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Thread: Bleach 166

  1. #21
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    I was under the impression that Inoue saw Ichigo hollowized with the Vaizards...

    must have been filler... or my imagination.

  2. #22
    She went to the Vaizard hideout, but i don't believe she saw his masked form while she was there. The first time he never used it (at least not that we saw) while she was present and the second time he did use it, but she was preoccupied with Hachi and so i don't think she noticed or atleast didn't get a good look at it. In any case this would have been her first real up close look at Ichigo's Vaizard form.

  3. #23
    Quote Originally Posted by Y
    Bleach actually does usually explain it. Details like Ichigo's mask coming into play hundreds of chapters before we find out he's been Hollowfied, or Unohana saying there's something wrong with Aizen's dead body, or Shinji appearing on the cover of chapter one, or Isshin giving Kon the amulet. I'd say that Ichigo having an "evil" spirit energy and being able to maintain his mask for a long period of time is probably a tell.
    Long time no see Y.

    I'm pleased with how that works in Bleach, it isn't there to make sure that the 3 year olds understand it. This is how GOOD film works; everyone should be able to at least see this even if they don't understand it.
    Last edited by Jessper; Sat, 04-12-2008 at 11:44 AM.

  4. #24
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    I dont even give a shit that this super powerup was completely retarded and made no sense whatsoever, this episode was 1000% BADASS!!

    Grim looked way cooler than he initially looked in the preview, ichigo's mask half torn off was amazing and the whole episode was awsome

    I hope this battle isn't done just yet, i want to see much more b4 that

  5. #25
    Fantastic episode. Grimmjow did mention something about how Ichigo is more powerful and is surprised he can hold the mask for longer, perhaps without even realising it. Besides, we don't need to be told every littly detail right away. I hated that about Bleach for a while now.

    Also, anyone remember how Ichigo was in hollow form (without the mask) when Inoue was healing him in past episodes? Maybe that had something to do with it? See, I like wanting to know more about what's going on. Suspense is good. There was none of that for a long time.

  6. #26
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by V
    Also, anyone remember how Ichigo was in hollow form (without the mask) when Inoue was healing him in past episodes?
    ... i'm quite sure i have no idea what you're talking about. Anyone?

  7. #27
    Wow. Speechless. Absolutely amazing episode. Grimm's released form is hilarious, he's like a cat diva or something.

    I'm prolly the only one who liked Orihime and Nel getting all doubful, and the only time I liked Nel was when she screamed at Orihime. (It makes me wonder if Nel was inserted into the anime only so she could scream at Orihime? XD I'm still waiting for her other friends to show some value.)

    Now I'm aching with suspense, I'm going to wait awhile to marathon this again. Oh and the last 10 seconds were absolutely priceless, including the screenshot on the first page. But WTF @ him suddenly getting MUCH more powerful when Orihime showed she cared? I understand that he was fighting a little worse when he realized Ori was scared (who wouldn't after going all that way) but wow. Oh well, it made the ending ownage though.

    Quote Originally Posted by spoolage
    When Ichigo turns his head sympathetically towards Grim like he can't play games any more; I almost felt a tear emerge
    I totally agree. RIP Grimm! XD
    Last edited by Sapphire; Fri, 04-11-2008 at 08:07 PM.
    "Leaving hell is not the same as entering it." - Tierce Japhrimel

  8. #28
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    Lol saphy weren't you a little more surprised with the power up he got when comparing to the ulquiora fight?

    Weird math : Ulquiora > Masked Ichigo and yet , Grim = U even if only for a litle while and apparently Masked Ichigo > Released grim

    ... that made any sense to you? Not that i really mind, as long as i keep seeing fight scenes with this kind of animation they can give ichigo a chicken head as a power up for all i care

  9. #29
    No, Ulquiorra is notably stronger than Grimm rank wise, and Ichigo already had injuries etc. Grimm and Ulq (obviously) weren't going all out at all, it was like they were poking each other, so that doesn't count. Masked Ichigo was up to par with Grimm until he released and saw he saw Ori all fearful of him.
    "Leaving hell is not the same as entering it." - Tierce Japhrimel

  10. #30
    The Fallen Abdula's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Archangel
    Lol saphy weren't you a little more surprised with the power up he got when comparing to the ulquiora fight?

    Weird math : Ulquiora > Masked Ichigo and yet , Grim = U even if only for a litle while and apparently Masked Ichigo > Released grim

    ... that made any sense to you? Not that i really mind, as long as i keep seeing fight scenes with this kind of animation they can give ichigo a chicken head as a power up for all i care
    See if we remove this Grim=U from the equation then it'll make sense. Ulq > Masked Ichigo ≥ Released Grim. Btw to you guys who think that Ichigo is more powerful than Grim then you should take a look back at say Ichigo v Byakuya.

    Okay Archangel hope you're satisfied.
    Dreaming impossible dreams.
    Sapphire is awesome!

