haha, wow, I've been lurking around gotwoot for a long time, using it as the place to go for picking which anime to watch, but never felt compelled to say anything til now. . .and it's not even about anime!

    I just wanna say I've read all the books mentioned in this thread and they really are the bees' knees, or in LHK's case, used to be the awesomest. I remember posting on LHK's first fan page back in like, '99, and getting introduced to Jim Butcher's "Storm Front" from her website (strange how the fansite promoted Butcher and they're now both so big and have nothing to do with each other.)

    Harrison is also a great writer, but it's getting to the point where she's accumulating a disposable harem that seems a bit Hamilton-esque (Kirsten goes the way of Philip - anyone remember him from Guilty Pleasures? Ya, me neither, I had to look up his name. . .) So I've kinda given up on her guys, but unlike Hamilton, her plot keeps me going. . .

    Um, I don't mean this to be so long for a first post, but I had to put in another author - Charlaine Harris' Southern Vampire Mystery series the first of which is "Dead Until Dark." The main char is a waitress named Sookie was has an unfortunate handicap - she's telepathic, but lo! It doesn't work on vampires. . . I like her as a heroine cause ya she has guy problems but she's not whiny much and knows when to let go - kinda. And she's not uber powerful. Ok, I'll stop now

  7. #47
    Welcome to Gotwoot glyphes!

    If anything, I think Kisten differs from Phillip in that he was -really- deep, and really easy to But yeah, I totally compared them. I think that Harrison gives her a lot of guys to keep the plot flowing and to get more amazing characters in or something, which is awesome. Each character is awesome for their own reason. I really want Rachel to hook up with Al. He just gets better and better each book >_>. One extreme difference is that Rachel actually cares about people. Another difference is she doesn't throw away her morals easily. AB is just like 'I HATE THOSE BLOODSUCKERS' and then 9 books later she's in bed with 40 guys having a blood orgy with no compelling reason other than ex machina. (I think that's the term?) Another difference is that mysteries are actually answered in later books, which makes it seem like the author actually put some thought into things, and planned stuff out several books in advance. *continues ranting to self*

    Anyway, I'm about to read the Noble Dead series since I found ebooks for it, and I'll read Dead Until Dark if I can find it.

    By the way - Have you read the MG (Merry Gentry) series? I cannot believe it is by the same author.
    "Leaving hell is not the same as entering it." - Tierce Japhrimel

  8. #48
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    Cloudy Cali
    Thanks for the welcome!

    Heheh, ya, Kisten was definitely more developed, but sadly was thrown away just as easily! Al? Really? Hmm, I kinda wish something would happen between Rachel and Trent. . .although not if he's gonna go all mushy and weak . . .

    Yup, Anita is exactly like you describe! Very hypocritical . . . I also find it interesting how Hamilton kind of replied to readers' complaints by saying, well, yes the books are "not comfortable" and I guess you people should read "books that don't make you think so hard." Ouch. That shows us I guess. We obviously don't have the brains to read scenes of endless angst and violence-fed orgies. I guess I'll read something more my level and more comfortable like, o, hentai.

    O yes, I've read the Merry series and it was really interesting at first. I liked it more because it was established from the beginning that she's more promiscuous and I liked the cool guys that don't give in to her every whim . . . uuuntil well, they started giving in to her every whim. I'm a bit behind now, I think Lick of Frost was the last I read. . .was the next one about her hitting on another of the queen's guards that we've never even heard of? I'm more forgiving about the Merry series, but if they don't get to that ball after like 3 books. . .I dunno. . .

  9. #49
    I have a lot to say about Trent and Al, but I won't mention anything until Yuki finishes the latest book. XD!!

    I like how MG is all sexual from the start, so LKH fans can't get pissed when she starts having orgies. rofl. The next book is Swallowing Darkness. ROFLLLLL!!!! Frost is like, a stag right now, and right now MG is pregnant with like twins and six babies daddies. I can't help but laugh. I think Lick of Frost is the latest one, yeah. SWALLOWING DARKNESS LOL <<When does that come out? I hope it is worth reading.

    Top characters in MG---
    The guy with the tentacles (well, not anymore )
    Prince what's his name, because he is a spoiled brat who is about to rape MG (LOL)
    oh AND the two blood elves.
    Last edited by Sapphire; Tue, 05-06-2008 at 08:18 PM.
    "Leaving hell is not the same as entering it." - Tierce Japhrimel

  10. #50
    "Leaving hell is not the same as entering it." - Tierce Japhrimel

  11. #51
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    The guy with the tentacles. ..Sholto? Was that his name? I actually liked him - probably because he wasn't totally under Merry's thumb, and isn't it always more fun that way? Same for Doyle. . .but he's recently been more and more her slave boi, so that kinda went away. . .

