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Thread: Naruto Shippuuden Episode 54

  1. #61
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Ah, I just realize what it is that always tips me off on filler characters.

    Its robes.

    Almost every ninja in the Naruto world wears those vests. But the filler characters always seem to be wearing some kind of plain kimono.

  2. #62
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Maybe it's a difference between those people's standing. Generally the ninja we see everyday are pretty much employees of their villages, doing whatever they are contracted to do. Thus, they have a practical uniform (the vest). These filler characters probably aren't even ninja in that sense. They could be some group of characters with ninja skills but if they are working for themselves, for their own ends and not serving any master, then they wouldn't technically be ninja. In such a case using another form of a garb like a kimono (if they are from such a stock) could be well justified. Although everybody with any skills in Naruto is called a ninja, but I'm not exactly talking about that.

  3. #63
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    ... errr are you sure thay did? That kind of sounds like a spoiler to me theta but i'm not quite sure so i'll let the rest of the forum be the judge.

    Anyway if that's the case then i get it why they would develop the character a litle more.

    Btw darth the easiest way to tell if it's a filler character or not in naruto is by the eyes i think

  4. #64
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Archangel
    Btw darth the easiest way to tell if it's a filler character or not in naruto is by the eyes i think

    ehh? not at all.. there is no difference between them.

    the first thing that comes into mind when i see filler characters is

    1. often very long hair
    2. "normal clothing" <--- maybe what people wore @ 1700-1800 in Asia or Japan (plain etc.)
    3. weird techniques, weapons and fighting styles

    @ kimono stuff:

    i think that should indicate that they are from "far away".. like the ones in the movies. it shows that they are "intruders" or something like that

  5. #65
    ANBU saman's Avatar
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    i agree with archie on this one. the animators always make the filler characters' eyes and facial features really bland. canon characters usually have big, wide-set eyes, whereas fillers ones have smaller eyes, set closer together. their hair also often looks like it's been cut by one of those manual saws.

    by the way, i'm surprised no one pointed this out already, but did anyone notice sai's change in wardrobe this episode? was that in the manga?

  6. #66
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    See, thats the thing about the robes, is that the Naruto world is pseudo-modern. So filler characters often stand out by looking like their dressed for feudal japan.

    More filler characters need to be wearing street clothes.

  7. #67
    The Fallen Abdula's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by saman
    by the way, i'm surprised no one pointed this out already, but did anyone notice sai's change in wardrobe this episode? was that in the manga?
    Yeah, it was in there.

    Btw for some reason I'm actually looking forward to the next filler arc, just to see what they are going to throw at us but I think I know whats going to happen.
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  8. #68
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    No no. By all means. During the arc where you actually DON'T know whats going to happen, feel free to tell us what you think.

  9. #69
    About the team Asuma joining team Kakashi:
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  10. #70
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Abdula
    Btw for some reason I'm actually looking forward to the next filler arc, just to see what they are going to throw at us but I think I know whats going to happen.
    Well yeah a manga reader can find fillers interesting i guess.

  11. #71
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    , if thats the case anime-watchers should find them interesting too. as i said before (i think) people who don't read the manga won't know if its filler or not (well okay i have to admnit sometimes its pretty obvious but at the moment those fillercharacters look like the real deal)..

    so you can't tell if its filler or not and if you can't tell, then you have to assume that its part of the story and if you are interested in the story, then fillers should be fine for you..

    manga readers however *normally* hate fillers because they want to see fights animated..the only reason for them to watch fillers is to see some "good" fights

  12. #72
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by KrayZ33
    so you can't tell if its filler or not and if you can't tell, then you have to assume that its part of the story and if you are interested in the story, then fillers should be fine for you..
    One major problem here is that fillers very often don't even remotely look like to be a part of the story. They have their own story, which has got nothing to do with anything. Of course this is natural as the filler script writing monkeys can't mess with the actual story too much; they don't have the bananas for that. However, viewers will immediately think: "what has this got to do with anything?".

  13. #73
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    well i remember naruto chasing sasuke etc. and at first i thought this was part of the story until i realized that they don't get any further.. that was the point i realized i m watching fillers (well, the first fillers wern't that bad! they had good animation, too some were even better than most shippudden episodes in animation AND story)

    episode 140 for example.
    Last edited by KrayZ33; Wed, 04-09-2008 at 09:15 AM.

