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Thread: Bleach 166

  1. #1
    I aim to misbehave Penner's Avatar
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    Bleach 166

    Bleach 166 out by DB

    Even though Grimmjow's released form is ugly as crap and Nel is annoying to no end, and also disregarding the GARGANTUAN power-jump Ichigo apparently got from nowhere this ep kicked freakin' ass!

    I thought Ichigo could only have his hollowform for roughly 11 seconds(iirc) and i don't really know how much actual "bleach" time elapsed during that fight but it must have passed the 11sec limit several times over and he actually used his hand and re-built the mask when it appeared to be breaking...sup with that? ^^

    still, awesome ep!

    The Bleach 166 HD version is a troll, so don't bother downloading it.
    Last edited by Penner; Wed, 04-09-2008 at 09:06 PM.

    "Always be yourself... unless you suck."

  2. #2
    Uber Ownage.

    Plot holes that are the size of URSS, Nel screaming, Grimjoww looking like shit but after seeing the raw. The only thing I can say, is " Who Gives a shit ? "

    Pure action, quality animation, no recycled moves. Bleach is back in it's old tracks.
    Kicking ass and not explaining much.

  3. #3
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    Is the MKV / HDTV version real? or just another troll?

  4. #4

    Smile wow

    Even tho Inoue's crying was a little lame... this was the most poignant ending to Bleach that I have ever seen --- maybe any anime for that matter --- from 20:50 till the end of the episode, was perfect... When Ichigo turns his head sympathetically towards Grim like he can't play games any more; I almost felt a tear emerge

  5. #5
    Wow, awesome episode. Best fight scene we've had since the first time Ichigo fought Grimmjow. I am not at all dissapointed, that fight was everything i hoped it would be. Looks like Ichigo took a page out of Goku's book though. Death+Resurection= enormous power jump for Ichigo it seems.

  6. #6
    Genin 12345p's Avatar
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    I'm on my way to finding out

    Quote Originally Posted by RyougaZell
    Is the MKV / HDTV version real? or just another troll?
    7min left on my Azureus download. I ain't sleeping till I can offer my opinion.

  7. #7
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    The HDTV/MKV, It's a troll.

  8. #8
    Genin 12345p's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 12345p
    7min left on my Azureus download. I ain't sleeping till I can offer my opinion.
    Nope. It's a farce. Don't even think about whenever Dattebayo releases stuff in MKV.

    I'd offer up a snapshot but my x64 version of media player classic isn't giving me a nice picture to save.


  9. #9
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Omg, episode was fucking tits.

    So much badassery.

    Grimmjows release was weird, but it looked so awesome in motion I didn't care.

    I don't know if Ichigo is way more powerful. But I think maybe the 11 seconds lasts alot longer in Heuco Mundo. It is the world of hollows afterall. Neither of the other two fights he used it here actually went the full 11. He one shotted the first guy, and Ulqiorra defeated him in less than 11 seconds even with the mask.

    So, I think its just the location that makes it last so much longer.

    Ichigo actually looks like an Arrancar atm with his mask half broken.

  10. #10
    YES! That was the best episode in a long time, and this is the fight I've been wating for the most. Grimjoww's release is a little weird but it's different and interesting. But I have to say suped up Hollow Mode Ichigo is where most of the awesome lies this ep. I loved the way they added the black Getsuga Tenshou effect to so many of his regular sword swings, I always envisioned that it would activate even when he swung as close range and he only called the name when he was using it at a projectile.

    The fact that his mask lasts far longer than 11 seconds is a tad curious, however at this point I really don't care as a fight that's over in 11 seconds would be boring anyway. Plus, I loved the classic shounen hero ending where he turned the tide of the battle just by getting some encouragement from a friend. Can't wait for the next ep.

  11. #11
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    I'm not actually wondering at the breaking of the 11 seconds. Somebody already said a long time ago than Ichigo doesn't learn in a dojo but only in a serious battle. Maybe until now he was a bit lost but let's remember this is the first battle so far after he met Inoue. I personally think that changes a lot. The 11 seconds limit was only established in those stupid looking fights he had with the Vaizards and in those short fights against other people when he had yet little real experience of fighting these new bad guys in his new bad form.

