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  1. #1

    Game: GTA IV

    Been getting more and more hyped up about this game now

    Here's the plot
    Niko Bellic is Eastern European, between 28 and 32 years of age and has come to Liberty City to pursue the "American Dream". Niko was persuaded to move to Liberty City by his cousin Roman, who claimed in multiple e-mails to Niko that he was living a fabulous life, with a mansion, women, hot tubs and sports cars. Roman's claims turn out to be lies to hide his own failures, however, and in reality he only owns a small taxi business, which he wants Niko to work for.

    Roman is the only person Niko knows in Liberty City to begin with, and is one of his major connections in the first part of the game. Niko is a tough character, whereas Roman is friendly. Roman is heavily in debt and a lot of people are after him. He desperately needs Niko's support, hence the reason he deceived Niko into travelling to Liberty City. They are constantly bickering. It is later revealed that Niko has also been avoiding other, as yet undisclosed, problems at home.
    Other than just improved graphics and other gameplay parts this one will feature a big multiplayer section. Around 14 different multiplayer modes if i remember correctly. Everything from co-op missions to deathmatch, and everything takes place in the huge city.
    Just read a hands on for a few of the multiplayer modes from here

    Quoting the article:
    From what I played of it, GTA Race could easily be a standalone game, something that would occupy a gamer's attention for months.
    And here's all of the trailers of the game released so far at gametrailers:

    I've already pre ordered this game for the ps3, anyone up for some co-op or deathmatching in the future?

  2. #2
    ANBU python862's Avatar
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    At first, I didn't actually think Rockstar would do anything different with the series. I mean, it's the same thing over and over again. Player comes to town. Something big happens which leaves player without cash or weapons, and hated by everyone. Player eventually rises through the ranks of a gangster organization, through missions given him by random NPC. It's almost like the repetetiveness of Metroid. I'm not saying anything bad about Metroid or GTA, but come on, you could do so much better than this.

    However, with IV, I believe that for once, since GTA III, Rockstar is actually doing something besides saying, "Oh, let's just recycle the storyline, slap some new character animations, graphics, and weapons on it."

    I might check this out once I finally get my PS3 (soon, my precious). And to answer the question you asked, yes.
    Now 99% disease free!

  3. #3
    Chuunin Chiodos's Avatar
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    The thing is, the previous GTA games (stationary consol versions) had controll problems. I really do hope they worked THAT out.
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  4. #4
    ANBU python862's Avatar
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    I've never personally had many problems with the console's controls, it's just the repetition and recycling of storylines that gets me irked. Don't get me wrong, I love to play GTA (it's a pretty good way to relieve stress), and some of the missions are fun (especially one or two in San Andreas), but sometimes (like Final Fantasy), you just need to come up with something new.
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  5. #5
    Chuunin Chiodos's Avatar
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    If you played the latest FF game, the really only new is that their really trying hard to make an mmorpg game for the loner, wich fails remarkly.
    What they should focus, instead of drasticly changes, is to make the City very livley, interactive place to just spend x random hours/days in. The contents should also be huge so you'll have plenty of things to choose from. Even trivial stuff can matter.
    little soul your dreams are waitin'
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    never let go, never let go... <3

  6. #6
    Dont really consider san andreas and vice city to be a part of the "real" serie. Just seen them as some sorts of expansions. Now the fourth game is the one i consider as the true followup from the third. From what i've read they've put a whole lot of detail into this game (30 different kinds of lightposts) , and a whole lot of small details into the gameplay that just feels right.

  7. #7
    ANBU python862's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chiodos
    If you played the latest FF game, the really only new is that their really trying hard to make an mmorpg game for the loner, wich fails remarkly.
    Which is why I play World of Warcraft for my MMO fix.

    Quote Originally Posted by Chiodos
    What they should focus, instead of drasticly changes, is to make the City very livley, interactive place to just spend x random hours/days in.
    What you're describing somewhat sounds like WoW. Lemme tell you what, the cities in that game can get bloated quickly.

    Quote Originally Posted by Sandldan
    Dont really consider san andreas and vice city to be a part of the "real" serie. Just seen them as some sorts of expansions. Now the fourth game is the one i consider as the true followup from the third.
    Not all too uncommon, although they have had the Liberty City Stories, which could've also been counted a spin-off of 3 (which it was).