  14. #74
    Chuunin Chiodos's Avatar
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    140? Was it the Kakashi lip thing episode? Becuse that was a filler, although they did release it as a side special in the manga.
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  15. #75
    The easiest way to tell fillers apart from the main story is that the antagonists are not really affiliated with any of the previously established antagonists in the story at all. Other than the first filler arc, the water monster arc, and the Raiga arc, which tied in with Orochimaru and/or Akatsuki, none of the other arcs had much of a chance of advancing the story of Naruto fight with Akatsuki or his quest to reunite with Sasuke. The rest of the arcs just disregarded the previous state the show and had Naruto running around being the buddy ninja who saving cats and beats up thugs who steal people's milk money.

    When you look at the real Naruto there are four (five) arcs. Mist country, Chuunin Exam, (Sand+Sound vs Leaf war), find Tsunade, and retrieve Sasuke. As the story progresses it quickly moves away from, 'Naruto goes to on an adventure and helps people out along the way' to 'Bad shit comes to/happens in Naruto's world and he has to deal with it'. The bad stuff tends to have a recurring theme of being related to either Akatsuki/Jinchuuriki or Orochimaru and each arc builds upon the one before it. After the Sasuke fight we get a stopping point on the Orochimaru plot and the Akatsuki randomly show up and declare they won't be doing anything for a while either. Then we get nearly 100 episodes of 'Naruto goes to on an adventure and helps people out along the way' regressing the story all the way back to the attitude of the beginning of the first arc and letting things stagnate back at that level.

    With this coming filler arc I suspect they will once again ignore any links between the new villains and one's we're used to and thus make the struggles of the cast to defeat them ultimately meaningless.
    Last edited by Yukimura; Wed, 04-09-2008 at 03:25 PM.

  16. #76
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    hmmm i remember the fillers a little differently than you... in my opinion about ~70% were like

    "we have to go help/kill XXXX he might have a connection to orochimaru" <--- and most filler characters had some special powers given from orochimaru

    so i think the filler characters in shippudden have some connection to the story too.. maybe some agents from akatsuki or so... who knows what they were searching in that ruin there.

  17. #77
    Awesome user with default custom title darkmetal505's Avatar
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    Filler characters also come from the weirdest villages that you've never heard of like the Hidden Star village, Fang and Claw countries, etc.

    I'm betting these characters come from the Purple Flying Dragon village.

  18. #78
    I forgot about Mizuchi's arc which did tie in with Oro. That makes four arcs in total that tied in with pre-established characters or plot lines in some way.

    Oro's villiage: 6 eps (Season 5)
    Mizuchi (Tony the Tiger's Frosted) Flakes: 6 eps (Season 5)
    Raiga Arc: 6 eps (Season 5-6)
    Anko/Water Monster Arc: 5 eps (Anko pwns) (Season 6)

    That's 23 out of 84 episodes and all near the beginning of the filler time. The remaining arcs were just random people with random problems needing Naruto and friends to do random things to save them.
    Last edited by Yukimura; Thu, 04-10-2008 at 03:36 PM.

  19. #79
    The problem with the fillers was that they never ever lead to anything.. They always returned to where they started all the way until they ended when the story could actually progress.

    I have to admit I quite enjoyed parts of the Anko arc because it actually brought something new storywise to the table (and we really don't see Anko enough), but otherwise it was pretty much rubbish.
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  20. #80
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Yukimura
    I forgot about Mizuchi's arc which did tie in with Oro. That makes four arcs in total that tied in with pre-established characters or plot lines in some way.

    Oro's villiage: 6 eps (Season 5)
    Mizuchi Flakes: 6 eps (Season 5)
    Raiga Arc: 6 eps (Season 5-6)
    Anko/Water Monster Arc: 5 eps (Anko pwns) (Season 6)

    That's 23 out of 84 episodes and all near the beginning of the filler time. The remaining arcs were just random people with random problems needing Naruto and friends to do random things to save them.

    who was mizuchi? was it the one who transformed into a tiger because oro gave him this elixir?
    (the guy in the first 2 episodes of naruto)

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