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Thread: Naruto Shippuuden Episode 54

  1. #41
    I need some help...everytime I open the folder that I downloaded 54 into, the computer freezes. Anyone know why this is? (and i tried redownloading, it does the same thing)

  2. #42
    I wish it's widescreen and HD...not just regular Widescreen.
    I mean, what's the point of going to widescreen if it's not HD. Most Widescreen TVs are High Definition anyway.

  3. #43
    Awesome user with default custom title poopdeville's Avatar
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    They need a better encoder. I've never had problems watching H264 in QuickTime, except for this episode.

    (FrontRow, Apple's remote controlled media player, uses QuickTime internally. I wish VLC made decent remote control interface)

  4. #44
    Well, I'm actually happy enough with the episode. Finally some comic relief, especially when you watch through Sai's eyes how the brutal attack from Sakura goes haha.

  5. #45
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by narutosharingan
    I need some help...everytime I open the folder that I downloaded 54 into, the computer freezes. Anyone know why this is? (and i tried redownloading, it does the same thing)
    redownload into a different location? Preferably not your desktop, more like C:/Naruto 54/ or something, so you can try the open file thing again to see if it's the file that's f*cking up. Also, since you can't open the folder, use your torrent program to delete the n54.torrent + data and see if the folder's fine.

  6. #46
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    I was honestly fucking shocked when I realized that the stuff shown in Episode 1 of Shippuuden turned out to be essentially the climax of this arc. The first time I saw that stuff I was like, "man, shit must really get wild after that in whatever arc that is". But then it turns out, nope, thats basically the end.
    Quote Originally Posted by The Archangel
    Btw am i the only one that doesn't get it why asuma is suddenly getting air time? He was like invisible till now and all of a sudden he gets airtime in the opening ( one of those times getting priority over kakashi and the other one fighting some dude) .
    I already explained this in the thread for the last episode. Team Asuma(Shika, Choiji, Ino), is obviously either the primary focus of the filler arc, or the team that teams up with Team Kakashi during the filler arc. Asuma got so much screentime in the opening for the same reason the filler villains did, that opening is obviously meant to showcase the filler arc.

  7. #47
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by narutosharingan
    I need some help...everytime I open the folder that I downloaded 54 into, the computer freezes. Anyone know why this is? (and i tried redownloading, it does the same thing)
    I can't think of any other reason than that as it's an avi container, Windows tries to create a thumbnail yet fails to because of the new encoding of the ep. I guess the simplest solution would be to first change the folder viewing to something else than thumbnails, like icons or detail, and only then downloading the episode there. Or if the ep is already there, you could use the command prompt to move the ep into a folder that uses a suitable viewing method, which does not create thumbnails.

    Well, anyway, that's all I can think of.

  8. #48
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco
    I can't think of any other reason than that as it's an avi container, Windows tries to create a thumbnail yet fails to because of the new encoding of the ep. I guess the simplest solution would be to first change the folder viewing to something else than thumbnails, like icons or detail, and only then downloading the episode there. Or if the ep is already there, you could use the command prompt to move the ep into a folder that uses a suitable viewing method, which does not create thumbnails.

    Well, anyway, that's all I can think of.
    Does that mean it should be strange that I can see mine as a thumbnail? Coz I can.

  9. #49
    update your codecs

  10. #50
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DarthEnder
    I already explained this in the thread for the last episode. Team Asuma(Shika, Choiji, Ino), is obviously either the primary focus of the filler arc, or the team that teams up with Team Kakashi during the filler arc. Asuma got so much screentime in the opening for the same reason the filler villains did, that opening is obviously meant to showcase the filler arc.
    It's still weird how he got priority over kakashi in the opening, stuff like that never happens. Bah i0m gonna hate these fillers, i just know it. Looks like they're going to use asuma and his team alot, i hate those guys except for shikamaru, the filler characters look weird and i hear that this idea is retarded since they already have like a 100 chapters advance on the manga... Only good thing is that apparently we're gonna see kyuubi naruto again.

  11. #51
    Quote Originally Posted by Buffalobiian
    redownload into a different location? Preferably not your desktop, more like C:/Naruto 54/ or something, so you can try the open file thing again to see if it's the file that's f*cking up. Also, since you can't open the folder, use your torrent program to delete the n54.torrent + data and see if the folder's fine.

    Tried a different folder, but I can't even click on the file. The moment I open the folder, it freezes. I have tried 2 different folders.

    Codecs I believe are updated.

    I can't even switch it to a nonthumbnail icon, it won't let me.

    Someone mentioned that it needs to be 1.5 ghz to see it. Is this true?

    edit: I just opened the recycle bin where the folder that had the file was in, and even then my computer froze. Yeeesh

  12. #52
    Someone mentioned that it needs to be 1.5 ghz to see it. Is this true?
    no. it might play choppy on a comp that slow but it wont make your comp freeze up like that.

    im pretty sure its a codec problem. i recommend downloading and installing this:

  13. #53
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Archangel
    Only good thing is that apparently we're gonna see kyuubi naruto again.
    If so, it won't be in the way that the dream looked like in his dream all 9 tails were unleashed.
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  14. #54
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    ... if kyuubi naruto doesn't show up i'm giving up on this anime.

    Btw, what's that power coming from asuma's blades? Is it chakra?

  15. #55
    everything is chakra

  16. #56
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    Is it chakra?
    no these were actually shortswords from the Halo-universe...

    asuma however decided that they are too big and so they won't fit with his fighting style

    but i don't want to spoil it so i won't explain it any further

  17. #57
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by KrayZ33
    no these were actually shortswords from the Halo-universe...

    asuma however decided that they are too big and so they won't fit with his fighting style

    but i don't want to spoil it so i won't explain it any further

    I get it now y BoC uses this so much

  18. #58
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Archangel
    I get it now y BoC uses this so much
    Just because he has used such a meme image in the Pit, doesn't mean you need to make a no-content post here using it. Joking about a too-obvious-to-take-seriously question is one thing but making a bad joke about the joke is nothing but spam.

    Really dude, with 90% warning you should always think twice before pressing the submit button. I always do, and I've never been warned.

  19. #59
    On the topic of Asuma, and if i remember correctly from the first Naruto series, his full name is Sarutobi Asuma. Though it still hasn't been made clear in the series itself, i'm going to guess he's a descendant of the Third. I'm not saying that makes him important enough to get more screen time over Kakashi; more along the lines of X-kage descendants have been pretty important to the series in the past.

    Personally, I'd like to see more of his character. I liked the scene where he saved Shikamaru's ass from that squad of sound ninjas during the chunnin exams.

  20. #60
    Awesome user with default custom title darkmetal505's Avatar
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    I don't get what the problem is showing Asuma in the opening. They always focus on a non-main character/team during the the filler arcs. Maybe team Asuma will join Team Kakashi to fight the Shaman group dudes.

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