    It just occurs to me, although I guess it shouldn't, that Hamilton isn't very good at writing romance. Kinky interesting playtime with beautiful men, yes, but emotionally there's no connection with almost any of the guys (wow, I totally forgot about Kitto til I checked out that thread Sapphire. . .uuuuuuuhhhh, Kitto. . .)

  12. #52
    I liked Sholto too, until I read that weird island scene. I totally didn't get it at all! So much for imagery. Well I get what happened but I feel like it was horribly written. Sholto was at his best in teh first book, when he calmly chased Merry around, and then solicited sex.

    Doyle was awesome when he was all mysterious and stuff, randomly saving Merry when she was getting her ass kicked, and what not. But yeah, now he is all "I LOVE YEWWW MERRRYYY!!" he's still cool, but I wish he was still a mysterious badass.

    I agree that Hamilton sucks at writing romance. Remember the first novel when Merry was like, "good thing I don't love any of these men, then I'd be screwed!" I was like writhing in the lack of romanceness. She can't write erotica either. At all. None of her stuff is racy. Hell, I get more ruffled from reading STEPHENIE MEYER and she doesn't even go near the genre of erotica haha. I'm sure I've said this before, but Hamilton sucks at writing romantic/erotic scenes so much that I had to go read another random romance novel to make sure I simply wasn't desensitized to romances..
    "Leaving hell is not the same as entering it." - Tierce Japhrimel

  13. #53
    Missing Nin BioAlien's Avatar
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    Too darn lazy to login, so just lurking in the shadows instead.
    The link isn't working anymore, the file got deleted.
    Would it be possible to upload it again?

  14. #54
    Laurell K Hamilton:

    and Kim Harrison:

    If you get around to wanting the latest Kim Harrison book.. let me know. I don't think I remembered to stick it in there.
    "Leaving hell is not the same as entering it." - Tierce Japhrimel

  15. #55
    Missing Nin BioAlien's Avatar
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    Too darn lazy to login, so just lurking in the shadows instead.
    Thanks, I will start reading, it look really interresting.
    And yes, you did forgot to include "The Outlaw Demon Wails" the last of Kim Harrison one.
    There's also missing "The Harlequin" from the Anita Blake series.

    I will start reading in the order they were released. So Nightseer first since it was released in 1992, and the first of Anita Blake in 1993. (Or so say Wikipedia)

    I downloaded some Text-To-Speech voices, as the Microsoft Sam voice is awful. I listen to the books being readed by the beautiful voice of a women~ AT&T Natural Voices, Crystal.
    Last edited by BioAlien; Sat, 05-17-2008 at 08:17 PM.

  16. #56
    You know... audio books -do- exist... I'll go find them for you lol. What book are you on?
    "Leaving hell is not the same as entering it." - Tierce Japhrimel

  17. #57
    "Leaving hell is not the same as entering it." - Tierce Japhrimel

  18. #58
    Anyone read the Dante Valentine series thing by Lilith Saintcrow? I am still reeling from the awesomeness that is Harrison, but:

    "I wish to speak with Danny Valentine," the demon enunciated clearly, "or I will kill you."
    "Come on in," I said.

    I think I might be able to fall in love again. And February is the next Harrison book!!!!! Yesssssss!!!!!!!!!! And Yuki stop replying in IRC and reply in here so I don't look dumb.
    "Leaving hell is not the same as entering it." - Tierce Japhrimel

  19. #59
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    Hey Sapphire! I finally borrowed Blood Noir from the library - I know, I'm late, but I just couldn't muster up the enthusiasm to read it (and usually I go to Borders and just read the hard cover there!) Hopefully reading it won't be tooooo painful. . .

    And yes, I have read the Dante Valentine series - not bad! I do wish there was a little more Japh though and a little more development there, but then I guess it would no longer be about the girl, right?

    Have you read Jenna Black's Morgan Kingsley series? It's about an exorcist - it kinda reminds me of Dante Valentine. . .

  20. #60
    Blood Noir was great, it had everything I've come to expect from the recent AB books: sex, metaphysical stuff that only leads to more sex, more sex, Anita bitching at people for not worshiping at her feet, an orgy, character assassination, oh and I think Godnita picked up a new power or two. Happy reading.

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