Try the mininova page.
But you are absolutely right about what you said about the certain other.
Try the mininova page.
But you are absolutely right about what you said about the certain other.
Well at least we are certain we will go past the kind of tar pot the plot has been slowed down with. Okay, many details and characters are evolving and we are creating the universe for future action. But as of yet, plot wise, there's not much. Or maybe I'm just too demanding. Or maybe the beauty of it is in that kind of progression. What a shame if it stopped at 13 eps for me based on these reasons.Originally Posted by Buffalobiian
All the things I really like to do are either illegal, immoral, or fattening. And then: Golf.
A rather interesting episode. Leaves also nothing unclear what comes to Kaname's reasons for letting Shizuka fool around. I guess he was just waiting for her to return to her real body so that he could steal her powers (that we didn't get to see).
Zero got to play very, very insignificant role, though. Kaname killed Shizuka, taking such a major goal away from Zero, who in turn couldn't even kick his loser brother's sorry ass. The dude has gone down fast.
But the title of the most useless character of the series certainly goes to the Chairman time after time. Even the voice actor must be embarrassed to play the role... I mean, the dude probably wouldn't have cared if Yuuki had got her blood sucked by Shizuka. After all, he can't do anything about what the vampires do. What a shitty dude.
Thanks for the linkOriginally Posted by Kraco
Yesterday it was mininova which was with connection problems, today it's nyaa...
Regarding the ep, I'm just a little disapointed that such a powerful pureblood is beaten with no fighting, no power show off. After all she's older than anyone at the academy, has overcome many troubles and falls in such a lame way. I know life's a bitch, even more so for some purebloods it seems.
Shizuka had the looks, experience and everything to create a strong character, and she's gone (I don't think we'll get a cheap reincarnation or something)
Well, we'll see what's next.
All the things I really like to do are either illegal, immoral, or fattening. And then: Golf.
It's understandable. She was so weak that she had to borrow someone else's body just to move around. And right when she transferred back into her own, she got shot multiple times with anti-vampire rounds. I'd say she was pretty damn tough to even move around. Fighting against Kaname would have been a bit too much to ask, and maybe that's why she didn't even try.
Why she was in such a bad condition to begin with, though, is another question.
Well they sure put us in a good position for a cliffhanger. I was all good to go, believing Kaname was all in all a nice guy, throwing out my previous suspecions. Now they're all back. Though his target is no doubt Yuuki, we don't know what else he's exactly after.
Completely agreeing with the comments about the chairman. He even had a good character design IMO, what a waste. I'm still hoping that we might see him in action some time. Now that we know his trusted partner Kaname isn't really in for peace, if hell breaks loose, the Chairman will have no choice but to act.
If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~
Let's not forget, though, that Shizuka came from the outside. For all we know Kaname might have no problems with anybody at the school. It's a good question why Yuuki seemed so important to Shizuka, unless she really believed she could be turned into an assassin, but I doubt to Kaname she is more than an important person because of what happened in the past. If Kaname breaks lose, I think it would rather be against outsiders.
eh its over ? episode 13
Favorite Gotwoot Mod moment: "Why is everyone in that show black? The art and music are pretty good, and the voice acting is alrite as well......but i can't stand that guy who follows afro around. Hes so, well, black, for the lack of a better term (well thats not true, there is a better term, but i wont use it here)" Assassin
i was raised by this woman =O
First season is over, a second one will start airing in October it seems.Originally Posted by NeoBear
All the things I really like to do are either illegal, immoral, or fattening. And then: Golf.
I need to finish! I had a really weird and elaborate dream about Yuuki and Kaname last night.
"Leaving hell is not the same as entering it." - Tierce Japhrimel
For the patient ones.
Shoku-dan's Vampire Knight Ep 13 END
If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~
I have to say, they really didn't try to make this seam like a 13 episode series, which is fine. If there wasn't enough Yoai stimulus, here's another. Episode wise, nothing much happened, besides showing the aftermath of Shizuka's death. Well now that the question about whether Zero will become a Level E is solved, I've thought of another: having drunk some of Shizuka's blood, does that enable Kaname to control Zero as his servant to some degree? With limited common vampire knowledge (I was told this by Kraco), all I know is that drinking their blood heals his insanity, but whether it breaks their bond is another matter.
Either way, next season should be worth waiting for, with Zero most likely being hunted by the Senior Council right from the start.
For those interested in archiving Shoku-dan, here's their batch torrent.