    As the very ending of this episode showed in the most badass manner, Ichigo is only beginning to find himself. Breaking the artificial sounding 11 seconds limit is the least of the things he should be able to do.

  12. #12
    Absolutely stunning. Makes me wonder why I watch Naruto. I'll wait a month per episode if the quality is anywhere near this.

    About the mask situation, the logic behind questioning something when they discuss it in the episode will never make sense to me. Obviously why he can keep his mask on longer isn't revealed exactly but Grimmjow's second guess seems to be what we are supposed to believe. Maybe people are too used to shows telling them exactly what happened...

  13. #13
    ANBU Captain Harima Kenji's Avatar
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    This was the best Bleach ep in a LONG time... that doesn't mean that the previous ones were bad, but this one just kicked so much ass.
    The animation ruled, the action was cool.. and even the 'to be continued' screen had an amazing effect.

    The only downpoint I can think of is Grimmjow's ears.. just...wrong..

  14. #14
    Awesome user with default custom title NeoCybercoin's Avatar
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    Best episode ever! Grimmjaw's Release looks just as cool as in the manga. The movements were so smooth and like said above all new moves isntead of recycled. <3 Grimmjaw.

    And about the mask, Ichigo actually wants to fight this time. Most of the time he did it because it was neccecary. But now he wants to fight. Hollows are evil and fight alot too so I guess that would explain it. That his lust for battle fuels the mask somehow =\

  15. #15
    Chuunin Chiodos's Avatar
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    Am I the only one that didn't feel the Bleach-ish in this episode?
    I know I've been fucked up from behind with the "comic relief" characters to much but wow, almost noooooo dialouges at all. Wich makes me happy.

    This episode was actually really nice and they did very well with the stretchy fight.
    Although one bullshit factor at the end though..
    little soul your dreams are waitin'
    crapping up...
    hold them closely
    never let go, never let go... <3

  16. #16
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jessper
    Absolutely stunning. Makes me wonder why I watch Naruto. I'll wait a month per episode if the quality is anywhere near this.

    About the mask situation, the logic behind questioning something when they discuss it in the episode will never make sense to me. Obviously why he can keep his mask on longer isn't revealed exactly but Grimmjow's second guess seems to be what we are supposed to believe. Maybe people are too used to shows telling them exactly what happened...
    That's true, but Bleach has a habit of not explaining ANYTHING.

    There's so many hanging plot threads in Bleach right now its like watching Lost.

  17. #17
    Meanwhile: Heaven Weeps. Y's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DarthEnder
    That's true, but Bleach has a habit of not explaining ANYTHING.

    There's so many hanging plot threads in Bleach right now its like watching Lost.
    Bleach actually does usually explain it. Details like Ichigo's mask coming into play hundreds of chapters before we find out he's been Hollowfied, or Unohana saying there's something wrong with Aizen's dead body, or Shinji appearing on the cover of chapter one, or Isshin giving Kon the amulet. I'd say that Ichigo having an "evil" spirit energy and being able to maintain his mask for a long period of time is probably a tell.

  18. #18
    It was a great ep, leaves me wondering how time passes there though. Cuz he has had his mask on for a long time. And didnt he have like a 30 Second Limit? Still a cool ep. Love Inoue's reaction to Hollow Ichigo.

    assertnfailure (7:40:03 PM): dude....your posts are a bunch of nonsense

  19. #19
    dude, grimjoww's release kicked ass. He's built as thin as ichigo's bankai, know what I mean?

    They're such a match for each other, that I actually hope Grimmjow sticks around for good. With him dead, that las noches place is gonna be too borin'.

  20. #20
    Mask theory: Ichigo is the perfect Arrancar. He's a hollow who completely removed his mask and lost all of his hollow memories in the process. The only thing that remained is the inner hollow (white Ichigo).

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