    Quote Originally Posted by Sandldan
    From what i've read they've put a whole lot of detail into this game (30 different kinds of lightposts) , and a whole lot of small details into the gameplay that just feels right.
    Good, good. If this game can hold up to what it's hyped to be, then it's sure to be a great addition. The detail they're planning for the game will definitely be possible, especially with the processing power available in the PS3.
    Now 99% disease free!

  8. #8
    Pre-ordered this sucker a few days ago for the 360. I remember I originally planned to buy a 360 just for GTA IV (back when the release date was October), so obviously I'm looking forward to it.

    Always loved the GTA franchise, ever since I first played GTA1 on a public computer when I was like... 12. I know people give the controls for III, VC, and SA a hard time, but I never really had a problem. I still play San Andreas periodically, too.

    Also wondering what 360's episodic content will be. Hopefully something cool.

  9. #9
    Chuunin Chiodos's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Genma
    Also wondering what 360's episodic content will be. Hopefully something cool.
    Pretty sad if, or fun, if those episodic things were to go to an Halo-ish place and gets a 1vs1 deathmatch with Master Chief.


    ...a plane ticket to the DOA beaches.......just to see that the girls are NOT there x)!

    What I actually DO want to know are the Easter Eggs. Now those petty things can actually be retardly funny.
    little soul your dreams are waitin'
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  10. #10
    ANBU python862's Avatar
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    Easter eggs can be pretty cool. I remember a few from when I played Metal Gear Solid for the first time on the Playstation. That was cool, seeing all of the J-Culture posters, the Policenauts posters, and especially the little Yoshi on the counter. Priceless. Before anyone asks, that's the PS version, not the Gamecube version. The Gamecube rendition seriously needs to die (although it looks quite a bit better - Silicon Knights did well with graphics).

    Edit (Back on topic): So when is GTA's release date? Do you believe their gonna have it done on time?
    Now 99% disease free!

  11. #11
    it will be done on time, already had a few pushbacks and some people have already finished the game. It should be released 29 of april or late april

  12. #12
    Chuunin Chiodos's Avatar
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    I also wanna know if the blow up a special advocate that says "Video Games kills people!" mission are still on or if they did actually remove it!

    I also want them to add a "replay" button or some sort. In San Andreas you just drove like miles on your millions just to fail it and have to drive all the way back..
    little soul your dreams are waitin'
    crapping up...
    hold them closely
    never let go, never let go... <3

  13. #13

    Game: GTA IV Leaked Online,Privacy wins again

    At around 11:50am Greenwich Mean Time, the PAL version of Grand Theft Auto IV for the Xbox 360 was ripped and leaked to various torrent sites by a ground called iCON. This would of course enable burning a copy for the home console. Meanwhile, the NTSC version is expected within the next 48 hours. YouTube clips have been popping up online of the game's opening and early missions — but as of posting, many of the clips have been taken down. The retail release is a mere six days away. This isn't the first GTA game leaked as San Andreas was as well. And it was leaked a week before, too.

    We haven't verified whether the 6.32 GB file really is the full game, but there are plenty of listings on torrent sites now and we contacted Rockstar for comment.

    OW Hell Yeah Nice work ICON downloading it right now (Newsleecher>speed 2.00MB/s)

    If i was you i would download it instead of buying
    Last edited by Zachiru-Hirosaki; Wed, 04-23-2008 at 04:09 PM.
    *€»~†ǁỐỮ|_ΓΡǁ†‼~«€* - ˜ή*»―†

  14. #14
    i got it and am playing it now WOOOOOOOOOOOT... controles are a bit weard. it has been dramaticly changed. other than that.. its GTA and its fucking great.

  15. #15
    yah if you get it before street date *like super smash bros, boy that one bit me in the ass* don't play it cause you have to update/ connect to live they lock down your system, i didn't think nintendo would actually do it when i got super smash bros early.

  16. #16
    i got banned half a year ago...

  17. #17
    meh couldnt they have cracked it in like 5 days so i wouldnt have to see all the screenshots and in game videos popping up. Oh well hope you'll buy it to support rockstar and get to join the online section ;p

  18. #18
    Cant wait for the online mode ICON said that ''wait up to next monday then you can play online if you dont have patience then you get banned''.
    *€»~†ǁỐỮ|_ΓΡǁ†‼~«€* - ˜ή*»―†

  19. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by Zachiru-Hirosaki
    Cant wait for the online mode ICON said that ''wait up to next monday then you can play online if you dont have patience then you get banned''.
    Can you even play backups on Live?

  20. #20
    Banned darkshadow's Avatar
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    lol dude, say hello to your ban sometime soon

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