[Shoku-dan] Vampire Knight 1-13.torrent
If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~
I don't think servants transfer in such a manner in any story. Normally under circumstances like this it's reasonable to think Zero is set free, that is, becomes his own master. He pretty much got Shizuka's blood from Kaname's blood, or alternatively just drinking a pureblood's blood might have been enough. They didn't seem to emphasize the fact, or difference, so I don't think it'll play any role anymore. Besides, since Zero drank Kaname's blood, he would be free in any case, even if Kaname had gained power over him.
Still, it's not like there was any universal vampire textbook that all stories would honour. They just come up with their own ways that suit their particular plot and setting. Which is just fine.
In any case Zero had reached the end of his road so the level E issue had to be solved. The way they did it, with having Kaname offer his blood to Zero, is quite a shoujo show solution, I have to say. Basically he didn't get free by his own power but by the grace of some "prince"...
Meanwhile, here's something to fill the gap till October.
[Nipponsei] Vampire Knight Original
If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~
It took until now to watch the last five episodes, but damn, they were amazing. The infactuation with Yuuki gets a little annoying when she barely reacts or notices it. She just blushes and thinks about someone else, especially when Kaname is like thowing himself at her with love and devotion.
Though characters actions are moved quite a bit by the love triangles, thank god it's still a bit of a subplot, and there's way more interesting things happening, be it through motivation of love or otherwise. Haha @ twincesty scene between Ichiru and Zero. Awwww. Shizuka sucks, but I also get why she did what she did. It's cool that she actually had emotions for Ichiru.
If there's two things I love, it's angsty rejected love and vampires, woo! I just get agitated at Yuuki though seriously. She is selfless to the point of selfishness. We get that she doesn't like standing around witnessing everyone's drama and pain, but she pretty stupidly throws herself in the middle of battles at the most impromptu times, or tries to stop people from hurting one another for the wrong reasons.
It worked out that she tried to stop Zero from killing Shizuka because there is a whole other cool story there with her and Ichiru, but that was sort of futile since she died anyway.. Oh well. I would get a sick pleasure in seeing Yuuki seriously hurt, like Lena Lee from D.Gray Man. Of course that can't happen, this is like a double scooped reverse harem shoujo sundae.
It was cool that Kaname killed Shizuka, and cool that he offered his blood for Zero, even if it was for Yuuki. Predictable, but cool.
Oh and when is the next season outttttt. I think I will marathon it. My body can only take so much suspense between episodes lol.
"Leaving hell is not the same as entering it." - Tierce Japhrimel
so um yeah is this season two and why am i first to notice =/
Vampire Knight Guilty subs by Shoku-dan
5 mins in i guess it is that or an oav ...... rejoice ?
Favorite Gotwoot Mod moment: "Why is everyone in that show black? The art and music are pretty good, and the voice acting is alrite as well......but i can't stand that guy who follows afro around. Hes so, well, black, for the lack of a better term (well thats not true, there is a better term, but i wont use it here)" Assassin
i was raised by this woman =O
A continuation of the first Vampire Knight Season
Genres: action, comedy, drama, romance, supernatural
Themes: Bishoujo, Bishounen, Vampires
Plot Summary: Yuuki wants to know more about her true family and her forgotten past and starts a research. The secret will be revealed. Yuki, Kaname and Zero will show the begining of a new mystery and a forbidden love.
Episodes: 13
First episode posted by Neobear above. Not sure if LQ implies a HQ release later.
Edit: HQ releases tomorrow.
Last edited by Buffalobiian; Fri, 10-10-2008 at 01:30 AM.
If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~
Wow I am so excited. But maybe I will hold off and marathon it, because the suspense between episodes is really rather intense..
PS - My friend, who knows nothing about anime, gave me a Vampire Knight pencil holder. How cool is that? I was shocked.
"Leaving hell is not the same as entering it." - Tierce Japhrimel
I watched already some Ikai Dake subs yesterday, and it looked like a jolly good start, or continuation rather. I remember from the manga (that I stopped reading when this anime began) that around these times things started to get a little confusing for me, which is basically why I was glad to stop reading the manga. I hope the anime remains as clear as it has been so far.
The episode got me straight back into Vampire Knight. They recapped and brought out some new material, which is always a plus. Marie hinted Shizuka having a hiddne agenda... Something like:
"Kiryuu was killed so the real culprit would be hidden" or something. I don't understand it, but seems interesting enough. Good to see Yuuki still struggling to sort out who she likes, while all the little hints point towards Kaname being more than the good noble he appears to be.
Aidou seems to be keeping quiet about something, so it looks like he'll play a bigger part this second time round.
Keep watching Sapph. The tension makes it all the better![]()
If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~