  11. #31
    lol I say it also depends on 'mood'/point in story, but currently, yeah.
    "Leaving hell is not the same as entering it." - Tierce Japhrimel

  12. #32
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    About Ichigo's sudden power boost...

    Now that his mask is torn in half...maybe Ichigo has obtained Arrancar power!

  13. #33
    Quote Originally Posted by Abdula
    Btw to you guys who think that Ichigo is more powerful than Grim then you should take a look back at say Ichigo v Byakuya.

    Huh? What do you mean by that?

  14. #34
    Quote Originally Posted by Abdula
    . Btw to you guys who think that Ichigo is more powerful than Grim then you should take a look back at say Ichigo v Byakuya.
    Ichigo vs Byakuya isn't really a great comparison. A lot of that fight can be attributed to the fact that Byakuya's pride blinded him quite a bit and because of it he greatly underestimated Ichigo. Due to that Byakua really didn't come at Ichigo full tilt until they had both been extremely exhausted, and then just as it was obvious Ichigo was finished Hichigo comes out and deals some severe damage to Byakuya to even the fight back out.

    Grimmjow suffers from none of that, he's been coming at Ichigo full strength from the outset. If Ichigo beats Grim now it's because he is actually stronger, not because he held back.

  15. #35
    Meanwhile: Heaven Weeps. Y's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Crash
    Ichigo vs Byakuya isn't really a great comparison. A lot of that fight can be attributed to the fact that Byakuya's pride blinded him quite a bit and because of it he greatly underestimated Ichigo. Due to that Byakua really didn't come at Ichigo full tilt until they had both been extremely exhausted, and then just as it was obvious Ichigo was finished Hichigo comes out and deals some severe damage to Byakuya to even the fight back out.
    Ichigo was much more powerful than Kuchiki Byakuya. Not only does Ichigo foolishly fight Byakuya's Bankai for a while with just his Shikai, but at the very start of the fight Ichigo gets into a kill position and then lets Byakuya go because he is showing off. Ichigo could have literally killed Byakuya in one swing but because he is the protagonist he has to instead get the shit beaten out of him first them come from behind to win.

  16. #36
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    It surely didn't seem to me like that. Ichigo let Byakuya go, Byakuya let Ichigo go. He didn't, for example, use that magic spell to hit Ichigo right in the middle of his head or heart, which he could have done just as well as hitting him at a random nonlethal location. And we will never know what might have happened if he had gone all out right from the beginning.

    And besides, did the last clash look to you like Ichigo was massively overpowering Byakuya? In my version of the episode it surely looked like Ichigo only won by a bit. I think it all goes down to the fact Ichigo really didn't want to kill Rukia's big brother, and Byakuya might have even wanted, at some subconscious level, Ichigo to win so that he would have a reason to try to save Rukia instead of supporting her execution. So, I don't seriously think that fight to be a really good measure of their powers.

    But needless to say, now Ichigo is for sure a lot more powerful.

  17. #37
    Well it seems Ichigo doesn't just completely overpower him the next episode. Apparently they were both holding back for some reason, like in the previous fight. And now, at least for Ichigo at the end of the episode, he realizes he has to go all out evidently.

  18. #38
    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco
    And besides, did the last clash look to you like Ichigo was massively overpowering Byakuya? In my version of the episode it surely looked like Ichigo only won by a bit.
    Right at the end of the fight Ichigo can't even stand unaided, Byakuya flash steps away after telling him he has won because he cut his sword. Obviously Byakuya could have finished him off right there. Byakuya in fact let Ichigo live

  19. #39
    Meanwhile: Heaven Weeps. Y's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jessper
    Right at the end of the fight Ichigo can't even stand unaided, Byakuya flash steps away after telling him he has won because he cut his sword. Obviously Byakuya could have finished him off right there. Byakuya in fact let Ichigo live
    Ichigo was obviously more powerful and Byakuya was obviously more skilled (and had more stamina due to Ichigo struggling to suppress his Hollow). Before the fight even starts Ichigo blocks and destroys the giant million-strong phoenix zanpakutou. Then he stupidly fights Byakuya's Bankai with his Shikai and gets completely fucked up, bleeding out everywhere, etc. Even after that, he goes into Bankai and easily defeats Byakuya's Bankai. It's only after he refuses to kill him in one strike and lets himself get worn down by Byakuya's superior stamina and skill that he gets into a losing position.

  20. #40
    I have to fully agree with Y. At the time that Ichigo and Byakuya began fighting Ichigo had more potential to kill Byakuya than Byakuya had potential to kill Ichigo.

    Ichigo's bankai speed gave him ample opportunity to kill Byakuya as even Byakuya admitted. The fact that Ichigo wanted to embarrass Byakuya and make him see the error of his ways instead of just killing him is the reason he didn't win immediately. Similarly once Ichigo had given up his overwhelming speed advantage by exhausting himself Byakuya had ample ability to kill Ichigo with his superior technique and style. However he also wanted to embarrass Ichigo and make him see the error of his ways, which I believe is why he also didn't go for the kill.

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